If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

You're welcome I appreciate it. Yea it's been a while since i last had my tank and from looking at this forum it seems like things have changed a lot. When i got out LED lights where starting to be the new thing but now im seeing a lot of people wanting to go back to metal halides.
Thank you and thank you for your service. As long as you dont want everything right now you will do just fine in the hobby.

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New to the hobby, just started my first 30gal mixed reef tank. Currently have 2 black oscillaris clowns and live rock in it. Haven't gotten any corals yet. How long do you recommend I wait for corals. I put my black oscellaris in on Sunday, so 3 days ago, they are doing great. I'd appreciate any tips tricks and advance.

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Hi everyone! My name is Chris and I live in north jersey. I haven't been in the hobby for several years.

I am just getting back into the hobby. Due to lack of space in an apartment. I'm looking into setting up a 20 or 25 nano reef tank.

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My name is Tony and I am extremely new to the reefing game. I started out with a jellyfish tank two months ago:). I think I am finally at the end of the cycle and will test my water one more to to make sure the parameters are correct so I can bring my kids home. Anyway, in the process of cycling my tank I did more research into a reef tank and was intrigued. So, I ultimately bit the bullet and purchased a Biocube 32. So, far I love it. I ordered some live rock and just finished the prepping process (according to the company I purchased them from. They are awesome by the way.). So, I set up my tank with a cool formation, put in the water and watched to see what happens next. I put in a piece of shrimp to start the cycling process and I am on the second day of 3 performing 10% water changes. So far the tank is a little cloudy and I'm still trying to remedy that (to no avail):( and the hitch hikers have started introducing themselves. I went into a panic when I saw all of the worms coming out. I went in and tried to kill them by hand:uzi:Stupid me! I did some more research:reading: and discovered that they are a good thing. So, I just sat back and watched the show. It still weirds me out to see a bunch of worms running around all willy-nilly. I the mean time, i did discover two critters that I can't identify. I will post pics as soon as I figure how. Anyway, I look forward to learning with you guys through this journey and I hope that i can provide some useful info as well. I hope that all of this has a happy and enduring ending:beer:
Hey after packing my last tank away 15 years ago, I'm finally in a situation where I can get back into it! I just started a new cycle in my old Biocube 29!!! I've been sitting next to this thing for hours almost everyday, and can't be any more excited to be back in the hobby!!! So much has changed, except the amount of money that leaves my pockets ;) . I'm looking forward to spending just as much time here on the forum, and meeting fellow Aquarists


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I am a semi-noob to the reef hobby. I had a 75 gallon reef tank for a year back in 2015. Then a couple weeks ago, I took in a buddies german made 190G reef tank. The thing is a beast. Tank completely empty is 214lbs! Once I got it to my house and filled it up with the exsisting water ( (30) Five gallon pails). I noticed the anemone was odd. Two days later, come home from work and the anemone split into 4!! I jave never ever seen or heard of an anemone split into that many parts. Needless to say, the littlest part is currently hanging by a thread. The other 3 parts are thriving. Its definitely gonna be fun getting back into the reef life.

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Hey guys well i am pretty new to the reef scene ive had a few freshwater tanks but now i got a 14 gallon biocube ive had it for 2 and a half months got a cleaner shrimp, hermit crab, 2 snails and a chromis now for coral i started with Pulsing Xenia and GSP now i have slowly added a green mushroom, jason fox captain jerk zoas, and another type of mushroom looks orange and bumpy .... just got a new 55 gallon tank so in the process of getting that cycled so i can eventually move everything
Canister Filter

Canister Filter

I had a couple questions about my Penn plax 1000 canister filter.

I have the course sponge in the bottom basket, then bio floss with the media that came with the filter on top of the floss in the middle basket and then bio floss with chemi pure media on top of that in the top basket. I have bio rings that I would like to add but it says they need to go towards the top. Is it ok to put media on top of the course sponge? Also, do I need bio floss in both of the top baskets? Is the media supposed to go on top of the bio floss or below the bio floss?


Greetings all. I'm a brand new marine tank owner- though not technically new to the hobby! Just getting started out with marine, but I've dabbled in freshwater tanks in the past. I wanted to try something new. So, in the process of getting things going again. I've got my hubby to help "“ and my cat to keep out of the office where the tanks are!
Hello everyone my name is David and I return back to the hobby. Just set my Aquarium up in July so been running about a month now. On my birthday 8/6/20 I pick up some fish. Fish is doing great, LR starting to get the purple Coraline and all levels is good. I think I'm going through a bacterial bloom. Just about a week now water is a little cloudy. The only thing I'm doing for the fist is dealing with chato it breaking up and starting to go in the tank.

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I have the same exact cloudiness in my tank right now... I suspect the same thing - bacterial bloom.. Nice LR btw... looks gorgeous.
Hi, my name is Melody and my dad recently got into the hobby. I joined this forum so I can learn more about taking care of saltwater tanks. We've had our tank for almost two months now and we haven't had any issues yet.

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Hi guys. I’m back in the community after being gone for 6 years or so. I use to have an active account here, but don’t remember the log in, so I’m starting from scratch again. I had a small 10 gallon reef tank and then switched to a 30 gallon. Now I’m ready to convert my 75 gallon freshwater tank in to a saltwater tank!

I loved my reef tanks and can’t seem to stay away from them!
Hello Everyone,

Brand new to the hobby and really excited to learn and grow my knowledge. I just started a nano reef tank (due to my apartment rules can't have it any bigger) and we are about 3 days into this adventure. I know the smaller the tank the easier it is to become unstable. Hoping to get it balanced out within a month or so so I can maybe add a clownfish and shrimp. Any advice for water changes and maintaining water quality?

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