If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello everyone -

I am newly back to the hobby. I had a 46g fish only saltwater tank several years ago that was decommissioned after a move and finally replaced it 8 years later. Unfortunately, I've forgotten most of what I learned from that experience, so I am reeducating.

A few weeks ago I purchased a 125g existing reef set-up with:
(2) 175w metal halides
(2) VHOs
30g sump
Reef Octopus skimmer
LOTs of live rock (so much that some had to come out..)
Frogspawn LPS
Bubble Coral ( I literally just found out that's what it's actually called, I've been calling it "the bubble thing"... who knew!)
Button Polyp
Some other coral type thing that I think is alive, but I'm not really sure about...
Hippo Tang
Yellow Tang
Flame Angel
(2) clown fish
Engineer Goby

Having never had a sump / refugium, I'm having to learn all I can. It came with an LED strip light, a bag of de-nitrate, and a some white plastic crating(?) in the return end. I see conflicting info about the need for substrate and have yet to find anything definitive about what exactly should be in the sump and how it should be set up.

Lighting - Learned the hard way that while the VHOs make beautiful nightlights, they are not, in fact, nightlights.

Red slime algae - I suspect partially related to the nightlights providing a great environment for Cyano to thrive, I've been battling a pretty heavy red algae bloom for about 10 days. A couple cycles and ChemiClean and a couple days of lights out and I think it's turned a corner.

I'm sure there is more, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Any advice, criticism (preferably constructive), and encouragement will be appreciated!

Hello All, I am new to Saltwater, but not to fish keeping. I've had freshwater tanks for about
4 or five years now and never thought I' d get into saltwater. I've always admired the tanks but was intimidated by the amount of upkeep needed to maintain a nice tank. Mind you I had some beautiful planted tanks and in the end it became a nightmare. From following some of the threads I think once things are established it should be a fine. As with planted tanks patience and moving slowly seems to be the key. I currently have:
2 perculas in 29 gallon tank
Hob aqueon 30
Between 22 & 24 lbs of cured live rock
Cobalt 100w heater (most accurate heater I've encountered so far)
1 1/2 sand bed Carib sea
A hydro Koralia 425gph and plan on getting another for the other side of the tank
24" edge Led fixture
For now I'm going low tech and with only 2 clownfish I'm sure that's doable. The only other livestock I'll be adding will be a goby, cleaner shrimp and I think a tuxedo urchin.
Eventually if I decide to kick it up a notch I'm going with a Remora S skimmer. Don't think I'd ever go bigger than 75- 90 gallons but when I do it's the Nuevo fusion awesome look. And because I love the look of the shimmer Kessil all the way. Well there's my introduction. Have to say this site is really friendly and informative. Thanks to all for your input.
Hi everyone, I'm Nick. Like many, I've been lurking the forum for quite a while. Finally joined today. I've had too many pets to list throughout my life, but aquariums were always enjoyable to me (minus the one time the tank leaked 75%nback when I was in college and at class). Haven't ever maintained a reef, but have done fresh and brackish. Reef tank has always been fascinating to me and looked like a fun challenge. I am still in the planning stage of my build, but planning on either their Red Sea reefer 170 or the Red Sea e170. Looking forward to being part of conversations and learning from others!
Hi! I'm new and know enough to be dangerous but at least RC helps me solve the issues one by one. I moved an old 8 year old hobby 120g tank with 3 damsels, 1 clown and 3 brittlestars, lots of live rock with valonia green algae. I also moved all the tanks salt water made with tap water, and sand which hadnt been cleaned in a year. In a couple of months the tank is doing well. I'm now starting a 200g elos 160xl to move most of the tank inhabitants and will build a 60g+ also separate tank. The move to the 200g is to have less need for constant adjustments and monitoring. Ive got the tank and about to add live sand and live rock to new 200g. The 2nd 60g+ is a backup tank. I already have a QT and hospital tank. Removed the 3 damsels and 2 brittlestars and added tangs and clowns. Thanks for posting so much excellent info. I have been so lucky to get info here which helped keep everything alive and thriving.

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Hi Everyone, I am Dakota. Recently purchased a 36g Bowfront that I plan on making a FOWLR maybe Reef eventually. Just got everything starting to Cycle last night. I have 3.1 lbs of live rock so far but will be buying it all gradually during the Cycling process mainly to ease the load on my wallet. This seems like the place to be for accurate information so here I am!
Hi Everyone, I am Dakota. Recently purchased a 36g Bowfront that I plan on making a FOWLR maybe Reef eventually. Just got everything starting to Cycle last night. I have 3.1 lbs of live rock so far but will be buying it all gradually during the Cycling process mainly to ease the load on my wallet. This seems like the place to be for accurate information so here I am!

