How to shade a shroom? out of the box thinking please?


Premium Member
I have some yumas that apparently weren't getting bleached under MH but are under my T5s at the bottom of my 21" tank *grr* .. Most if not all of my rock is sort of taken at the moment and since they growing around a rock I can't really tip it on its side and slide it under a shady place ...

Anyone have any suggestions for letting me shade my guys and hopefully acclimate them better to my light? I figured at the bottom they wouldn't be too bad off but when i look at the pic i first took it looks like its happening =\

I was wondering if theres anything i could cover them with that wouldn't disturb the other corals near them.

Try monti capricornis. Doesn't mind the light, grows in leaves and plates, and grows fast.
Now that IS out of the box thinking. i was thinking of something temporary and\or manmade but that could just do it! now to find some cheap!
You can probably use egg crate (light diffuser) overtop of them at an angle to "diffuse" the light a little and shade them. The beauty of that is you can slowly change the angle and let more light through with time ;)

Here's a pic of the stuff incase you aren't familiar with it. You can buy it at Home Depot.

I have that stuff as a cover on the top of my tank already. Maybe i can cut some more off and try to do it but its over about a 3 inch rock sort of cylindrical shaped and as i said the shrooms are kind of winding around it :( its weird >< maybe i'll have to go play with this idea until i canf ind a nice cap to have go over it
You might be able to create a shaded area with by placing aluminum foil between the tank and light above the mushrooms untill you find a better solution.Hopefully the foil will not rid other corals of light.
in my tank i have a shelf type rock set up on one side and the shrooms you are having trouble with could be placed under the shelf temp. and it is at little expense too! which is pretty nice. so perhaps rearranging ur rock set up to do that would help
I ended up going with a monti cap but it needs to grow out a bit and im picking nudis off of it :( and in the meantime i have ethem hidden under a rock with a silicone mat up top (i was concerned about heat form my t5s - they arent hot but near the bulb they are) shading just the shrooms thanks a ton guys!