If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi all!

Hi all!

Good day all!

I have been reading posts on here and getting questions answered by simply reading. Now its time that i joined in the discussions and started asking more complicated questions. I am still familiarizing myself with the forums.

So a few quick questions.

If I need to identify an item, where do i ask that.
For instance, what is this item (i know the hydroid) but not sure what the other thing is.

Being I am new to the forum, I want to avoid frustrating people. Any suggestions about finding items (other than googling them)?

I am loving the marine aquarium and hope to move into more exotics in another 6 months. Hope to be able to contribute some good stuff too!:beer:

Have a great one!


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Hello, My name is Gabriel, I was an FSU student but I still hang out with some of the students and nerd out with the professors who are in the science departments (I swear I'm cool, not too nerdy). I am from the FL keys, grew up with a 120 gallon reef tank in my room that I took care of myself, and used to stock with fish and coral directly from the patch reef a little ways off my dock. When I moved to Tallahassee I began to miss home so I bought a 55 gal. Made a nice little reef tank out of it, currently it is lit up but one AI Vega (I can't currently afford the other), 10 gallon tank turned unto a sump, 10 gallon fresh water for the ATO, and one lost 10 gallon tank for holding new fish and corals. I actually have more tanks but they are still back home since my dad won't let me take MY 120 from him. and most of my tanks are pretty low maintenance since I stock heavy on coral and very light on fish (small fish make a big tank look bigger, and when u swim on the reef often, you want the reef, not just a part of it).

I am trying to get a job working with reefs, or an aquarium, or something that can use my Environmental Studies degree along with my knowledge of the FL reef system. I would love to get to know people on here, and maybe if my little 55 turns into a bigger tank some day I'll start fragging again and then begin trading/giving.

The corals I have back home Will not be fragged so don't ask, don't want to sound mean but it's one of those things that I want to not touch that tank, and I know my dad won't.

Nice to meet you all, let's chat.
Hi, my name is Ehsan and i am starting my new 16g reef tank but i have put about 2500$ worth of equipment in this tank. After 3 years of reading and YouTube and finishing many books i can only say that there is only one way and that is the right way. Some of u can say that it may be too much but i think it just makes it easier
Hello my name is Tan, i have been into this hobby for about now, curently i am ruuning a 38 nano tAnk. Have a few problems hêre and thểre but that wont stop me and yes this hobby is addicting and expensive. I will upload pictures next time.

New to reefs

New to reefs

Hi all,

Im fairly new to the hobby, tried a salt water 7 years ago in a 4x1 tank.. was pretty awesome at it's peak but was using a canister and had no idea about skimmers etc.. so as you guessed, it failed eventually.

Since then have had numerous fresh water varieties but never really was as good as reef..

I'm starting a 32G tank in my bedroom, it's a 60x45x45 tank
two Aqua one nano skim filters on the back with truelumen pro LED strip lights
I've got approx 10k of live rock and live sand running in the cycle for about a week now :)

Wish me luck and any recommendations are more than welcome

Hi all,
I have only been in the hobby for about a year. Spent time researching before buying anything. I currently have a 46 bow with a 20 g sump/fuge. Skimmer,Chaeto,MM etc. Some softies, small fish population, live rock and Fiji pink sand
Always looking to go bigger I came across a 180 setup on EBay. I got the tank,stand,(2) MP40ESw, (3) Ecoray 112D lights, RKE lite+, Reef Oct skimmer 3000, Eshopps Rs300 sump, Eheim 1262 pump, 300# rocks, various other bits and pieces. All for only $1350. So my winter project is to get the new to me tank back up.
Hello All"¦Rick here. Novice to Saltwater Tanks, having a lot of success thus far w/my 32 gallon reef tank. Started in September. Taking my time and not putting a lot in the tank all at once & learning as I go. I look forward to the dialog and sharing of knowledge!!

In So Far:
2 Clowns
1 Cardinal
1 Mini/Maxi Anemone
1 Purple Condy
1 Toadstool Leather Coral
Polyps growing on Live Rock..
my name is miller time and I have a 55 gallon fish and coral tank with skimmer,uv and canister filter, was thinking about installing a sump to put every thing down below but I live
in a condo up stairs and have wood floors so don't need to come home to a mess any suggestions or idea's.
Happy to be here!

Happy to be here!

So this my first post, just want to thank all the regulars he who provide such valuable insight on this site. I'm currently in the research phase of my reef tank. I had a 30 gallon freshwater throughout college that I enjoyed, gave it to my brother when I moved about 5 years ago. Finally got a house and some space, and I always wanted a nice saltwater tank so I figured it's a good time to try it out.

It's going to be a huge jump, but I figured with the resources here I could make it work. Originally was going to go with 55 gallon take but was able to talk myself into jumping up to a 125 gallon...with my room size I just think a 6' long tank would look amazing. Hoping I can get it up and running with about 3k. I'm in the process of putting together a list of EVERYTHING I will need to get started. A little intimidated by putting all the information I can find together to actually buy the right stuff, but am sure I'll figure it out.

Once I start buying some equipment and putting things together I'll be sure to start a post with picture updates and what not. I'm sure you'll be seeing me all over asking lots of simple questions - thanks in advance for your patience!!!! Wish me luck :uhoh3:
Hello from Ottawa!