Hey Grimreaper, and welcome aboard! Just a tip, I would wait till you get all of your rock, and cycle at the same time, otherwise your cycle will be ongoing until you purchase your last pieces. Good luck with the tank
New Fishy

New Fishy


I am new to the world of marine aquaria and have been reading and seeking advice. My first question as to do with my sump. I have a 180g glass tank and I was told by a local at a nearby fish store that I should look into an acrylic sump divided into four chambers separated by bubble traps. The first is a mechanical filter with some live rock below, followed by macro algae (I believe also called refugium), the third for a protein skimmer and the last for the pump. Would you all suggest this set up or something else. I appreciate any feed back. Thanks
hi, my name is Ayano, I live in Bangkok & just set up my 500 liter saltwater tank (incl. sump)... this is my second attempt, and I am still working on it!!! The first time I totally screwed it up because I completely relied upon the advice given by a local shop. Basically I didn't know anything until I realized that something went awfully wrong, and came to sense that I needed to start all over again. I got to know great aquarists in Google+ and Mixi in Japan who gave me great tips - without them, I could have never done it! I am still making many mistakes every day! hahaha

Now the cycle is getting established, the water quality went worse few days ago after introducing 3 corals all at once (most likely because of over-feeding), but I think it will be ok. My skimmer is doing a great job, and in 2 days I will get more live rocks in my sump to aid the natural filtration!

My fish/corals right now:

Fish: four stripe damselfish x 2, baby clown fish x 2 (on Wednesday I will get a filefish and mandarine dragonet).
Snails: have no idea what they are! x 2
Shrimps: scarlet skunk shrimps x 2
Anemone: sabae anemone (white/purple tips)
Corals: hammer coral, discocoma, Bali brain coral, sun corals, red gorgonian

If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hello RC. I've been spying on yalls forum for over a year and finally decided to start my first saltwater tank. It's a 90 gal corner drilled tank. I have everything I need to get it going but it's all old equipment and some of it needs upgrades. So, as of now it's just sitting in my garage while I gather everything up.

Which leads me to my first question. I just bought a pair of kessil a360we. Will these be strong enough to grow corals. It was an impulse buy but for 500 bucks I couldn't turn them down.

Second question, what type of sump should I run? I have a 30 gal sump now that's setup for a refugium.

I have about 40 pounds of live rock. What type of rock is best or do you just look for pieces that compliment your tank and design. Also how much sand. I was told 80 pounds would be fine.

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New member here and first time jumping into saltwater aquariums. I've kept many planted tanks doing the whole co2 injections and fertilizers. Super excited about my little nano 12 gallon biocube. Already want to go bigger. Haha tons of great info on this forum!

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Hello RC. I've been spying on yalls forum for over a year and finally decided to start my first saltwater tank. It's a 90 gal corner drilled tank. I have everything I need to get it going but it's all old equipment and some of it needs upgrades. So, as of now it's just sitting in my garage while I gather everything up.

Which leads me to my first question. I just bought a pair of kessil a360we. Will these be strong enough to grow corals. It was an impulse buy but for 500 bucks I couldn't turn them down.

Second question, what type of sump should I run? I have a 30 gal sump now that's setup for a refugium.

I have about 40 pounds of live rock. What type of rock is best or do you just look for pieces that compliment your tank and design. Also how much sand. I was told 80 pounds would be fine.

The lights depend on your tank depth. Not sure what model you have, but one was a narrow beam, and one was a wide beam. You'd have to find out which one you have, and check the specs against your tank depth. They are supposed to be pretty good lights. I was originally gonna get those, but I started researching lights, and eventually got sold on t-5's. They are still the foolproof lights for excellent coral growth. Just my 2 cents

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Greetings RC!

I am from West Yorkshire in the UK and I work as a Financial Crime Analyst by day and Photographer by night. I used to keep tropical and cold-water fish and promised myself that I would never get a reef tank due to the sheer amount of things you have to do. Fast forward 5 years since my last tank, got married, had a daughter, took her on holiday to Dubai and she fell in love with fish. Came back and bought a Nano tank after much research. Now I am a noob reefer... just like that. Anyways this forum has been very helpful so far so I thought I would join and say thanks to all the problems you guys have solved so far.
Good Evening Reef Keepers!

I am new to the saltwater hobby with my brand new 40gal Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion Mini tank.
I just set it up on Saturday :)
Super Excited to be apart of the hobby and expand my fish loving.

Here is a quick shot of my tank while it is cycling.

Just getting started!

Just getting started!


I'm a newbie with a 110 gallon reef tank. It's been running for one week and I'm starting to immerse myself in the saltwater aquarium world. I'm curious to see how active this forum is. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions as I move forward.

Got bitten by the reef bug again

Got bitten by the reef bug again

Bert here, I have previously been in the hobby since the late 80's, while still on active duty, although I have taken a break of about 5 years. I was going to stop in Phishy Business in Gahanna to pick up a tank to start back up and found a new shopping center in progress. So where is a good place to pick up a 150-250 gallon tank and stand? I am thinking of one of the deep depth tanks this time, drilled with room for a large fuge in the stand. I did look at Aquarium Adventures. But, didn't know if anyone might have any other suggestions.

Thank you all in advance,
new member.

new member.

Hi! Im from sweden and I just started my first 30 liters saltwater tank about 3 weeks ago.
want to learn more about saltwater/reef aquarium so I join this community.
My first saltwater creature is red hermit crab.:lolspin:

wail im not exactly new to the threads and have posted quite a few of my own. Ive been in the saltwater setup for just over 7 months now and have a very nice tank. (Minus the new tank problems, alge, diatoms, and ect.) However I never introduced myself.

I am currently in South Dakota and have a 55 gallon tank.

Stocked with
2 true clowns
2 watchmen goby
1 engineer goby
1 sand shifting sea star
2 pajama cardinals
4 emerald crabs
4 cleaner shrimp
5 turbo snails

tank is amazing and love salt water tanks. this is my first and learning a lot along the way thanks to everyone on here.