New to the hobby and to RC
New to the hobby and to RC
Hello folks, I'm Dan. I had freshwater quite a while back, mostly america cichlids. 3 months ago I got back into it with a BC29! At the moment I have 2 clowns and a scooter blenny, tomorrow I'm picking up my cherub angelfish from lfs. I'll eventually get a ywg to pair with my tiger pistol, after that I might get one last fish, not sure yet. I have 3 blue leg hermits, 3 scarlet hermits, 3 trochus, 2 nassarius, an emerald crab and a cleaner shrimp. Frogspawn, candycane and palythoas, waiting on a torch and a kenya tree to appear at lfs. Hitchhikers I know about are 2-3 bristleworms, amphipods and those little white starfish, though I haven't seen them as of late. looking forward to sharing my success' and failures (not to many of those please !)