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Looking forward to learning

Looking forward to learning

Hi, all,

First time on a forum in a very long time - I'm an old guy with freshwater aquarium experience many years ago.

I've ordered a Biocube 32 LED - delivery end of this week - Oct 21/17 or so.

Also on order- refractometer, in line UV, protein skimmer, and an API reef test kit.

My plan is to set up the stand & tank, add live sand & rock, let that sit for a couple of weeks (maybe a month), check the values, then start with a clean up crew for a while - check the values, then, with optimism, add some basics - hardy corals, hardy fishies, etc.

I am in no hurry, I want to do it right, not fast.

YouTube is full of info - from ways to modify the Biocube filtration to . . . well, there seems to be no end . . . this seems to be a reasoned place of experienced folk - I prefer here.

My request from the forum is for anyone experienced with the Biocube 32 - what's the key thing that made your setup sustainable, magic, or healthier than others?

I want happy friends in the tank, and I'm willing to wait, if necessary.

Thanks so much, this seems like a welcoming, inclusive space. I look forward to benefitting from your wisdom, sharing my successes, and sweating out the problems I have in the tank with this community.

Hi My Name is Buddy I am New to Reef Central.
I am not new to the Hobby. A Little history I have kept a fresh Water tanks From !975 to 1985, A saltwater reef from 1986 to 1996 Softies and Leather. Did a stupid thing got married and gave up the hobby. I Volunteer as a Fire Fighter for 35 years and worked as a Paramedic for 35 years. Got injured on the job back in 2013.Waiting for my Disability to go thru. Once everything is done I want to get back into the hobby again ( No More Wife). I would also like to setup a YouTube Channel Showing how people with Disability, Depression, and PDST can use this hobby to help.
I have been reading lots of Books on the hobby to get caught up. Lots of changes have happen sine the 80's and 90's. Also I have been Watching a lot YouTube Channels On the hobby including BRS TV.
The tank I would love to is a 72 x 30 x 24 inch Acrylic Tank mix reef mainly SPS. I would love to try doing it DYI, but I my have to settle for custom build. The Reason Why I want a Acrylic tank is my last tank was a 100 gallon Acrylic Tank and It was so much clearer than my glass tank and easier to keep heated during the winter time.
So hi Everyone
Hi, Buddy, Just made my first post 5 minutes ago - I was a paramedic for 27 years (Canada). Best job in the world, until the day it wasn't. I am brand new to salt water (did freshwater when I had wife 1 and 2).

Also hoping that this will be good for my PTSD. Always remember - we went through things that no one will ever know, and we gave of ourselves when it was most needed. There's no brotherhood for guys like us, but those of us who've been there will always support.
1" acrylic warped

1" acrylic warped

For some reason i cant post in the DYI forum so I will see if this works
I picked up some 1" cast acrylic for my tank. I looked at the coast to coast external overflow box pieces. 12"x50". In the picture you can see that across the length I have a warp of about 3mm. The "right" end of the picture is with both pieces laying flat. The edge is straight within 0.1mm. Checked with a straight edge. Thinner stuff no prob to straighten it out. 1" not so easy but its do able with clamps and shims, maybe. I dont really want to router off 3mm extra in the middle after glue up ( wood term:)))). Right now I have placed a small spacer under the middle of the warped piece and weighted the ends. If it gets warm enough outside today do you think the warp will fix itself or is it something that requires more than 90 degree heat? . I cant attach the picture or post in the DYI forum ...hummmm
Hello all

Hello all

Hello everyone my name is Justin starting on my second retake now first one flopped lol. Try to start off with a 10 gallon bad idea I'm not a graduated 32 Biocube and have just added my first fish after a short two weeks cycle I live in Kansas and excited to be here
Hi all!
Also new here!
Have kept freshwater tanks in all shakes,sizes and with different fish,plants for many years!
No im planning to take the plunge into reefkeeping!
Im almost 33,am from the netherlands and have also made dives all over the world!
From the navy pier in Western Australia and of course the great barrier reef,to shark dives in Mexico and pretty much all the nice things in between(egypt,indonesia etc.)
Have read a lot here already and decided to register!
At the moment im looking into what system i exactly want,reefer vs custom and what size!?
Questions are welcome!


Hi Guys and Girls,
I've been interested in fish, fishing and fishtanks all my life, but have only had freshwater tanks up to this point.

I've moved to Spain, and looking to start a marine tank. Ive been doing some fishing, snorkling here, and am amazed by the quality of fish. I was thinking of setting up community tank representative of Mediterranean coastline. I'm thinking fish, invertebrates, and possibly also an octopus.

