Hi, new to the reefing community and this group as well... just finished taking apart, cleaning and reassembling/sealing a 150 gallon aquarium... (my first one ever to rebuild)... doinga water tight test tomorrow... and then on to the planning phase... I know I want a reef aquarium... and would love to have clown fish as my main attraction other than the reef... so with that being said lets talk equipment... what is needed? What brands does everyone recommend? Is there any do's/don'ts for a newbie? Best tank mates for clown fish? I already have about 120 pounds of dry rock... it was pre used by someone else... and little is known about his reef tank... so best ways to clean the rock? Tips for my reef design? Pretty much talk to me about everything and dumb it down for me lol... I am a newbie and just starting to learn... although i have put in about 200 hrs of research on youtube, and facebook forums... so I am familiar with some of it, but for the sake of me learning the right way and not risking the life of anything I place in my tank please guide me like I have never even touched an aquarium before... thanks!