If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi, I'm new here! =) I've been out of the hobby for close to ten years, but am getting back in. I gave away my 29gal with stand that had been sitting in my garage for the last two moves, as I didn't really have a good place to put it in our downsized home. (And, as always happens when you get rid of something....) Along comes a new friend that heard I used to have a "salt habit". She's moving her back room out and has a 55gal w/stand if I'm interested. OF COURSE I AM.... how much? Free.... but no lights or a hood. Ok, good to go. Hubby's not too thrilled, but the garage is mine since he gets one spare bedroom for music, and one spare bedroom for gaming. lol... I'm very patient, and he plays xbox in a spa setting reserved for our guests. I get the kitchen and garage. I drove out to the middle of the desert to their house, bad idea in a car, bottomed out a few times, and put the aquarium only in the back seat, it barely fit, a 48. Like I said, hubby no like, so I waited until he was asleep and manhandled the tank first onto a cooler lineup, then onto the banquet table, and finally onto my drafting table. Who needs men when you're innovative? I painted the back outside of the tank black with acrylic craft paint I had on hand, which I had already tested by painting a salsa bottle then submerging. Good to go. Had to coordinate the stand drop-off when hubby wasn't home... good to go again, I rearranged the garage and pulled back in so he couldn't see the empty space when he left for work. Stand dropped off... car pulled back in. He will not see a thing until the tank is up and cycling with lights and rock and beauty when he wakes up in the morning. And then, only then, will he remember how much he loved my clown, coral beauty and gobies back in the day. I hope you enjoyed... my secret setup plan. It's a good thing I'm temporarily unemployed, it's the only way I'll be able to pull it off. He doesn't park in the garage either, his truck doesn't fit. So now all I need is a skimmer, some krylon fusion brush on for the trim and to refinish the stand. Oh crap tho, I gave away all my nets, and my hydrometer... lol. It's ok with the stand though, I'm redoing the kitchen chairs, he'll just see that and ignore it, lol! So, that's me, I'm Denise. I'm so glad to meet you all. :wave:
Hi, I'm a new member and very, very, new to the hobby. My other hobby is motorcycling as you can see from my avatar. I'm hoping to set up a small reef in a biocube 14. Just doing a lot of reading and research for now. I'm sure I will have plenty of questions later :-) Melanie
Hello reef central

Hello reef central

:wave: Hi everyone Alasdair Macmillan here from Scotland .
I am in the planing stage of a 500L display at the moment and hope to get some friendly advice and help. I am completely new to marine :crazy1: but have loved it for years so now it is time to make the move. Big thanks to all here at RC loads of help :D
Hello All. I was in the hobby about 15 years ago and just picked up a 90 Gallon yesterday, it's amazing how technology has changed the hobby.

Just put my water and the first bag of sand yesterday and today is the live rock and the rest of the sand. I look forward to learning and sharing with you all.
i am in cocoa, florida and in the process of acquiring my first reef setup. i am trying my hardest to do the proper research and not just jump in feet first. lol

so far, i am planning on 40 gal breeder with refugium.

i would like some advice for lighting for a 40. i was planning on going with all led's until i read some post where people were talking about the led's did not give the spread of light like the t5's give. any recommendations? is it possible to go all led's and have the corals pop with color or should i go with led's and t5 combo?

Wanted to say hello and thank you already for the wonderful information on this board. Haven't bought anything yet I've just been reading up and trying to determine where to start. I'm trying not to get too excited and do my research before I invest the small fortune it seems it will take to run a proper reef aquarium.
Hi all,
My name is Zhi, Im new to RC and new to Reef all together. I just decided I wanted to start a reef tank and bought a 45G RR Cube 24x24x18, just reading up and deciding what else to get and try not to get ripped off again. Bought a Coralife skimmer used and turns out Pump was shot and it leaks from under the cup. Lesson learned

Going to build a custom stand, have a RO unit but going to pick up a RODI. Think Im going to pick up an Evergrow It2060. Planning on a sump and just not sure yet.
Here to learn and hopefully get my tank running before the new year.

