I want to buy RO water


New member
Im looking to buy about 25-30 gallons on a weekly basis of reverse osmosis water. I need 50 gallons to start. I really cant afford an RO system at this time nor do i have space to put one in. I can pick it up in the Albuquerque or Rio Rancho area. Let me know a price.

Ive been using "water to go" but its not working very well.
I just changed all the prefilters and RO membrane on mine and added a DI unit. It has made a world of difference in my tank.
SWRC sells Kold Sterile water.... they'll usually give me 3-5 gallons if I really need it, but I've spent several months salary there over the last couple years :P

Unless you have a massive tank with thousands of dollars worth of delicate corals it's all you need. I used it for a while, works fine... have an RODI system now, spent about $150 on it... worth every penny.
I have "water to go" in my water cooler... it's NOT RO/DI it's barely RO... they sell drinking water, not ultra pure water... I got a water report from them a while back.... it's not great. Better than tap water barely.
I can make you all the water you want, as I sold all my tanks, but still have my RO/DI system. I live near Eubank and Central, and I have two 50 Gallon Rubbermaid trash cans I use to store water in. I can keep a pretty good supply. Really the only thing that I care about is replacing the filters, so I don't really need much money.

I have a brand new set of filters I can put in right now to start doing it.

But I have to agree with everyone here, you really should just buy your own, best bang for the buck. LOL
best bet is to buy your own, i have an four stage if ya wanna check it out. better with DI cartridges but ya can add those if ya want. i use the six stage myself and keep a 55 drum with salt ready for water changes. ill let the four stage go if your interested. replaced the filters on it then bought a six stage.
I insulated my mix can with some old camping foam mats. Keeps the heat in which is really important during the winter :-D
best bet is to buy your own, i have an four stage if ya wanna check it out. better with DI cartridges but ya can add those if ya want. i use the six stage myself and keep a 55 drum with salt ready for water changes. ill let the four stage go if your interested. replaced the filters on it then bought a six stage.

How much?
water to go. beware

water to go. beware

I have "water to go" in my water cooler... it's NOT RO/DI it's barely RO... they sell drinking water, not ultra pure water... I got a water report from them a while back.... it's not great. Better than tap water barely.

I used water to go water for my small 40g tank at first. big mistake. Learned to late that they OVER soften their water w/ potassium chloride to make it easier on their commercial RO membrane so they don't have to change it out so often. They only test kit that would read it was a seachem silicate test kit. Silicate was off the charts. Once I broke down and bought a RO/DI unit from SW reef did I manage to flush out those silicates. as a bonus when you buy the RO unit get the storage tank and drinking tap with it.. lol makes great tasting iced tea, coffee..baby formula. you name it!
grey brute?

grey brute?

the Grey Brute trashcans work great for storing water and keeping a batch mixed :-D

not sure if it's a grey brute, but i have wallmart special plastic trash bin in a spare room. but what I really love is i also keep a large heater in it, air stone and mag 5 or 7 ( i forget ) pond pump in it for re-circ. the pond pump has 3/4 vinly tube and a return hook on it. it makes water changes QUICK QUICK other then checking salinity you know the water is aged, temp'd and thoroughly mixed. just drain and pump.
You can drink RO/DI water, however, you don't want to drink it if it has been stored a while. Bacteria will grow in stored water once the chlorine/chloramine has been removed.