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So, I am new to saltwater tanks. I have previously had freshwater but I wasn't impressed because it wasn't "pretty" enough. I started a few months ago with setting up my tank but that was a failed attempt. I'm doing more research on how to get this going properly. I have a 55 gallon tank with some not so live rock anymore. Any advice on getting this tank set up will be greatly appreciated.
Hey everyone, New here and gettin back into the hobby. Was very involved in keeping reefs in my late teens, even worked for one of the top LFS in the country for a few years.. Had a few BIG tanks, then college happened moved out of the country and haven't had a tank in about 9 years. I'll be moving in about 2 years so I wont be setting up anything big right now but have the perfect space for a 36 bow front. I've never had a tank this small but i need something to keep me busy. I'm doing a pretty low tech tank so we'll see what happens.
Hello Reef Central

Hello Reef Central

I am completely new to this salt water stuff...I started a small 20g tank since I planned to move soon. So I figured my losses would be "somewhat small" if something got damaged during the move. Once I get in my dream home I'll start a 100g plus tank.

Anyhow, My name is John and look forward to gaining all the knowledge I know here at Reef Central. So far I've been most impressed with this community over all the others. :beer:
hello reef central my name is Ian and live in southern CT still looking to join a club nearby and i currently i have a 75 gallon RR and a 30 gallon custom frag tank. looking to meet some people that are in the hobby as well.
Hello everyone, I'm Greg and I'm from Louisville, Ky. I just started a 38 gal cube. Live sand and live rock. Eshopps hob skimmer, 2 power heads and a led light.

Very cool site. I've learned a bunch already.


hey people! getting my first marine aquarium today! 145 gallon, and also bought up half the store it would seem! :) really did some damage to my wallet, not sure this was the best idea for a student! from South Africa, currently studying law. :spin1:
Been lurking here for a while now . So I thought I would at least say hello. On 5th tank now in 2 months. Really enjoying things so far. The tank I started today is a 120. Gonna start out with softies and hopefully move up to the hard stuff as my water gets some life back into it.
Hello everyone , new to to the hobby of saltwater but experienced in freshwater planted aquariums. I am a college masters student at shsu. I plan on pursuing a career in veterinary medicine eventually .
Just started my first saltwater.
55 gallon with 30 gallon sump 15 gallon fuge.

Its been going for 12 days and everything seems to be going great. Going to add a few fish this weekend.
Hey, my name is AJ I'm a 21 years old. I got to Florida Southern college, Majoring in Human movement and performance (Physical Therapy). I live in Lakeland, Florida. I'm fairly new to the hobby. I just finished cycling my 35 Gallon Hex front tank. I'm excited to get fish and coral into my tank however I'm trying to learn as much as I can before I mess anything up. I have a metric ton of questions and this site has answered numerous amounts of them so I figured this might be the best community to be a part of.

Thanks for providing this site for fellow newbies like me.
Hello everyone,
Like a bunch of others I've been combing through the site here learning all kinds of awesome stuff for a while now and finally getting around to actually posting...

My name is Justin and I'm currently stationed out in Washington about 2 hours north of Seattle and have had my 46 gal bowfront up and running for about 4 months now, and am already looking forward to my next tank (I don't think my wife will be as excited though, hah)
Hello all, new to the forum as well as marine. Kept FW for a few years, mostly SA cichlids, some communities, inverts what have you. Got a small SW ALMOST set up while living in NS, then ultimately moved and had to sell it all. Recently purchased a 125G cleaned it up, resealed, re plumbed, scaped with seeded rock, and so far have added 10 little red legged crabs. Waiting for my numbers to zero out before I add the rest of my CUC.
Hi All,

Newb here. Kept freshwater for years and always wanted saltwater but finances/wifey would not allow. Now though, i'm a bit older, have some more cash in the bank and the wife has simply given up trying to stop me so hereth start my saltwater journey! :celeb3:

No tank as yet - just scouring the interweb looking for as much info as poss before taking the plunge and forking out for a full 120g setup. :D


Hi, Im new to RC. Im in this hobby for more than 1years. Now i have 15G tall mix reef and 55 gal FOWLR . I try to move 55 gal to 125gal FOWLR now.
So this will be my second go around with RC and the reef community.

This is my first post with a new username, as I can't figure out what happened to my old screen name.

Around 10-12 years ago(?) I had a 40 gal reef setup, primarily zoos and LPS. Ran a 175W MH, CPR, blah blah blah.
When the 12gal nano's first came out, had a cool little setup (retro'd PC's, an anemone and clown fish)...and then I got married (and had kids).

Now the kids are a bit older and I'm thinking it's about time to get a reef tank setup again. I went into a LFS a few weeks ago and saw all the advancements (primarily LED's) and convinced myself I want to do it...AGAIN.
New to the hobby

New to the hobby

Hi All,

I am fairly new to the hobby... Been a reefer for less than a year and I just started getting into sps corals!! Love the colors and beauty that these bring to the tank...:) need a lot of help in setting up and dosing chemicals and food sources etc for these guys...

Currently have a 50 breeder set up wih a 20 gal sump.

Have the taotronics al09 lights
A bubble magus skimmer rated for 140 gal tank
2 hydrokoralias 850gph each
A 200w heater and. A 100 w heater
And I use instant ocean mix for salt.

Parameters :
Sal 1.024
Alk 10 dkh
Ca 460ppm
Mg 1500ppm
Nitrates/ammonia 0 ppm
Nitrites 10 ppm

Current stocking:

1 yellow coris wrasse (love him)
2 blue/green chromis
2 baby false perculas
1 diamond goby
1 dispar anthias (tiny)


Bunch of zoas
Kenya tree

Torch -teal


1" ora purple stylopora
2" green slimer
Pink birdsnest
Green birds nest
Random millis