Thanks for any help in advance.



Hello, I'm completely new to fish and just got my first fish 2 weeks ago. I hate to admit it but I've been a terrible fish owner so far so I hope this forum can help me. I had 5 fish but 1 just died because of a fungus growth. All my other fish have the same thing but I'm giving them medications for it. I hope I can grow to be a better fish owner and a active member of this community.
Hello RC

Bought my ADA 75P in 2010 but just got it wet 2 months ago. Mame overflows, Bubble King 160 skimmer, Maxspect Razor 16k LED, Bio Pellets, GFO, BRS 2 parts Dosing, full apex. All kinds of things going on in my SPS tank. So far so good.
New to RC

New to RC

Hi, my name is mike and I'm new to RC. i have 2 tanks, one 95 G saltwater and one 55 G fresh water. i've posted pictures of the salt water tank and am working on the fresh water.

Salt water fish:
Fox face rabbit fish (one spot)
yellow fan tail
Blue Tang
3 percula clown fish
3 engineer gobbies
falco dwarf hawk fish
scarlet skunk shrimp
snail unsure what type came with the tank

fresh water fish:
2 cory cat fish
sailfin pleco
4 red eye tetras
4 green tiger barbs
3 tiger barbs
dalmation molly (female)
platinum molly (male)

I understand that the tiger barbs are usually more aggressive. however the tank size seems to give them enough room that they haven't taken any other fish.

any thoughts let me know.
Sort of new. I used to visit RC 6 or 7 years ago. Got out of the hobby because my job required me to travel a lot. Looking to get back in. It's nice to see that not much has changed in the recent past.
BrewCity 37 Gallon Tall Reef Tank - And it Begins

BrewCity 37 Gallon Tall Reef Tank - And it Begins

Hello new to this forum, in the process of assembling my first reef tank
I just finished with the silicon aquarium sealant for the baffles today


Aqueon Glass 37 Gallon
30 1/4 Long by 12 1/2 Wide x 22 3/4 Tall
Aqueon Versa-Top Hinged Aquarium Cover

20 Long by 18 Wide x 20 Tall
(used 3x 3/8 glass for baffles) [2x 4" filter bags / Skimmer / Foam Bubble Trap / Return Pump (Magflow 700]

Coralife Lunar Aqualight Quad T5 HO Aquarium Light Fixture, 30" L X 9.5" W X 2.5" H

(3x) Hydor Koralia Nano Circulation Pump/Powerhead 425gph
(1x) Aqueon QuietFlow Aquarium Power Filters, QuietFlow 55/75
(1x) Aqueon Pro 150 Submersible Aquarium Heater
(1x) Reef Octopus 160 Extreme with neck extension
(2x) Aqueon Pro 150 Submersible Aquarium Heater
(1x) 9 watt UV Twist
(1x) BRS Reactor (single GFO)

Timer - Zoo Med AquaSun Aquarium Controller Timer & Power Strip

Base Rock 40 Lbs
Carib Fuji Pink Live Sand (20 Lbs)

Instant Ocean Sea Salt

Spectrapure CSPDI 90-GPD 4-Stage RO/DI System (with hi-grade RO membrane)

Instant Ocean - BIO-Spira (100 ml)
Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin8.3 - Liquid pH Buffer & Alkalinity (KH) - Builder 500ml / 17oz
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals (API) Saltwater Liquid Master Test Kit

D-D AquaScape Aquarium Epoxy 4oz
Bob Smith Industries BSI Cyanoacrylate IC-Gel Aquarium Frag Glue - 20 gram

(2x) 5 Gallon Buckets
50 Feet 3/8 Hose
Hello everyone. My name is Eric. I am a new reefer. I have a six gallon Fluval Edge which I love the look. It has been up and running for about a year. As a beginner, I am being tested with the size of this tank and the design of it. I look forward to learning more and more about this new and exciting hobby!