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Hi there from Summerville SC. I have a 45 gallon reef tanks with six fish, crabs, snails, zooas, and some LPSs. I also have a 65 gallon with a lion and a big hermit crab. Also started a 10 gallon refugium with a deep sand bed that I have yet to hook into the main tank.
Hi Everyone!

I'm András from Hungary, just turned 30, and in the process of setting up my very first reef tank:) For this I've sourced a second hand Red Sea Max 250, which was in quite bad condition, so I'm trying to revive it:) You're welcome to visit my thread under the blogs section (I hope I've posted it to the right sub-forum, as it doesn't show up yet):)

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hi all

hi all

:) hello,

Im a total newby, nano tank cycling gently now, i find it cool to wait! it let yu toe to digest all the information you need !
Hey all. Been creeping for a while, finally signed up and got a tank. Nothing too fancy, just a 10 gallon nano. It cycled really fast, less than a week, confirmed by my LFS. Clean up crew just went in, 4 astrea snails and an emerald crab. Nothing too fancy to look at but I'm excited to be underway.

Hi everyone! I'm new here and have an Innovative Marine 16 gallon tank that's been setup up for a couple of months now. My Dad has been into reef tanks for a long time and finally got a tank set up a few years back...it's such a great hobby, I couldn't help but get into it myself.
Blue Tang

Blue Tang

hi all I have a big 6 or 7 inch blue hippo tang , he,s been in my tank for about 3 to 4 wks ,,,he was fine swimming around chilling with the other fish an looking great,, he now still looks great with great color an no heavey breathing but he just sits at the bottom of the tank but awake eyes clear an looks around even, not on its side just like hes sitten in his spot but he wont move,, an I moved him to the front of the tank an same thing just sites,no ick, no nothing,his gills are the rite color I just don't know whats up. can anybody give me some in put on this,, thanks bigbuff.

How big is your Tank, Hopefully big like a 150-220, These guys need room to roam and places to hide, How did you come by such a large Tang.
Red Sea Max 250

Red Sea Max 250

Hi Everyone!

I'm András from Hungary, just turned 30, and in the process of setting up my very first reef tank:) For this I've sourced a second hand Red Sea Max 250, which was in quite bad condition, so I'm trying to revive it:) You're welcome to visit my thread under the blogs section (I hope I've posted it to the right sub-forum, as it doesn't show up yet):)


Nice tank, Lets see some Pics, Welcome to a great board
Holy crap....what is your secrete to keeping such a full tank and your corals sound awesome.

Well, like I said, the fish are all young and I do 5 gallon ro di change every other week. I also feed live copepods and brine shrimp every so often to keep the uneaten food to a minimum
New to hobby 2-3 months

New to hobby 2-3 months

Hi! I am helping and supporting my 14 year old son Benjamin get his saltwater Aquarium up and running...
We currently have a 60 gallon Nuvo, with some beautiful live rock, 4 shrimp, 2 baby clowns and an excellent CUC! I have more fun watching the conch move around, and the snails and hermits! They have done an amazing job on algae and diatoms so far!
We just set up Quarantine tank as I realized that you have to learn as you go and wow is this time consuming and elaborate! Yikes!
We are excited to get a new fish soon but have already spent a small fortune...
We need to have patience I guess.
Laurieann& Ben.
Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!

New to reef tanks and actually to aquariums in general. Have started with a 37 gal tank, which now includes snails, crabs, corals, shrimp, and starfish. No fish for now.
Hope to learn a lot here from those who actually know what the heck they're doing!
Bio Cube

Bio Cube

Hey RC. My name's Keith and I've been in and out of the "Hobby" since 1970, when i lived in Norfolk, VA with the Navy. Back then we knew NOTHING about cycling. I set up a 20 gal with a freshwater box filter, walked to the Bay too many times to count, hauling buckets of (live) sand (shudder) and Bay water (double shudder), went out and captured some siversides, a baby horseshoe crab, 2 or 3 glass shrimp and 3 Atlantic Spadefish babies and off we went. Every week I'd do a 50% water change and I never lost a creature. They all went back in the Bay when I left in '71. Since then in and out of the hobby, and now it's time for "back in". But I'm confused a little. Technology has come a long way since my last tank 12 years ago. So, for starters: I love the simplicity and compactness of the Biocube nano's, not to mention the price. Can't decide between a 14 or a 29, and beside cost as a consideration, I also like the compactness of the 14. I also know how quickly one out-grows the "first" tank. It will be a fish only tank, for right now, with live rock and sand with some snails, hermits as clean up. Any recommendations, pro's/con's, feedback about the Biocubes (yes, I've watched ALL the videos) is greatly appreciated, as well as any other considerations I may need. And I'll be asking stupid questions like: should I cycle the tank with live rock and sand, or use an artificial kit to speed the process up? What's "seeder" rock do? How does "dry rock" benefit the tank?
We used to use Black Mollies to cycle, way back, once we understood the process. Just pour em outta the freshwater and straight into the salt. That always kind of unsettled me as we would lose a percentage (some times most) of them to the ammonia, if not the transition shock alone. Couldn't do that now, with any conscience.
Well, thanks in advance for your help, everyone. This is gonna be FUN!

