If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello everyone, my name is Rygar. I used to have freshwater aquariums in high school, I've always wanted to have a reef tank. I recently got a BioCube 29, the size works for my current living space and I am stoked to get it going! I am creating a video diary/blog on youtube if anyone is interested. I am a total greenhorn but I am learning new stuff every day. here is my day one vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW-3pKWba9o
Uk new guy

Uk new guy

Hi guys I'm Dan from the uk

My tank is a 4x3x2"
640L 130 uk gallons
Just in the early stages of set up

I'm on the search/advice on a good LED unit for my tank
Hey everybody I'm Geoff from South Florida. Some of the most beautiful reefs in the world are in my backyard but the challenge and beauty of keeping a thriving reef i your living room has me obsessed. I've kept very simple fish only systems as a kid and being a kid couldn't even keep up with them. For the past 6 months I've been researching and reading material on many forums and I must say I'm learning a lot but it also seems the more I learn the more confused I get about what setup is right for me.
Right now I'm collecting equipment this is what I have:

-75 Gallon 48x18x21 w/ one 10" internal overflow
-Sunlight supply Tek light 8x54w (no bulbs yet)
-Trigger Sys. 36s ruby
-Aquatop SWP pump rated for 1300 gph
-Mag 5 pump
-3 Koralia Evo powerheads
-Reefkeeper lite plus controller
-Float switch kit to run Ato with RKL using aqualifter dosing pump (thinking about dosing kalk using Ato)
That's about it I'm still in the process of collecting more equipment and will be for the next month or so. I bought the tank used and it came with everything listed except the RKL so I'm also currently running the system with vinegar to completely clean it. I look forward to starting a build thread in the next few weeks and getting more involved with discussions as I'm starting to get ideas about what I actually want to accomplish with this tank.
Hey all I just joined this afternoon been tankin for a couple years and recently started reefin so thanks for making me feel welcome and hopefully I.can learn a.thing or two
hello every one i'm new i got into s/w tanks about 25 years ago then i droped out of it now i'm back i been back into it now for the past 7 months now things sure have changed sence the last time i was in it



Hi, my husband and I started this account to read up on saltwater aquariums. We started one to get a mantis shrimp, and are currently in our first cycle. It's really exciting for us, and so far this community has been a wealth of information for us, and we are really grateful! Here's a pic of our mantis!


Hi, my husband and I started this account to read up on saltwater aquariums. We started one to get a mantis shrimp, and are currently in our first cycle. It's really exciting for us, and so far this community has been a wealth of information for us, and we are really grateful! Here's a couple pics of our mantis!


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Hi my name is Kevin new to this site. I have a 90 gallon fish/reef tank it's been set up for 6 yrs I have noticed a bunch of clear bubbles in different spots throughout my tank. Doesn't look like bubble alge but never have seen it before. What is it? Is it bad?
Making the jump to saltwater

Making the jump to saltwater

I'm new to the saltwater world, however I have a 37 gallon freshwater tank that I have had for about 2 years. I am looking to make the jump to saltwater and reef tanks, and due to current space restrictions will probably end up buying a 29g biocube sometime around february. I look forward to learning everything I need to know before I get my final set up so the fishes can have a happy home
This a great hobby for the family...

This a great hobby for the family...

Hi everyone. Last year for my son's 5th birthday, we bought him a 37 gal bow-front off of craigslist. We started w/ some damsels and a few others and we quickly found that it takes more than a week for a new tank to cycle. We still have the damsels though. :)

Over the past 15 mos we have gone through a few fish and a green bubble-tip learning a lot along the way. Now everything has settled and our stock includes a yellow tang, 6-line, ocellaris', red-bulb, the damsels, and a couple of frags.

Because both of my kids, and now my wife, have really started to enjoy the tank, we have decided to expand. Recently we bought a 150 gal tank (72x18x28) w/ a 29 gal sump/refugium. I am missing some parts to this larger set up and I was hoping to get some suggestions/recommendations as well as any advice in case I missed something...

Still need:
Lighting - Budget is a concern for us, but I understand that we will end up spending some money in this area to get what we want. I have narrowed it down to what we want. The criteria are: LED w/ a timer the ability to program sunrise/set, clouds, storms, etc... We are not very consistent on turning the lights on and off at regular times every day.

Inline pump - I just need something large enough to cycle the water. I've seen things online that says the tank needs to be cycled 10x, 30x, & 50x. So this part I am unsure of.

Sand/Live Rock - I heard about (and was thinking of) using playground sand for the bulk of sand bed, and then slowly move the sand from my existing tank over. The same with the rock. I'm just not sure of using playground sand. As far as the rock, I've seen some interesting things like Aquamaxx & Caribsea dry rock but I'm open to suggestions on what to use.

