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Accidental Reefer

Accidental Reefer

I've decided to join yet another aquarium forum! I've been in the freshwater hobby for several years and recently found an old 10 gallon tank in my alley that I decided to try and restore. It originally started as a sort of test of my silicone sealing skills to see if I could successfully reseal a tank and make it look professional. The project went well and the tank has been restored nicely!

After testing for leaks and then cycling the tank for a few weeks I decided to take my GF to the LFS to get some ideas of what I wanted to stock. I was originally aiming to do a heavily planted freshwater tank, but was quickly about to have my tank hijacked. My GF wandered into the saltwater side of the LFS and instantly fell in love with all the dwarf and scarlet hermits. At this moment I knew my plans for the tank went right out the window and shortly after we were buying salt and a refractometer...

I filled the tank with 1.5" of aragonite sand and 10lbs of south seas base rock. I also got 2lbs of LR from the LFS to help the cycle along. The tank finished cycling after 6 weeks and we were able to pickup her scarlet hermits and some snails this last weekend. No real plans for fish yet since it's a 10 gallon and there aren't too many options. Might just get a single Firefish to go in.

The tank is just a FOWLR at the moment but the plans are to eventually fill it with some easier coral since this is my first SW tank. Taking it nice and slow for now. If there's one thing I've learned to have in this hobby and that's patience.

Excited to be joining this community! Here's some pics from start to finish.




Hello, This is Kurt new to this forum. Jumped in big in 2004 with 55gal Seahorse tank! Had Eheim canister filter and HOB protein skimmer(failed after 5yrs).Thrived for 5yrs then had some equip failure which in turn caused my ponies to get ill then tank went to crap. My bad on not choosing better equipment. Looking to revive the tank with much improved equipment after doing lots of research!!!
Got the fever

Got the fever

I'm fairly new to the hobby(year and half),starting with a 20 gallon. I have upgraded to an im60 with radion30 g4pro and an Im10 with prime hd.im seeing it's impossible to stop learning something new about the hobby and have heard good things of the site for info. I am wanting to get nicer, more spendy corals and need to learn the proper care before carelessly buying.
Hi everyone! Love Reef Central, lots of great info... :)

It's been 20+ years since my last Reef setup and I am now back into the hobby.

Looking for some help.

I recently setup a 65-Gal with a sump under (Bio Balls and Bio Plate) and a Sicce 3.5 return pump with hard plumbing between the Tank and Sump. Eshopps Eclipse S overflow and a couple of Jebao PP4's.

Everything went well cycling the tank (Live Sand) and some fish were added. So, I'm about two months along and now I have what looks like what I think are micro bubbles in the tank. I checked the water level in the sump and all is okay. And the water in the sump seems to be clear. I have the PP4's set on the lowest flow setting and I dialed in the flow between the tank and the sump but the bubbles, or at least I think they are still there. They are really tiny and look like snow blowing around, and they don't seem to be blowing out of the return. I don't as yet have a skimmer so ruled that out as a culprit. And as a precaution I added a couple of activated carbon bags in the sump. It's now a week later and no better. Thoughts anyone?
I am reading past posts and came across your post. Hopefully the air bubble problem in your tank has been resolved. Air is often incorporated into a tank via a steep water drop, such as overflowing from the tank to the overflow skimmer or from one compartment in your sump to another compartment. You want the water to gently feed from one compartment to another. If this is what is happening in your tank the fix is easy. Where the overflow dividing two compartments is add a piece of acrylic an inch shorter than the overflow an inch away from the overflow. Fill this one inch compartment with rock rubble. Now the water flows thru the overflow onto the rocks and then overflowing into the next compartment. This softens the drop and breaks up air bubbles.

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New to RC

New to RC

I have a Red Sea Max c250, approx 66 gal with total water volume of 60 approx. I also set up a 37 gal display refugium as the main tank is an all in one without a sump beneath. I haven't gotten the two plumbed together yet.

My tank is now 7 months old. I've kept fresh water in the past. This is my first foray into salt. I had a disaster hit in June when I lost 9 out of 13 fish to marine velvet. Tank is now fallow for 70 odd days to allow MV and ick to be dealt with. Had to also remove fish from the display refugium as they are next to each other and there is some thought that it can be airborne (10 foot rule).

So I have 4 survivors of the DT and 2 from the refugium. 5 are being treated for copper, one, the scooter blenny is in a 10 gal by himself as he can't go into copper. Waiting to get my hands on some CP to treat his tank.

Current fish: 2 chromis, 2 damsels, 1 gold head sleeper goby, 1 scooter blenny and assorted cuc and corals.

Fish are all removed to qt and being treated and tank is on its fallow countdown.

In the mean time, I've treated my DT with fluconazle to treat for bad case of bryopsis and will do same for refugium after the display (in case I needed to move anything).

Tonight will be day 5 and there is a ton of die off happening. My goal is by the end of the 76 days to have a nice pristine tank for my fish. Using this time to replan my fish stocking list.
Here is the tank before I used the flucon and on day 4


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Just getting back in

Just getting back in

I was a member here a few years back and took a long hiatus. Just getting back in to see whats new in the hobby and thinking about possibly setting up a smaller tnak that the 2-55's and the 1-90 I had previously.
Can you help?

Can you help?

Hi I recently bought a 4 month old saltwater aquarium. The guy I got it from works at a local reef shop. My thoughts and concerns are, how long should I wait to add any life? I measured my selinity and it's within peramitors. I just moved the tank so I was thinking I'll wait a week to let things settle. I have already bought ro water for future water changes. What are some of the key things I should pay attention too? It came with some mushrooms or zoids? In the tank they seem healthy and doing well. You think based off how they look I could add other life and be fine? I bought a protein skimmer and installed it. It's only a 20 gallon tank which scares me because, I understand things can go south quickly with nano tanks. I'm up for the challenge and don't mind if it fails I'll learn from it and try again. I got my saltwater test kit from the shop and my spectrometer! I failed getting a plastic crappy one already lol. If you guys could point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it.

