Huge thank you to Macna organizers

I've been with Matt's security crew and he is doing a great job. It's almost as if he's done it for years every week. :lol:

Vendors have approached me to compliment how great this macna has been. They also mentioned feeling secured with all the green shirts around so kudos to the volunteers also for doing a great job. :bounce3:

Mat and his volunteers made the event a huge success. Thanks to all that dedicated their spare time to help out.

Lourdes and I are still in a coma, as im sure the rest of the committee is.
They did a great job, I hope they got to enjoy this event as much as we did.

Jurg- most of our committee didnt even walk the floor, LOL.

I bought ZERO, not because i didnt want to, but because i couldnt.

Im still hearing voices in my ear, 2 days later, from those radios!!:rolleyes:
woot woot!! pats on the back everyone!! great job Eddie!! you, tony and the rest of the board did a great job! Made me proud to be a FMAS member!!
Thanks for all the compliments guys.

The whole committee, and volunteers worked very hard to make this happen for u guys. :rollface:

Bill you forgot dancing Seahorses that headed the Conga line to the nightclub. How bout the fire dancer? :)

Did someone say fire?


woot woot!! pats on the back everyone!! great job Eddie!! you, tony and the rest of the board did a great job! Made me proud to be a FMAS member!!

Richard- you missed a bunch of people!!!

So its best to thank the WHOLE committee :rollface:

Julio Perez- Co-Chair- and energizer bunny
Marvin- Prez, Security, and THE MAN
Tony- Speaker liason
Bobby- Raffle
Matt- Volunteers
Tiquan- Vendors and a bunch of underground stuff
Lourdes (my sweetheart)- Registration
Lulio, our accounting guru, and his wife Lissette in Registration
Herman and his wife Shelly- Sponsors, and advertising
Matt- Volunteers
John- Website and much more
Eddie and Renee Steinman- Merchandising, etc.

even though I only got to enjoy the show for a couple of hours because of my surgery, i could tell it was an awesome show....great job everyone.
It was a great event all the effort, time, opinions and disagreements came together because our goal was the same, to put together the best MACNA of the last 25 years.

:uhoh3: Is not over we need to finalize our numbers. I am just giving you guys a break; expect a call before the weekend.:)
:uhoh3: Is not over we need to finalize our numbers. I am just giving you guys a break; expect a call before the weekend.:)


Lulio, did the anthias you got from that guy at the end of the show survive? Mine didnt, i think there was too much ammonia or something in the water since he was breaking down the tank. :( Thats the only thing i can attribute it to since the clowns i bought and the coral i got from the other vendors are all doing fine.
I dropped mine off Sunday night they were stressed but made it, eating like pigs. Coral casualties 3 purchased, 2 mine 1 Marvin’s (I have his frags)