If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi all!

So I am new to the marine tank hobby, I have kept fresh water tropical for many years, and still have a very successful planted aquarium.
I have always wanted a marine tank, so have decided to take the plunge, and have done many months of reading before picking up a tank and just finishing up the cycling!

New from South LA

New from South LA

Hello everyone.

New member from New Iberia, LA (South of Lafayette, LA). A whole 2 days in Saltwater aquaria, but about 9 years in Freshwater/Freshwater Planted. Hoping to learn a lot and honestly, wish I would have made the jump to Saltwater sooner.

Anyone else on here from South LA?
New to the RC

New to the RC

Hey y'all! The name is Josh! I just recently started in the Reefing hobby in about August of 16. Started out with my GFs 75 that was shutdown for a year! Running a 75 gal with overflow into my 30 gal sump, reef octopus skimmer and vortex power heads. Didn't realize how addictive this hobby is! I'm currently a novice but I'm absorbing every ounce of knowledge I can get! It's been about a year now and I'm finally moving up! Buying my new 125 gal tank Saturday
True beginner

True beginner

This hobby has been on my bucket list. I'm almost ready to scratch it off! I am a true beginner. I just received my first 28 gal reef aquarium. Added medium aragonite sand and was instructed to also add crushed coral at the aquarium store. I eventually want blemmies and shrimp. Should I hold off on the crushed coral? Also, I am going to get my live rock. This is an EMPTY tank right now. Should I start out with uncured or cured rock?


Hey everyone I'm new to this forum and am still trying to figure out how to post and start a new thread or topic any help would be awesome ....thnx ...
Hello everyone,
I am just starting out in the saltwater area. I have had freshwater fish all my life but just got the 32 gallon biocube to start out with. I look forward to discussing the journey ahead.

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Hi all,
Im Lorie, I'm a newborn saltwater baby. I've been creeping on here for a few months trying to soak up some knowledge before I attempted to join in. Can't say that I'm being crazy successful so far with my tank. I have a 55 gallon saltwater system, using the filter that came with the tank, with live rock and sand, two fire fish, two blue green damsels (soon to be deceased☹️) a red star, who lost a leg when I recently added the then, three damsels, and several snails and crabs. I had several fish a few months ago but one of my clowns got ick, so I used the ick remedy my Lfs gave me and EVERYTHING DIED within a day of that except my star and two fire fish. I added a UV sterilizer right after that and just last week added the three blue greens and within a few days one of them developed a sore around his gill and was gone by morning. Never found a corpse. My crabs are pretty savage. Then my star got sick and tossed a leg. Today one of the other blues has a sore coming up. 😡 I'm beginning to lose a little faith in my lfs. I'm guess my next investment needs to be a quarantine tank? But I have to stress that I'm super saltwater dumb. I don't have any fancy goodies and really just want a few good fish and a healthy tank.
Thanks for letting me be a part of this group. Maybe I'll get better at this eventually. Oh and btw- what is the best way to deal with the two blues who are showing signs of illness?
Thanks all!!! -Lorie
Blue damsels of death

Blue damsels of death

Well after a little more board searching I think I've found my blue damsel problem. Uronema marinum, which I guess is the explaination for why brand new fish got ill so quickly. Must have been harboring it for the last 6 months since my first tank fish were blue chromis. 🙄 I suppose I'm be getting a secondary tank to keep my healthy fish in while I nuke my display tank. Yikes.
Lorie 😢😢😢
New to the Water World

New to the Water World

Hello Everyone,

I'm new to the water world. I had a small Petco freshwater aquarium many years ago with no real experience. I don't know much about the hobby but trying to soak up knowledge has led me here. I have found the noob corner and it has been helpful. I have decided I that I want to start my own tank, but I will wait a few more months to soak up knowledge and for my discount to kick in lol. Nonetheless, I am glad to be exposed to the wonderfulness of the water world.
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Hey all!

I just got my first tank in October of last year. It is a 75g Freshwater tank and a little 20g Beta tank for some tetras, danios, and bandis.
I just got my first reef tank though! I figured, go big or go home.. so I got a 180g!
Does anyone have any insight for me?
Hello all

Hello all

Hey everyone, I just joined today so bare with me as i don't know what I'm doing as far as posting here lol

currently I'm the owner of a 37 tall full of live rock, in its prime it was a beautiful reef tank with a hang on the back sump but i was overrun with Hair algae and couldn't conquer it at the time so unfortunately i let it go. My daughter has an innovative marine Nuvo 16 that i had the same issue with, well get that back up and going soon.

I am in the process of moving and once the move is complete i will be starting another reef tank. Thinking about a Deep Blue 60 Gallon rimless cube. Not sure what type of sump or what else ill need so I'm looking for any insight you all are willing to give :) i have a Radion XR30w 2nd gen that was only used for about a year so that will be my lighting and possibly adding a 2nd based on others knowledge. i also have an ecotech MP10 that i need to send back for repair but ill be adding that to the new set up.
Hi all! Just joined RC and excited to "mingle" with fellow reefers.

I'm still a newbie (about 8-9 months in) but have a learned a lot (quickly!). Have a 75g bowfront with a 20g sump.
Hey everyone. No tank yet... Well, I actually have a 90 gal penninsula tank and am slowly accumulating parts to set it up. Since I have finally moved, however, it is looking like the tank is not going to work and I should probably switch to a traditional tank. We will see...

Thanks for the awesome community here!!!
hey guys,

Ive into freshwater fishkeeping since 2011 mainly freshwater stingrays but now im planning for a mix reef tank. Join this forum to learn before i start.

Thanks all the way from ASIA


Hello everyone, started my aquarium back in October 2016 with 75 gallon saltwater tank. Just got a new 175 gallon reef tank. So stoked with the new tank. Just filled it up Monday and noticed a chip close to the corner on the back corner. Is it okay? Any advice?
Getting fish crazy

Getting fish crazy

I am starting a 10 gallon tank. I have only owned Betta fish before and I am excited to learn of other species that I can put together in my tank.
Hello All!
I haven't kept fish in a few years. I'm a zookeeper by profession. I used to have African Cichlid tanks, mbuna and tanganyika. My girlfriend just got an established 29 gallon biocube from a friend of hers who didn't want it anymore. So that's what I'll be posting about here mostly, and upgrading it.
New to te marine side of the hobby.

New to te marine side of the hobby.

Hello everyone,

My names Rusty, I've been apart of the aquarium hobby off and on for about 10 years. However, this is my first go at marine and hopefully reefing(soon). I've been reading a lot of posts on here and my questions will start soon. I look forward to the all the advice and knowledge everyone has to offer.
Wish to have a reef setup ASAP

Wish to have a reef setup ASAP

Hello everyone!!! I'm Manoj, form India. I'm a 28yr old, full time employed currently having 2 freshwater planted for myself and installed a couple of them for my friends. Planning to setup a reef or coral tank soon. Just like Micheal in the below thread just wanted to learn as much as possible before jumping into anything.

P.S: I'm from chennai, India and if any hobbyist is around this place gimme a bump, like to hangout and see your setups so that i can learn more from my predecessors.:beer: