How will the new CA mandates affect reefers in the state?

I don't know, but apparently tiny Delta smelt won't suffer any harm. :uhoh3:

The legitimacy of the restrictions are not credible until they can reinstate the Bay Delta Accord.

I'm glad I don't live there. My water comes from an unlimited underground aquifer. :frog:

Time for you guys to desalinate ocean water like the Saudis.
I don't know, but apparently tiny Delta smelt won't suffer any harm. :uhoh3:

The legitimacy of the restrictions are not credible until they can reinstate the Bay Delta Accord.

I'm glad I don't live there. My water comes from an unlimited underground aquifer. :frog:

Time for you guys to desalinate ocean water like the Saudis.

Just curious but which unlimited aquifer would that be?
Is Reefing causing cancer in Cali now? There are a lot of products out there that say "can cause cancer in California" or is it more like toys in happy meals are making kids fat? LOL So glad i dont live in Cali
I live in california......the central valley to be exact. This state sucks. The politics, taxes, restrictions, welfare, unemployment, budget, and draught are all a thorn in my side. If I could live anywhere it would be TEXAS. The people there in the Lone Star state are awesome, The've really got it together.
Well, I wasn't born here, but I got here as fast as I could! (You know where).;)

Hurry up and move here!
Just wondering how will reefing businesses and hobby be affected in CA due to the drought?

We just know our goal is to reduce by 25%, it will be up to your local water agency to determine how they meet that goal. I think if you do things to improve your RO/DI efficiency and capture your waste water to use for other purposes, thats a good as you can do for your tank. The biggest challenges will be maintaining our emerald green landscapes. Lawns are the biggest target on the hit list.
Just curious but which unlimited aquifer would that be?

Yeah, its quite a feat, that is for sure.

Wells are on route to being regulated as well. That was announced months ago. I'm on a well as well, and I conserve as best I can as no aquifer is unlimited.
I live in california......the central valley to be exact. This state sucks. The politics, taxes, restrictions, welfare, unemployment, budget, and draught are all a thorn in my side. If I could live anywhere it would be TEXAS. The people there in the Lone Star state are awesome, The've really got it together.

Why don't you just move! I'm sure you'll be greeted with open arms coming from CA. :facepalm:

Interesting so many CA haters. Or is it just jealousy? :lolspin:

The subject was about water. I think the new mandates will affect many things besides reefing. I expect the cost of food to rise quite a bit.
Well if idiots would stop releasing animals that don't belong here into the wild we here in Florida wouldn't have a problem. Instead we now have reefs being decimated by lionfish and wetlands getting hammered by pythons.

But hey, it's a cool 75 degrees here on my patio, the beer's about 34 and I didn't have to file a "state" income tax return today. All is well in the sunshine state. Maybe do a little fishing in the gulf tomorrow. ;) Cheers.
Well, let's see.... because I have family in California, my jobs in California, my wife's jobs in California, my kids private schools in California. Yes, we are talking about water.... and the potential effects it could have on our hobby. Am I jealous? LOL! not in the least bit buddy, not in the least bit. Keep drinking the Kool Aide......... though.
BTW my grass is green, I waste 4 gallons to make 1 gallon of R/O water, I take 30 minute showers without the 2.5 G.P.M. restrictor........ so if that makes me a hater.......guilty as charged.

Your comment was offensive and unproductive. Don't try to insult me or make me look stupid on this forum.... cause I can play this note all day.
Conjecture? You're the one talking about...

What are you talking about. Who are they.

And you can point to one popular incident, but the fact is we find these snakes all over Florida. Not just the Everglades. Why? How? Because people "release" them.

Honestly, I'd rather not even have this discussion. Live where ever you want to live. If you don't live in Florida, what's it matter to you.
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Some of you need to remember the User Agreement. If you can't make your point without bigotry or politics, you need to stay away from RC while it is still your choice.
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No drought problems here in CT, but I still attempt to catch as much of my RODI waste water as possible for the garden. Drinking water first, reef tank second, bathing third ..... phew!
We just know our goal is to reduce by 25%, it will be up to your local water agency to determine how they meet that goal. I think if you do things to improve your RO/DI efficiency and capture your waste water to use for other purposes, thats a good as you can do for your tank. The biggest challenges will be maintaining our emerald green landscapes. Lawns are the biggest target on the hit list.

Adding a second membrane to your RO will cut your waste water in half. For me in PA, using around 60-80 gallons per week between top off and water changes, that stands to save me around 140 gallons of waste per week, plus whatever amount of usage there is for my drinking water. With a family of six heavy water drinkers, there would be a measurable amount saved. Hmm. I might just do that without .gov regulations.

When I was in SoCal, I found the amount of water used for irrigation to be insane. The soil there was very sandy and to maintain the grass, massive amounts of water was used. Choosing vegetation that requires less water could make a significant difference.

I don't know the condition of your water supply, but in PA, the infrastructure is very old and has less than 1% replaced annually. That suggests that our oldest pipes will be near 107 when they get replaced. How much water gets wasted by leaky infrastructure?
Somehow I doubt reef tanks would be affected much (if at all). I suspect the CA folk will have to do without watering their lawns, and in some areas perhaps swimming pools. Those are FAR bigger consumers of water (especially the lawns) than one's aquarium.

Fortunately, I live in a water-rich part of the country. :)
Residential water use accounts for about 20% of the total water use in California. The agricultural industry uses the rest. (I just learned that it takes one gallon of water per year to grow a single almond!! Multiple that by the number of almonds on a tree and the number of almond trees in the Central Valley and it becomes easier to understand how much water is required for agriculture. Oh, and I'm going to cut back on my almond consumption) The Governor's new mandate puts a higher burden on residential uses (we don't have a lobby group), but all users are going to have to drastically reduce their usage. Fortunately for those of us who live in Los Angeles County, we have had restrictions in place for about a year already that have resulted in a decrease of about 20% of the water use in the county so we only have a little bit more to go to meet the new state requirements. I managed to save without impacting my reef by reducing my landscape watering. I already have drought tolerant landscaping so my plants haven't suffered. I do plan on installing a barrel to capture my RO waste water and use that for landscape irrigation.
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Would you be so kind as to clarify a political post? There seems to be some in this thread. Is there an OK political post?

Without really knowing the interpretation of the rules there is no way we can stay within them.