I'm relatively new to saltwater aquariums and trying to get all the information I can to start again. Before moving to Ottawa I had a 50 gallon setup with a maroon clownfish. He had quite a bit of room all to himself! I'd like to learn more about beginning smaller tank types and how their care differs from larger tanks. Once I feel prepared knowledge-wise I'll begin the planning and I'm super excited to find such a rich resource like RC!
Hey everyone, my name is Southwell. I'm brand new in the hobby and looking for some advice. I recently bought a 50 gallon deep blue 36x18x18 and got a good deal on a sump rated for a 80 gallon tank. I have about 36 lbs. of live rock and 3 bags of live sand. The owner at my lfs has helped me set it up thus far. Today I purchased the Maxspect Razor 27 Inch 160W 16000k . Currently I have 2 Blue Damsels, 7 Hermits and 6 Snails and I guess I'm in the cyclying process. At this point I am researching which power heads to to run so any suggestions would be great.


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First time poster. Years ago I had an all fish marine tank, but I've long wanted a reef tank. I hope to set up a 80 to 100 gallon tank after I come up with a plan.
Hello Im Toni Wells...

Hello Im Toni Wells...

I am a new member and look forward to sharing information on saltwater and freshwater tanks.

I have an 80 gallon freshwater tank and hand built pine enclosed case with 1 albino oscar, pleco, silver stripe catfish and 3 pairs of mated convicts. I am currently looking to place the oscar (who is 10" long and 2 inches in width) with a new home. A friends tank parameters are currently being worked on. I would like to have more fish in my tank and less stress on the current inhabitants.

I have an 80 gallon saltwater reef tank. I use a combination of T5 lighting 14k whites with actinics and LED blue moon lights. I also have a 6 lamp straight pin flourescent lighting hood that is set aside for alternate or later use. I have a deep sand bed and 65 lbs of various live rock. I recently purchased some florida rock (which I love to get for the hitchhikers.. I love to see what develops) I have assorted polyps and zoos with a mini carpet anemone, a bubble tip rose anemone that is currently bonding with one of the clowns (I have two) I have a Ricordea, Green Candy cane (6 head), Frogspawn (8 head) Pulsing xenia (and is spreading nicely) and various Kenya trees. I have a sand sifting goby. I have one peppermint shrimp, 1 large brittle star and several small ones. I have a brain coral (hitchhiker) and various sponges. I have red velvet, light and dark purple, green coraline on my rocks. And of course I have a slew of cleaner snails and small star fish. Underneath my 80 gallon salt I have a 30 gallon sump with refugium. I have a turbo twist UV sterilizer, Phosban reactor, Remora Skimmer, Eshopps overflow. My system is set up as Berlin. I supplement my tank when needed and try not to use chemicals.. (excluding Aiptasia X and Purigen for random ammonia/nitrate spikes) In my sump I have Cheato, a hermet crab a scarlet crab and a pincushion urchin. I supplement my refugium with mud and it also has a sandbed and rubble rock. I have grown successfully thousands of copepods and other such brine for my filter feeding corals and crabs.

I have a 65 gallon community hex tank for the cute little fish. I have 1 parrot, white snow cichlid, blue diamond cichlid, 2 yo yo loaches, 2 mollies, 6 tetras, a spike nose pleco.
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new to rc!

new to rc!

Hello all! thought id drop in and introduce myself. My boyfriend and myself have been in the hobby for 7 years with a break in there for moving we have often used this site to acquire information of whatever we were running at that point and decided to join so i can offer information as well as learn some more and bounce any questions i have off you wonderful folk! In the past we have had puffer tanks (GLS and porcupine) and have also had a lion fish tank and have had a mantis shrimp tank. We currently have a 50 gallon with live rock, coral and our wonderful mantis shrimp. look forward to gaining and sharing more wisdom with the rc community! thanks!
Hello all,

I am new to the hobby, or soon to be. I am looking at purchasing an used Red Sea MAX setup but before I jump in I am looking to make sure I am ready. The ultimate goal is coral and a few fish (3-6).

Lots of questions to ask and find answers to; the more I read the more I want to ask! Look forward to talking to you all in the near future.
Hello all
I'm from indonesia
I already in this hobby for about one year and start keep coral for about 5month And still learning for betterbetter water parameter in my tank
Hope all of you can help
Nice to know you all :D
Hi guys, and gals. I'm Caleb. I'm retired Army and I started my reef about 3 weeks ago. So far it is slow going, I got a really nice 115 g tank, 30g sump, pumps pipes and hoses, an ro/di cured rock, lr and sand, heater, and t-5s for free from my brother. He has an incredible tank and one day I hope mine gets there too. After three weeks patience is running thin, but I haven't added anything yet. He said to wait 2 months.. That's crazy. But so far I'm loving the new hobby. A lot of work and it keeps me busy. I found my first star fish today, the size of a screw head. It was very exciting. I've read thousands of forums on tank set up, now I want to start testing my water.. Any suggestions for a beginner. And remember please I am a beginner as were all of you.
Hello Fellow RC Members

Hello Fellow RC Members

Hello Everybody, I'm a 31 year old NYC Paramedic and after years of successfully keeping and breeding Mbuna Chiclids I have become obsessed with Marine aquariums specifically SPS tanks. They are simply one of the most beautiful sights Mother Nature has given to us.

For the last 8 months I have been researching every aspect of Reef keeping and in that time I have read countless articles and threads before deciding to join RC. I think I'm ready to start slow with at least a 90 gallon and my dream tank would be one that is large enough to encompass 3 different Reef Zones (Back Reef, Reef Flat/Reef Crest and Fore Reef) each with the specific animals that live within these Zones.

Hopefully with support from the RC community I can turn my dream into a reality. Thank you guys/gals in advanced. :wavehand:
new 2 fish forum

new 2 fish forum

this is my 1st time on reef central ive had a saltwater aquarium 4 over 12 years and always have always used a canister filter and hang on skimmer i just ordered anew reef ready 110 with stand and was wondering if a 55 gallon will fit in the stand 4 my sump?