Hydrogen peroxide Dips


New member
I am a regular user of revive and furan II and have gotten used to those but have never tried H2O2. I know some people locally and on this board who have had great success with it but I have always been a little too scared to try it as I have heard to much H2O2 can kill the coral quite quickly.

So my question is if you are using it, what ratio H2O2 and how long of a dip are you doing? These zoa eating asterinas are getting me on two levels, if they simply don't eat the zoas they do enough damage to close up the frag/colony. I have done dips in revive and furan II and am still struggling.
I made the mistake of believing what I read about the effectiveness and safety of hydrogen peroxide and nearly killed the zoos I dipped in it. They were closed for 3 weeks afterwards. That was at a 1:1 reef water:H2O2 ratio. Clearly way too strong. As I recall I dipped for 5 minutes. It was like scrubbing bubbles all over the frag.

I could see trying 4:1 or 5:1 reef water:H2O2.
I have had success with it I use 2 parts water to one part H202 and dip for No more than 5-8 minutes
Good thread!!!
I want to hear about that too!!
Never tried. People use hydrogen peroxide for nuisance algae too.
For some reason I've thought we would have to mix hydrogen peroxide with RO water first (50-50) in order to be added to a container with the colony in reef water to be treated.

When mixing solutions I prefer to use tank water compared to say RO just as a way of minimizing osmotic, ionic and temperature stresses.

In my case I had nuisance algae that wanted to grow on polyps and was willing to try something different to remove it. The treatment was successful at removing the algae. However, as one might suspect, the algae regrew on the smooth polyp skin during the 3 weeks that the polyps were closed recovering from the trauma.
I used peroxide on a frag of zoas without any issues. The algae never came back. I used full strength and used a syringe for spot treatment. I let it set about a minute then rinsed and put it back in the tank. The next days the polyps were open again and the algae all died.
What would be the advantage of H2O2 compared to more established methods?

Apparently H2O2 can be a very effective dip for treating zoas of algae problems but also with some fungus/bacteria issues. I am open to trying anything, just did not want to kill the zoas outright with the zip and be cursing myself.
I always use this regiment of polyps showing fungus, bacterial or issue with Algae growth on polyps. havent tried this method on frags with Aiptasia on it, but will soon.
650-is350, since you seem to have quite a bit of experience; can you inform us as how you do it? What strength, how long anything else you may be doing.
Ive used it also. I use tank water and add peroxide until the zoas begin to bubble. Let sit for 3 minutes and rise. Saved a colony of some expensive zoas. I think it helps fight some fungus
I did 20% Hydo 80% salt water in a cup ( Red plasic beer cups, large ones ).. drop them in leave for 2-3 mins sometimes a little longer if really infested with bacteria/fungus or algae. I've done higher than 50% mix with more Hydo than watter.. but that's on Z's and P's that have been used to this treatment and can tolerate it... Some Z's and P's cannot even tolearate a 20/80 mix of mostly saltwater and literally melt overnight after a treatment.
When I used it I kept adding it slowly till I got the bubbles forming. Once I hit that point I stopped adding more. I would say it needs to be watched carefully and too much can be bad, but there is no set amount and all corals act differently .
Thanks everyone for the responses, I am going to have to give this a try. Seems the best advice is start slow and keep an eye on everything.
Saltwater.... less stress compared to a FW/Peroxide.

I've had some blister like crazy but they come to normal after a while ( looking like moster boil about to burst )
Saltwater.... less stress compared to a FW/Peroxide.

I've had some blister like crazy but they come to normal after a while ( looking like moster boil about to burst )