If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

hi all my name is tony I have just set up a new jewel rio 125 tank with clown fish x2 2spot wrasse blue damsel and a scoda blemie and fire shrimp im new to all this not fish keeping just marine have a 5foot jewel rio 400 African cichlids but never kept marine


Hello rc i have been reading on here for some time and decided i should dig a little deeper. I have recently recovered from a tank crash and taking it slower this time. i have a 75g thats just be cycled.

Starting over
Howdy guys, Completely new just like my aquarium. ive been studying up since Aug 2015. ive visited this site like a stalker yet i never registered. So i finally bought the tiniest tank i could lay my hands on.(just to get the of the ins and outs) our petstore is as big as my garage so starting of big would be a BIG NO NO. anywoos

Steps on setting up:
1. Bought aquarium with everything needed. (BOYU all in one system)
2. On my way home bought some coke :)
3. Cleaned tank with viniger and rinsed it very well
4. added substrate and saltwater mix (Red Sea)
5. waited 1 whole week. Added dead rock
6. 11 days into hobby and evything is perfect

Ive been testing my aquarium for everything thats necessary. here goes
PH 8
salinity 1.024
alkalinity 8.4
calcium 420
magnesium 1300
temp 25 deg Celsius

i did a tests in my first week and everything was fine. i had issue with magnesium and added some buffer, bobs your uncle.

The great thing ive noticed about my 18g tank. when i do a 40% waterchange. i just use the Red Sea Salt and all levels are back to normal. this is and ad....

So... when can i expect the bloom?
New build

New build

Hello RC

Well after being out of the hobby for 7 years, I have been bit by the bug again. For the past 3 months, I have been reading, researching and dusting off old books; ready to start a new tank. Things have changed a bit since my last tank. Back then I was very basic, 75 gal glass aquarium. No sump. CPR bak-Pak. HOB refugium. Hamilton VHOs and MHs. Dosed Kalk by hand, etc. It was a mixed reef with TBS LR. Everything went great for 7+ years but after two power failures while away, the tank was never the same. So, this time, I'm automating everything I can. New build: 100 gal Cadlight system, 2x Radion XR150W pros, Maxspect Gyre 150, Apex Gold controller, Dual carbon and GFO reactor, Tunzi ozmolator, Bubble Magus T11 doser, etc. LR and LS most likely from TBS. I can't wait to get this all together. Until then.......
Hi All,

I am new to the Reef world and the forum.

I started with a 20 gal 2 years ago, and upgraded to a 40 last year. I have two Aqueon QuietFlow Power Filter 30's (I believe). My LFS set it up for me. I have had a ton of issues over the years and lost many fish and coral. Im at a point where I'm frustrated because I'm not getting answers from my LFS. I just lost a Mandarin and a clown over the last two days.

All i have left in there is one clown, a bubble anemone, 2 hermit crabs, and a snail.

Where do I start with trying to figure out why Im losing so many fish all the time and how do I start to prevent this?

Thank you
New : Af :)

New : Af :)

So here i am . among-st presumed legends .
do i know that . yes . do i care . yes . will i learn ? yes . am i gonna act like a spoiled brat in a toy store with a amex and a present but unaccounted for parentship? .... your damn right i am .

you got answers ... GOOD . i got questions that you've answered a million times already and i wanna ask em again.

me ?? yeah i know about as much as a derrick hand on a dry field or a polo captain on a rugby field and im OKAY with that .

My equipment is second hand . my tank is a trade tank with my blood, sweat, and, tears in it . i TRADED 12 aulonocara peacock cichlids for this bad boy and i stripped it down and resealed it.... put new bulkheads into it . and replaced an overflow . then i picked up some 120 pounds of dry rock from an new friend who used it as a buffer in a FW tank . i took 200 pounds of nasty saltheavy dry sand from another friend who bought out a SW room and asked for a hand cleaning those tanks out for rubblerock and sand if i wanted it . ( came in handy cause that argonites gonna cost ya ) i traded a few haps for a sump and a few skimmers and pumps . i found a light with a 90g for trade on my last few peacocks . guy had it on a planted 90 with some discus . but hey it shines a good light on my situation and after knocking a few center braces out of the stand i fit the sump and hung the light and placed the sand and then put in some rock . and then ........ i did some reading and asked a few questions and i ended up in a LFS with a request for some seeding bin water and some macro aglea:thumbsup: and that is where this story begins .


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Hello from Traverse City Michigan

Hello from Traverse City Michigan

Hello all. Just joined today and have already learned many things, with much more to go. I've had my freshwater tank for about 6 years or so. Late last year I took the jump to Salt. I currently have a 20 gallon stocked with 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 1 Scooter Blenny, 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Pistol Shrimp a nice cluster of Zoa's, Pulsing Xenia, a great looking Curlicue Anemone and a great clean up crew.

Everyone seems happy and my family and I enjoy watching them. I plan on converting my 60 gallon tall freshwater tank into salt in a year or so and when I do I will try to post about my experience.

Thanks for allowing me to hang out,

Greetings RCC!

Greetings RCC!

