Hello Everyone,
I'm new to the hobby and have been reading as much as possible the last few months. This past Saturday, I purchased an established (~3 years) Coralife Biocube 14g with the following:
- Live rock and sand
- LPS: Mushroom (3 polyps loose), Branching torch (2), Alveopora, flower pot.
- Livestock: Snowflake Ocellaris Clownfish, Maldives Orange Spotted Blenny, Nassarius
Snail (2?), Bumble Bee Snail (6?), Trochus Snail & Astrea Snail (6?), Blue Legged
Hermit Crab (2), Halloween Hermit Crab (2), Scarlet Hermit Crab, and a Red Legged
Hermit Crab.
The move was a little nerve racking as a newbie but so far everyone seems happy (as far as I can tell) and testing has come back fine according to my test kit and the LFS.
Right now I'm just trying to maintain the tank and develop my routine but would like to add more coral soon.
Any insight, tips, or tricks are welcomed and appreciated. Oh and good luck to all my fellow newbies!