Best regards, Keith

Hi Keith, Go as big as you can, The more water in the system, the more stable the perameters, Seed rock is live rock that you add to dry rock to seed it, good idea, cycling with a piece of shrimp is good. just buy it on a shrimp ring, throw it in for a couple of days then remove, some guys ad house hold ammonia or DR Tims nitrifying bacteria. Do a search on it. Trouble with bio-cubes is the lighting unless you get the HQI unit, another search. Fish only with Live rock is good then in time some Zoas, Mushrooms, softies LPS. Yes things have changed but the basics remain. Don't load up the tank with fish, do water changes, test for Phosphate. A good Hanna Checker test kit, more search. Remember to have fun, ask question no matter how stupid you think they are, Lots of mistakes can be avoided by asking, You may still learn the hard way but it'll be a lesson you won't forget. Did I say have fun, yup and always search your purchases. I hate wasting money so try and avoid that. Take care, you can pm me for any help, been at it a long time and still love it.
Hello everyone, I'm new here and to the hobby. I'm in the process of building a 90 gallon mix reef. I just have a few more things to do and it will be ready for cycle hopefully next month. I have 3 daughters and they are so excited it's making me try to get it up and running sooner Lol.
So far I've read Waterkeeper's post and I wanna thank him, you have been vary helpful.
Hi all,

I've recently (since December 2014) started managing a 70 litres reef.
It currently have a couple of Amphiprion Ocellaris and a Chrysiptera Parasema (Yellowtail Damsel). I also have Rose Bubble Tip Anemone, a Sea Cucumber (Holothuria grisea) a few snails, a Brittle star (not sure which one exactly) and a Polychaeta.

Trying to start balling method and also researching about dosing vinegar to reduce Nitrate and Phosfate.

I live in Brazil.
hey reefers!

Second attempt at the hobby this time. Doing it the "right way" this time around. I learned a lot about the wrong way and patience the last time around! I will be setting up a 29g with sump and custom stand. gathering as much info and planning as I can. I understand patience is key here and I don't care if it takes me a year to get the tank wet.


Hi reef central! I am new as of yesterday. I am a 29 yo army pilot finding time to reef. I am starting my first 30 gal reef tank. Just started day one of my cycle and am very excited to progress my tank. My wife gives me crap for watching YouTube fish videos and digging in fish forums all day heh. I love fish and this hobby. I use to have fresh water tanks but decided to make a plunge into the reef world. I love the vibrancy. Anyways, I love reading everyone's discussions. I learn a ton! I do have a YouTube channel following my progress. Check it out, it is my name James Crawshaw. Feel free to post comments and recommendations. Looking forward to chatting! Cheers!
Hello everyone, just thought I'd introduce myself here before going ahead and posting on the forum.
I'm currently a volunteer worker at my university's research aquarium, which has recently gained access to a lot of tropical marine invertebrates. I'm currently predominantly in charge of the new crustaceans and chelicerates, but there's also a coral/filter feeder tank, a temperate marine tank, and some other tropical inverts that I look after with my boss and coworker.
I look forward to hopefully learning some new stuff from you guys, as well as seeing if I can maybe pass on any experience I gain in my first steps towards working with tropical marine life.
Hiya. I've been doing freshwater tanks since I was a kid, and I think it's finally time to move on to reefs and saltwater.

My first tank is going to be a 10 gallon. One clown, a couple inverts, and some awesome looking zoas and mushrooms :D
Not new, just new to doing it right!

Not new, just new to doing it right!

Hi, my name is Gregg and I live in Rome, GA. I have a 250 gal. display reef tank, a 50 gal sump, and I am in the process of adding a 250 gallon refugium. I once heard that there is a fine line between a hobby and an obsession. My tank is built into my office wall, so it has been easy to cross into obsessed territory. I am glad to meet all of you fine people.