My name is Manny and literally just getting started. Just purchase 75gal tank, stand - crystal sea salt, Rio plus 1700 642gph,Eshopps Sump, Skimmer, heater, Overflow Box 80, and 40b Sea Reef Sand. Live Rock and Live sand should arrive tomorrow...so looking forward to putting all together.

Just wanted to say hello and express thanks and appreciation to all experienced members kind enough to give time and attention to helping others get started.

Hi I'm new, I've had 2 years experience as a reefer but I'm new to this site
I currently have a 30 gal cube with a 20 gal refuguim 2 black ice 2 firefish a diamond goby and my favorite fish of the sea a dragon face pipe fish


Good evening everyone. Im dan and I am new to saltwater aquariums as well as reef central Looking forward to being a part of the reefing community.
Kinda new to this whole thing. Have had a 120g tank with a dozen or so small fish, snails, 80lbs live rock for about 7 years now. Don't think I have ever changed the water. Running 2 filters/jets or whatever they are called. But changing hobbies and really looking to start doing this thing right.
new to the reef

new to the reef

Hello, I am very new to saltwater/reef tanks and I am currently in the research stages and have not purchased anything yet. I have owned many freshwater tanks in the past but never did any customization from the 'kit' I would buy in the store. I know the reef tanks are not as 'easy' as the freshwater tanks and I can't/won't accept anything stock or standard.

I would like to stick to a smaller tank to start. I was originally looking at the biocube 29 but have also started looking at the JBJ 45. I will be buying my salt water and want to start with a smallish tank to be able to make sure I can handle tank changes and water evaporations before getting into starting my own water mixtures. I am really nervous to work with tanks that will require me to use PVC piping and running things around my house. I would like to keep a 'tight' unit around my tank/stand. I have a bunch of dogs and cats and would like to make sure nobody get's hurt. :lmao:

I would really appreciate advice about equipment. At the moment I am wanting to stick under $1000 to get what I would need to start a good tank. The cost above is for equipment after deciding on whatever tank I get. There is so much information out there about filtration systems, skimmers, ATO and live rock vs dry rock I'm just not sure where to all begin. I have decided that no matter what I am probably going to use the AI Prime lights. Not sure if I'll need two based on the size of my tank and I will use the Ecotech MP10QD pump. I really like the things that can be monitored with apps. I'm very techie and like that there are items that incorporate that in. I am open to suggestions on other tanks and setups.

I'm sorry if I posted too much information to start but I am really excited about this process. I have been reading a bunch of books, online site and watching a lot of youtube videos. I may even document this process myself on youtube. Thank you for any assistance anyone can give. :fun4:
Kinda New... Hi

Kinda New... Hi

Posted a handful of times in the "Rock Reincarnation" Thread, but just noticed this area of the forums, and thought I would introduce myself.

I'm Chase. I used to have a 72g bow tank, that was beautiful and mesmerizing on all fronts, which made my friends envious when they couldn't duplicate the success I was having. All that ended one day when my tank blew a seal while I was out and I came home to 70+ gallons of water on my floor. With dozens of buckets around my apartment, I managed to save every fish, critter, and rock. Called up my friends, and gave them all fish tank gifts :sad2: which they were happy to receive :dance:

That incident gave me the opportunity to tear out the carpet, and put in hardwood, it was also the last of my marine hobby (outside of snorkeling, diving, etc) until now.

I convinced the wife that we should buy our daughter a tank, so she can learn responsibility and patience, and the wife went for it :lmao:

So now I have.... I mean, my daughter has a CoraLife BioCube 29g, and I'm sitting here thinking that glorious past tank was ALL LUCK, cause we're at DefCon 1 over here :headwalls: but that's for another thread, watch for it.

Anyways, looking forward to getting to know some of you, and if there's any Canadians around, hi from Vancouver.

Hello everybody. First of all thank you for such a informative forum. I recently got my self a 90 Gal tank and gonna start the journey of a reef keeper. I have always being fascinated by saltwater aquariums and it was time for me to make the move. I'll keep you guys updated and most likely bother you with questions lol.
Keep reefing,
Hi all, new to the hobby. Been going for little over two weeks, just joined the forum as most questions i've searched answers for lead me back here. :)
1.5 month into it.

1.5 month into it.

Hello All,

I am really new to this and having help with my friends and family to start my own tank. I currently have a 75 gallon glass tank with stand, a light, rocks, sump, a couple of damsels, a bubble tip and a clown.

Thank you.


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Hi all

Not really new I used to post here from 06 to probably 09. I had a 150g mixed reef and after two die offs I pulled the plug in 2010. I got rid of just about everything except the tank and two skimmers. After looking at the empty tank for close to 6 years a couple of weeks ago I started it up again. Currently it's just cycling.

The biggest thing I have noticed is how the equipment has changed and come down in price. I bought a better refractometer Veegee, and still looking for other stuff test kits a new sump some new pumps etc. I just bought 90 pounds of dry base rock which hasn't arrived yet and then I'll buy some nice live rock, suggestions as to where are welcome.

What I learned.

I tried to rush. I couldn't get a 10 year old tank in a year.
I changed way to much water 60 gallons at a time so the tank never leveled out, I didn't get a good base line.
Probably more I'm forgetting but it'll come.

So there it is.
