
yeah, dangit.

Well, this weekend is busy also. Im going to get a start on it though.
I would like to sit down and do it all at once, but I dont know if thats going to happen. I will get the site name bought, and hopefully get a forum loaded on it. We will see.
hey read something about a frag party...

that still goin on?

im game if it does, only one ive met personally is Brett so id like to meet everyone.
Hey guys and gals,

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that you have not "lost" me :) I am lurking around the island still. My family is doing an "early return of dependents" to take care of a sick mother-in-law. I will still be here for the next year and a half. I am moving into the barracks and the fish tank hasn't been getting the full attention it needs.

The barracks room has a lot of potential and I am thinking of putting my tank on the counter seperating my living room and kitchen. I want to make it look like a wall tank on the living room side and then put a curtain behind it on the kitchen side. I am also going to put my lights on drawer slides so I can access the tank easier. I am going to need everyones brainpower to pull this one off! I am also NOT going to run a sump, just diligent weekly water changes.

Let me know what you guys think. I will be moving in on Monday and would like to get the tank back up and running shortly thereafter. I'm going to have a sh*tload of spare time on my hands in the near future without the family here so I plan on focusing on my tank.

Talk to you later,

I'm probably going to go through, use a template for the opening page, do like a "feature" on the front page and then go into the forums.

The forums will be the main aspect of the site.

I briefly talked with my OIC about it just casually, she recommended not using "OKINAWA" and use somethign like "oki" for reasons of legal issues. I think shes a little crazy but at the same time might not be a bad idea.

HOPEFULLY this weekend I will get started with it. From there its just going to be a word of mouth ordeal, I looked at getting a banner from for a month to get it kickstarted then hopefully I can get a sponsor or 2.
Well, I had the hammer dropped on me today.

I got slated for recruiting, I do the interview with the team in January and as long as I could graduate the school no later than Aug, hello recruiting. I have nothing to hold me back, I have enough time, no issues, no tat's...:(

I don't know if I want to start a website now. IMO not really any sense in starting a site if I might have to leave in a few months.
No Tats??? Go get one! Right on the forehead and then they won't think about you as a recruiter. Really though, that sucks. I wouldn't want that job for all the money in the world..(well maybe for a huge tank I'd do it...) Do the website anyway. We are still here and can make you homesick (or okinawa homesick)Besides, It will be fun and something that others can learn about. That and you will be back here in 3 years anyway if you beg them.
a friend just told me that if I re-enlisted with a bonus (which I did), they wont be able to slate me.

i wonder if the bonus is waverable. Im pretty weirded out that they chose a Cpl for a recruiter. They must be desperiate. Usally its Sgt's and above...although I have been a Cpl for a long frickin time....
Ohh yeah, and I still wouldnt mind doing the forum, I would just have to pass it off when I leave...or not necessarly, but you know what I mean.