Anyway, I'm still in the process of designing my setup, currently thinking 80*60*60cm tank which i will build into a cabinet and install between my kitchen and living room. I've come here initially learn about designs of overflows and sumps, etc. I'm sure this place has plenty of great info on those subjects, and many more topics which i dont even know that i need to know about.
New member wanting to set up a reef aquarium. I started obtaining everything to set on up about 15 years ago. Life happened, and the equipment I had acquired got put in boxes in the garage. Recently inspired to finish it, and finally making enough money to do it right. Figured I would sign up and be able to find information or ask for it when needed.
Another noon here, setting up my first saltwater tank

Tank drilled 300 gal
sumps 100 gallon combination of 3 sumps

currently running as freshwater.

i have been doing freshwater for about 5 years and finally decided a couple months ago to go into a reef setup

got the water changing station with RODI and 2 tanks .

here is my question

Starting with BRS 250 lbs of Pukani dry rock, have been reading about the PO4 leaching out and crazy algee grownth. i took out out as many live sponges and any other suff i found on the pukani, then power washed the rock. let it soak in bleach 20:1 solution for 3 days. then soked in clean water for two days. its drying now. now im planning on putting it in circulating salt water using hw salt for about 3 months. do you guys think i will be ok doing this method. i really dont want to mess around with acid as its scares me a bit.

what salinity should i keep the rock while curing for max bacteria production
what temp ?
i will be using all rodi water
i also plan on adding a couple pieces of live rock that i picked up from a local fishstore that i have in my 40 g quarentene tank that i setup up last week.

how do i know if the live rock from the LFS has no pests. been watching it for a week and see nothing so far ? should i treat it for pests before mixing it with my pukani in curing bins ? any advice on dipping or pest prevention from you experts. As i stated its my first salt water tank and i'm trying to do it the right way.

Thank You
Hello everyone-

My name is Dave - I had a fish only tank for a few years but that was almost 20 years ago (I'm 48). I always wanted to have a reef tank, but I ended up abandoning the hobby before I was able to make that transition back then. About two months ago, I convinced my wife to allow my son to have a "fish tank" (she's not real big on having any pets) and he and I are now slowly building what will be a mixed reef tank. We have started with a 32 gallon biocube and so far have 3 fish (clown, purple firefish, Banggai cardinal (still in quarantine) and 3 blue leg hermit crabs that are growing like weeds and clmbing all over the live rock. We also have a nassarius snail that went under the sand right after being introduced about 5 days ago and I haven't seen him (or even his stalk) since... i am hoping to add corals by the end of the year or shortly thereafter. I'm looking forward to meeting other like-minded people through this community and already know that this is going to be a lifelong pursuit. In case you are wondering about the user name - look for Monte Python/killer rabbit on youtube.
New to RC

New to RC

Left the hobby several years ago after a tragic series of events lead to the demise of my 180g reef.

I got back into the hobby last year after my son got a tank full of Cichlids, and it lit a fire for a Salt tank again for me. This time, "Aggressive" and no coral or expensive lighting. I went big with a 300g, that I am already looking to upgrade to a 480g. We have a bamboo shark that was brought home in an egg, hatched and now is more friendly than our dog.

To help draw my wife into the hobby, I let her research and pick out some fish. She chose a stingray, which honestly wasnt thrilled about, but it has since proved his worth by cleaning up un eaten food, squid, chovies, and silversides in the tank. Lastly, she picked out 3 Lookdowns, which are some amazing looking fish that are the most active in the tank.

I'll start up a thread share our build of the 300g tank last year, and hope to get ideas on a 480g plywood, or PVC bottom tank build in the next couple of months. Want to avoid a glass bottom since the sharks like to push rocks around...scares me already in our 300g.
Kinda Newb here

Kinda Newb here

Started 5 years ago with a 400 gallon tank and have been learning more every year that I've had it. My fish are still living and my corals were doing amazing unti lI lost a metal halide last winter and didn't notice it for quite a while. (my business is closed in the winter and that's where the fish live)/
Been following Reef CEntral Online for years and have gained a lot of practical knowledge here since I really didn't know anything when I gained my first and only tank.

Moving the tank home and hoping to give it the time and effort it deserves now. Thanks for all the great posts - always nice to learn things NOT the hard way!

Whats up guys im Matt, and new to the salt world. Ive taken a broken 30 gallon display tank and made it my overdone custom setup. Im learning as I go, and already made a some mistakes.

Here is where i started, and currently trying to establish my salinity correctly, once ive done that i will begin the bio establishment.

Look forward to meeting everyone, and going bigger in the future. Let me know what you think.

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Hello every one this is Eddie... i am 6 days new to the saltwater reef area... im currently cycling as 10-27-2017... i started a 55 gal tank and i hope i can learn alot from everyone...

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New to the hobby

New to the hobby

Good afternoon.

I'm fairly new to the hobby.

Still getting set up.

Looking forward to asking questions and learning more.

Thank you