Hi Everyone!

I am new to this forum and I'm looking into getting into the saltwater aquarium hobby.

Thank you

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HI guys. Does anyone have a Nuvo or Biocube? I am trying to decide which type and size I want to start out with. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey everyone,

I'm new to the hobby. I've wanted a reef tank for a while. I've been reading these forums for a few years now and getting to a place where I can get a tank. My plans are for a 120 gal reef tank with a couple fish. I haven't pulled the trigger yet but it's gonna happen soon.
Hey everyone,

I'm new to the hobby. I've wanted a reef tank for a while. I've been reading these forums for a few years now and getting to a place where I can get a tank. My plans are for a 120 gal reef tank with a couple fish. I haven't pulled the trigger yet but it's gonna happen soon.

Same here! I know I want to get started just haven't taken that leap yet!

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starting back into saltwater and hopefully reefs soon as well!!! Newbe for sure!!!
forgot i have a 120gal acrylic with a 55 gal acrylic sump that im currently looking for a stand idea its 60"X 18" 24" aqurium and my sump is 40"X 16"X 17 " Any advice or plans be great
New to REEF Central

New to REEF Central

Hi guys names joshua, new to the forums here. I enjoy Saltwater tanks and i have a 36g bow front i started for my wife to enjoy. i recently acquired a 120G tank and will be looking for guidance to build a sump for the first time. i used canisters for my 36g. i look forward to sharing and discussion with the community.
Noob Here

Noob Here

Hi! Addie and Aaron Here, :wavehand:

So we have just stepped into this world of Saltwater! We have a 1 month cycled 46 gal tank with 30lbs of live rock, 2in of live sand and 2in of crushed coral. Currently we only have a pair of mocha clowns, clarkii, damsel, red hermit, and a blue hermit inhabiting our tank.
Eschopp sump system and a hang on back Reef Octo 100 protien skimmer...
We have a t5 lighting system over but are wanting to know what other lights there are out there that are good for coral that dont emit the heat that this t5 light emits.

Interested to learn about everyones lighting schedules and all the tips and tricks.

101 Saltwater Tanks for Noobs please....

How long does a Diatom bloom last?
What kind of pods are good for the tank and when can you start introducing them?
What is the best food for growth and color? We are currently feeding frozen mysis.
The Next Big Reefer

The Next Big Reefer

Hey there Reefers!

This is my first post, and most importantly my first reef tank. As a kid, I would always try to convince my parents to let me get a saltwater tank, and for a moment there I had convinced them to get me one, that is until my mom got a swarm of advice to stay clear of saltwater because "it's too complicated for a kid".I was then given a freshwater tank, 1 UGLY fish, some plastic rocks and no proper equipment. It was a sad childhood indeed lol.

Let me tell you my story, if you care to read on. I'm a bit of a story teller.

Now I am 24, I have an amazing job, and more importantly my own tank. I started collecting all the necessary equipment about a year ago when I walked into Saltwater Obsessions in Gresham, located right here in the great PNW. They had a beautiful display tank and before I knew it, I was a kid again running around looking at all the fish. As soon as I saw the corals, man oh man, I was instantly hooked. Most people start off in the hobby because of the fish, but for me, it was always about the corals. That same day I bought a 90 gallon tank, it was pretty beat up, but I sure do love a project. Filled with excitement, I took the tank outside into the parking lot, a few moments later, I looked at my 4 door corolla and realized, this tank isn't going to fit in my car at all. As I stood there confused, the store owner's buddy offered to take the tank to my house, I couldn't have thanked him enough. I spent the next few weeks sanding, painting, resealing and updating all the hardware.

Later on, I found out my apartment could not support the weight of a the 90 gallon reef tank, not including the sump I was going to add. About 9 months later I stumbled on a JBJ 45 Gallon Rimless tank for $150! These tanks are easily sold for around $700 and the only problem with it, was it needed to be resealed. I quickly jumped on it and drove about 2 hours to get there and another 2 to get back.

I spent the weekend working on the tank, about 12 hours each day trying to get this tank ready. Now the tank is resealed, cleaned and ready for rocks. I just ordered some dry rocks and should be here in about a week. Thank Bulk Reef Supply!

I am so grateful that I will be able to start reefing, after a year of hard research I think Im ready to get started.

Keep on Reefing!
Brand new to this don't even have a tank!

Brand new to this don't even have a tank!

i am new and do not even have a tank yet but would like to. there is a problem to that though i work as a deck officer on a ocean going ship and would be away from the tank for up to 8 months! is there a way i can have a reef tank and still do what i love to do?
Hey all, been in the hobby just over 6 months. Converted from freshwater over to salt and loving it so far. Always amazes me finding new critters in the tank. I am currently mainly interested in lps and softies. Nothing makes me more happy than seeing a tank full of happy corals :) Reef on!!
New to Reef Central

New to Reef Central

Hey everyone! My name is Joe and I am 18 Y/O. I have had my 40 gallon breeder (reef) set up for about 6 months now. I also just bought a 29 gallon biocube which is a build in progress, and i am looking to learn from all the mistakes I made with the 40 gal.

Saltwater aquariums have always been a part of my life. When I was young my father started a business that installed saltwater aquariums into peoples walls. We had a live rock curing station in our basement, and a 150 gallon tank full of all my favorite childhood fish from finding nemo :D

I am happy to begin this hobby on my own and learn many things along the way. The ocean is very important to me. From fishing to recreating a great enviroment at home. Thanks for letting me become a member of this awesome forum!