How to join?


I am new to reefkeeping, just got a 72 gallon bowfront tank and tomorrow I will pick up the stuff I need to start at Exotic Fish and Coral.
Last week I joined CTARS and now I find out about Aquarium Reef Keepers of Southwest Connecticut. As I live in Fairfield, it makes more sense to join your club (or may be both?)
So how can I join? if you guys don't mind a noob :)
Just show up at the meetings. We are a free to join, informal group of fish geeks. Ofcourse noobs are welcome as we all started somewhere.
Hey Didi,
Welcome! You are just a town away from me. If you get into a bind since you are just starting out, chat me (or anyone here) and Ill help out where I can.

TONS of resources here in reef central -- great threads, and tons of really good online vendors too. Plz do yourself a favor and check with guys in the fourums / here on what is a good idea, and fair prices...I made tons of mistakes when I started and overpaid so much at local fish stores by not knowing any better.

Good luck.

-- Seth