Hi, I'm Charlie from North East Ohio. I had a 70 gallon fish only tank 20 years ago. I finally decided to jump back into the hobby and was hoping to set up a 90 gallon reef tank, but was blown away by the rough estimate from the salt water store, ($4,000). The LED lights alone were $1,300 for two XR30 3G Radion lights! After picking myself off the floor I decided on a smaller 60 gallon square rimless tank which would only need one XR15 Radion LED light. (This size tank fits better in my room anyway.)
Here's my fish wish list;
2 Firefish,
1 Orchid Dottyback,
2 or 3 Banggai Cardinalfish,
2 Ocellaris Clownfish,
1 Coral Beauty or 1 Flame Angelfish,
Maybe 1 Tang,
Maybe 1 Flame Hawkfish.
I have dozens of questions, but I'll start with just a couple for now.
1. What are your thoughts on running a rimless tank without a lid? There's a low tech lid available, but it looks awkward to use, and it might fall in easily.
2. The 60 gallon is 2' x 2' x 2'. Will the XR15 Radion LED provide enough lighting for soft corals? The XR30 is $250 more. Are there other less expensive lights that will provide equivalent lighting?
3. My LFS says the Eshops Protein skimmer's five year warranty is void if I buy it on line. Do they really offer a 5 year warranty, and is that something I should be concerned about?
Thanks in advance for all your help.