How rare is this?

Lewy, do you worry about potential diseases introduced to your tank (bacterial, etc)? Or has this never been an issue? Since they eat live-ish food a lot, do they touch any prepared foods, or have you never bought any prepared foods because you have a fantastic source for your own food?
Lewy, do you worry about potential diseases introduced to your tank (bacterial, etc)? Or has this never been an issue? Since they eat live-ish food a lot, do they touch any prepared foods, or have you never bought any prepared foods because you have a fantastic source for your own food?

Azumi has never had issues with diseases and bacteria feeding them with the collected food.

You may be able to see a Powder Blue in the pics. If he did have a problem that one would be the first to show any sign of distress.

As you can see his tank is looking a bit bare at the moment as he is curing some LR to redo his aquascape.

I forgot to mention that those baby prawns as only available a few times a year. That is why we collect and freeze.

As you can see his fish are all nice/fat and healthy.

In my own tank I only very rarely feed them the prawns. Since my fish are only small. I feed them exclusively on New Life Spectrum Pellets and some flake food.
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Thanks Lewy! I did notice the powder blue. All those fish in that tank are gorgeous! I guess being here in the US there aren't many unpolluted beaches, well, at least, beaches where I would actually go out and grab something for my tank if it was legal. Good to know the tidal flats are even more alive and clean than I previously thought. I suppose Australia has some strict regulations when it comes to waste removal, so as to keep the reefs happy and healthy?
so cool and a dream.. can't imagine not being able to walk over to the beach and save all these reef creatures and give them a nice home.. :) Love the idea of going out and hunting for critters, fishes, etc in the beach..
39 pages and my eyes hurting :D Thanks alot for the photos of beautiful creatures. Just yesterday watched BBC Great Barrier Reef 3 episodes. And then found out your log. It was like a treat after a nice dinner :D
Best. Thread. Ever.

I was out in Rockhampton/Yepoon a couple years back with the marines...your rainy season is no joke, even if you are on the other side of the country. And someone mentioned that stuff, i have half a pint that I'm saving, you guys probably think thats crazy since that is as common as bud light here. Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us!
Absolutely amazing thread. I would never be home on the weekends, I'd be out exploring the whole time lol. One question though, what type of footwear do you wear out there? Heavy duty boots?
I just saw the boots you guys wear a few pages back. I don't know if I would feel safe wearing those with the blue rings roaming about lol.