For filtration, I'm planning to use a 3 section sump with the 1st section containing my overflow drain and my coralife 220g skimmer. The 2nd section would have either sand or mud (I'm open to suggestions) and some kind of plant that filters the water (I'm clueless in this area) and hope to grow some sort of copepods or similar organism. The 3rd section would be my return.

I know that this is a long first post for me, but I figure I should just jump in instead of just saying hi. Thanks to all who respond and from my family to yours, have a Happy Holiday and Merry Christmas.
Hi my name is Kevin new to this site. I have a 90 gallon fish/reef tank it's been set up for 6 yrs I have noticed a bunch of clear bubbles in different spots throughout my tank. Doesn't look like bubble alge but never have seen it before. What is it? Is it bad?

Precise Painter,

My first guess is that they are oxygen or nitrogen bubbles from your sand bed & rock. Your tank has been up for a long time so it may not be that. Where are the bubbles located, on or around the rocks? Also, do you have any plants?
starting up again after a tragic loss..

starting up again after a tragic loss..

A couple years ago we had a bad freak winter storm In Oct..worried about my mom who had Alzheimers , and my dad who is legaly blind I grabed my my wife and 2 dogs and headed to my parents home , as the forecast was Bad With widespread power outages forcasted
I had to drive through peoples yards and to make it there as trees and branches were falling as we drove ... power was out at my home for 6 days and I lost my 90 gallon reef tank... I hade a generator and it failed to start when power went out.
SO....since that time I have donated and sold 80% of every thing we owned and built an addition on my parents home to help look after them... my mom passed about one month ago . I have thought about a new reef tank since the last one and thoughtt a nano or iocube would be fun.
at the momment im torn between the jbj 28led int and a coralife 29 with led upgrade for sale localy
for 100bucks ...I think im gonna grab that one

Any info on that specific reef tank . Good , bad .. what , if any mod would you make fromt the initial plug-in, etc
so thats a little about me .
Hi all, I have been out of hobby for 24 years and have the itch now that family is grown to get back into keeping a tank. Just in the research phase ( a lot has changed in cpl decades) so taking it slow. Great site here with tons of info to soak up. I look forward to learning and picking some brains as I get closer to starting my build.
Hey RC whats going on!! I've just received a 12 gallon, fluval edge tank for xmas and I want to get my feet wet with reefing (excuse me for not being current with Reef Lingo lol). I have no idea what I'm doing so I have been doing tons of reading to figure this out (sumps? refugiums? sooooo lost). Well back to reading ..happy holidays!!
Hello All

Hello All

Well after about 14 years I decided to set up another reef tank. I retired from the Air Force and had 150 gallon reef, my first attempt and it turned out very nice. I now work as an Engineer overseas (Abu Dhabi) and decided to give my self a nice Christmas present and bought a Red Sea 130D and set it up last night. The biggest advantage here is the price of live rock, I got 22lbs of purple crusted coraline with the tank along with 3 bags of live sand...... then they sold me the rock for 8 dollars a pound.
It is now breaking in and I am just sitting on idle waiting for the time to start adding my new residents!
New to hobby!

New to hobby!

Hi to all, my name is Jamie and im new to the hobby! I was wondering if there is anyone in the newbury area who wouldnt mind helping me with a few questions before I begin buying equipment? I would like to start off in the right direction!




Just wanted to say hi :wave: and thanks iv used the site without being a member and now i have the joy of being a member :bdaysmile: im new to saltwater hobby 1yr i love it had moved to a new house went to a neighbors garage sale were he had a tank for sell showed me his and was sold unfortunately a lot of his info was miss leading and i did no home work jumping head first in to it with the whole impulse buying before i do research and after
many problems and help for u all on her i have a beautiful 72 gal bow front reef tank i love with a 120 in the works o and my wife's puffer fish tank lol i new the bug would bite her thats how i justify building the new 120 in the works
thank agine to you all for your time and help
Hello, my name is Crystal and I am brand new to saltwater. My husband has a 210 discus tank that we have had for several year and enjoy. I am getting into the hobby now and want to do saltwater. We are both excited for it. We plan on buying a 75 gallon for our 15 year anniversary. I posted a list of the fish I want to add on the forum to do so. I look forward to everyones help in this new adventure. My avatar right now is one of our 7 inch plus leoperd discus but as soon as I get my saltwater fish added I will change it.
Hello new to salt water but I've had fresh water tanks as long as I can remember. I'm planning on starting with a 50 gallon. Just in the planning process now.