Hello all,
I know the topic of ich has been in many threads, as wells as threads about it being present always in a saltwater tank or not. I do also aggree and understand where people come from when they argue, it you go fishless for 6 weeks and QT every fish properly there is no way it can be present as its a parisite that feeds off a host and has a fix life cycle.
Is it possible that ich can be present a live off the host and do its life cycle and not completely take over the host but live in co-existence to a degree. Maybe until stress hits.
Now for maybe proof, I have friend that is going threw a terrible time with his tank. I am going to quote what he wrote in another thread
"Disaster in my 180
Let me start off by saying I am an experienced aquarist, in the hobby well over thirty years, reefing for nine. I am a victim of my own success as I never get sick fish...ever. I did lose a lot of fish back in 2002 when we had the BIG power blackout but that was due to lack of circulation/oxygenation. Since then I have not had an incident of any kind. The picture below is a couple of years old, but it does show a picture of the tank in better times.
This incident started with one of my heniochus scratching his eye and getting popeye from it. He was quite stressed out and stayed facing a back corner for days and didn't eat. After a week he started to recover and started swimming around more. I noticed a slight case of ich on him at the time but there was no way of catching him as I have over 250 pound of live rock and many large corals. It would have meant tearing everything down and I wanted to avoid that at the time. I also couldn't medicate the tank bacause of the corals and invertebrates, so I decided to leave him alone. The ich went away and all seemed well. Then about two weeks ago both my Heniochus and my three Ocellaris clowns showed signs of ich. It quickly spread to my Powder Blue, Purple and Mimic Tangs. I have since lost both heniochus, the Powder Blue and one Ocellaris Clown. The other aren't going to be too long before they follow. Through this my school of Green Chromis and my Orane Spot Goby are totally unaffected.
I am not writing this so people can get on here and berate me for not doing this, or not doing that. It's too late for that now. I am more concerned with how to proceed from here. I am wrestling with the idea that even tough I didn't want to I will now have to tear down the reef so I can get the school of Chromis and the Goby out so I can medicate them with copper in a seperate 25 gallon QT tank. I will rebuild the reef and wait until the Ich life cycle passes and they die off due to lack of a host. My water parameters are pristine and I use a six stage RO unit for every drop of water that goes in my tank. There has not been an addition to my tank in over two years so I didn't import the ich. "
Just your thoughts on this would be great.
I know the topic of ich has been in many threads, as wells as threads about it being present always in a saltwater tank or not. I do also aggree and understand where people come from when they argue, it you go fishless for 6 weeks and QT every fish properly there is no way it can be present as its a parisite that feeds off a host and has a fix life cycle.
Is it possible that ich can be present a live off the host and do its life cycle and not completely take over the host but live in co-existence to a degree. Maybe until stress hits.
Now for maybe proof, I have friend that is going threw a terrible time with his tank. I am going to quote what he wrote in another thread
"Disaster in my 180
Let me start off by saying I am an experienced aquarist, in the hobby well over thirty years, reefing for nine. I am a victim of my own success as I never get sick fish...ever. I did lose a lot of fish back in 2002 when we had the BIG power blackout but that was due to lack of circulation/oxygenation. Since then I have not had an incident of any kind. The picture below is a couple of years old, but it does show a picture of the tank in better times.
This incident started with one of my heniochus scratching his eye and getting popeye from it. He was quite stressed out and stayed facing a back corner for days and didn't eat. After a week he started to recover and started swimming around more. I noticed a slight case of ich on him at the time but there was no way of catching him as I have over 250 pound of live rock and many large corals. It would have meant tearing everything down and I wanted to avoid that at the time. I also couldn't medicate the tank bacause of the corals and invertebrates, so I decided to leave him alone. The ich went away and all seemed well. Then about two weeks ago both my Heniochus and my three Ocellaris clowns showed signs of ich. It quickly spread to my Powder Blue, Purple and Mimic Tangs. I have since lost both heniochus, the Powder Blue and one Ocellaris Clown. The other aren't going to be too long before they follow. Through this my school of Green Chromis and my Orane Spot Goby are totally unaffected.
I am not writing this so people can get on here and berate me for not doing this, or not doing that. It's too late for that now. I am more concerned with how to proceed from here. I am wrestling with the idea that even tough I didn't want to I will now have to tear down the reef so I can get the school of Chromis and the Goby out so I can medicate them with copper in a seperate 25 gallon QT tank. I will rebuild the reef and wait until the Ich life cycle passes and they die off due to lack of a host. My water parameters are pristine and I use a six stage RO unit for every drop of water that goes in my tank. There has not been an addition to my tank in over two years so I didn't import the ich. "
Just your thoughts on this would be great.