I need help! please


New member
Today my dog Bella Luce looked like she was trying to poop and couldn't. Later on she started vomiting and crying of pain. I took her to the vet and it turns out my dog is in need of emergency cystectomy surgery. As you can imagine the surgery is very costly and I cannot afford the price they have quoted me. I have called around to all the emergency animal hospitals and all their quotes are really high too. Can anyone recommend a vet who is reasonable with their prices? I have just lost my job and therefore I do not have much money to work with. Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Very desperate here. I cannot stand seeing my dog suffering and in pain. Please Help!!!
I was a vet tech for 4 years. Take her to banfield pet hospital it's the most affordable place. I can also pm you a couple of doctors numbers. I have worked in 3 different clinics.
I took her to Banfield, she's under the wellness plan. I was quoted for $1500.00. She needs surgery no later than tomorrow morning. Thanks everybody.
doggydog sent pm last night and when I noticed it was too late. I'm going to wait to get in contact with him first before taking her for surgery. She passed a lot of stones last night and she's feeling more comfortable right now. She's under pain killers and antibiotics.
Is horrible to see her crying in pain. I usually keep my grandchildren on weekends but has to send them home because the oldest one didn't stop crying.
She's schedule to se doggydoc tomorrow at 9:00 AM. She definitely needs surgery but she's stable right now with pain killers and antibiotics, sleeping most of the day. Right now I'm not working so I being able to watch her all day. Thank you soooooo much for your concern.
I hope, because right now after this surgery I won't be able to afford a cup of coffee. I work as a self contractor and Friday I was informed the company is closing.
Sorry about the job loss, hope you find somethign quick. But I am glad your pup is stable and good luck with the surgery, from what I've heard doggydoc is amazing.
Antonio (doggydoc) is the BEST! He has been taking care of my animals for a LONG time and I would trust him whole heartedly.

I wish you all the best with your pup.
As you guys anticipated Dr. Longo took special care for Bella Luce, super professional, kind and generous. Staff super friendly. First time I felt like, I'm taking a family member to the doctor not just simply a pet. She's under a special diet for a while to see if take care of calcified stones in bladder, if not then she will need surgery. Thanks everyone for your recommendations and concern for Bella's health.
There 's no pain like the pain caused by watching a loved one suffer. Dogs are people too :) I'm very glad to see that Bella is in good hands, and I wish her a speedy recovery, and you the comfort that can only come from knowing that you were able to provide her with the care she needed.
It's good to have friends!
It was agonizing to watch her in so much pain. At beginning I thought it was the worst, got to Banfield and the first thing it come in their mind is money. I beg them to take pain away from her with no success. Dr. told me only surgery, to find out later on by Dr. Longo that surgery wasn't emergency on females only on males. Banfield kept me in office for four hours trying to find out how I was going to find the money for surgery since I told them I lost my job and didn't have the money at the time. Even offered me to apply for loan, I told them responsible people take loans when they able to pay and that wasn't my case. I paid 178.00 for meds only, visit and X rays were included on the wellness plan. Staff Left Bella crying in pain in the waiting room next to me and grandson both of us crying terrified she was dying. Until right now I haven't received a courtesy call from them to see if she made it thru. NEVER AGAIN BANFIELD!
I have to touch on a few things here. I fully understand your feelings, but nobody from that hospital is here to defend themselves. Your focus, and rightfully so, is on your beloved pet, but there is another side. Medical school, whether for people or pets is expensive, opening and staffing a hospital is extremely expensive, medical equipment for animals is similar to medical equipment for people, in price as well as appearance.
It's unfortunate, but a hospital is a business, nobody opens a business with a primary concern other than operating at a profit. Some hospitals are better than others, and let's face facts, some just plain suck.
All that said, I think it's best that you focus on the good here, and be glad you found a place that makes you and Bella comfortable.