If You Are New to Reef Central, Introduce Yourself Here!

Hi, Sam here. Early 40s in age and my wife and I are in the process of building a custom home in Arizona. I used to keep salt water tanks in college but budget constraints really limited what I was able to keep. Now that finances are much better, I'm planning a custom tank in our new home. It's been a while since I had a tank so I'm doing my research. The plan is to build a relatively large tank. 6-7 feet wide, 4-5 feet tall. The tank will serve as a divider between the family room and my bar. I hope to learn and share what we are building. If anyone knows of some good resources for large tank builders please pass it on. Thanks.
Hi All, My name is Sam, I live in Chester in the UK, I am pretty new to the hobby myself but my dad kept marine fish when I was a kid so its always been in the blood somewhere.

I have just got myself a 200l tank with an 80l sump. I am hoping to start off with something easy so want to just keep some fish alive in there first and hopefully get some of the normal crowd pleasers in there (mainly to keep my kid happy), but I really like the look of some of the reef tanks that I have seen so I guess it is going to be one of those things that happens over time and I will just see where the tide takes me.
Hello all, the names Dave and i'm extremely new to marine life. I've read a lot of posts and extremely interested in learning more. I will soon come into a 20g tank and am open to any helpful advice I can receive. Nice to meet everyone


Hey guys I'm Ashley. I have had my saltwater tank since February and need some guides however don't wanna post the same questions everywhere. Just introducing myself!
Hi all,

Im Jake Luu from Australia. Im new here and just getting into reef keeping. My uncles in Japan have really nice reef tanks that have inspired me to get into the hobby.

Im currently saving for a small tank, probably 2 - 3ft and been doing alot of reading. Have spent about 2 weeks full on researching and going around lfs store here. We have a nice one here in Melbourne called Reeflections Aquarium, look to know there stuff and nice stock too.

Im hoping everyone here will be helpful and supportive in the near future and now off to read some tank journals :)
Hey whats going on everyone? Name is Riley, coming in to this hobby for a second time. This time I am starting 34 Gallon Solana. Looking to have some decent equipment with some very nice inhabitants. Thanks for such a great support network.
Hi everyone just joined last night love this community. I have learnd a lot from this before i became a member so i decide if i can learn this much not being a member imagine the help and tips of being
New here

New here

There is much to say, I will edit this later.

For now, I'm in the midst of setting up a new system.

36 bow front with a 20T refugium, firstly this system will initially be an
attempt at a successful breeding of the Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) species, later I will add other livestock to it, Lord willing.
Cheers to the month of July!

Cheers to the month of July!

Hey guys I'm Ashley. I have had my saltwater tank since February and need some guides however don't wanna post the same questions everywhere. Just introducing myself!

Welcome to our new humble abode! :rollface:

This forum looks exciting and full of people to offer sound experienced advice.

Happy reefing my friend!
Hi all, I'm Mike. I had a 90 gal. saltwater setup about 8 years ago but had to take it down due to moving and I'm getting back into it now.
New Guy

New Guy

Hi guys, my name is Mitchel! Although I'm not completely new to this hobby I would still say I'm a new guy. Ive been reading and researching on this forum a little over a month now, and I figured I probably should introduce myself haha. Being only 15 I quickly discovered when I first started 4 years ago I'm really young compared to the rest of the reef aquarist community. Although I have maintained the same aquarium for about 4 years now, I would still say I am very new to keeping a reef aquarium due to my lack of funds haha..... I currently have a 30 gallon tank and 10 gallon sump with one clownfish (the other died), a coral beauty angelfish, 2 mushroom corals, 2 leather corals, and a colony of polyps. I look forward to learning more from you guys here at RC and giving back what I can!

Sincerely, Mitchel O'Brien


Hey everyone,

I've been using the forum for research over the past month or two so I guess it's about time to introduce myself. My name is Reggie, I currently live in Palm Harbor, Florida. I just got my first tank. It's a 24 gallon aquapod. I appreciate all the useful threads and hope I'll be contributing to some in the near future.
Return newb here

Return newb here

Hey all, I'm sort of returning but still new to the hobby and have several friends with reefs so hopefully I'm not completely clueless. Anyway just thought I'd intro myself. I'm sure I'll have lots of questions with planning my new build.

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Hello again.

I joined back in '09 but have been on a reef hiatus for 4 years. Putting a nano cube in my office. Has been good to catch up with the LFS people. Really enjoying everything new to the hobby since '09.

BTW, I'm in OKC for any other local folks.
hi my name is logan ive had my tank up for 8 months now. i have a 55 gallon tank with a over flow system, wet dry filter in a 10 gallon sump. im still currently looking for a good deal on a protein skimmer if any one has one for sale pm me?
Hi my name is andrew. I am 19 iv been doing fresh water seens i was 6 when my dad got me a 18 gallon hex tank and siad go for it. Now i have a 55 agresive primaraliy jack dempsy and a marble gar, a 55 cumunity fresh random asortment of everything. I also love sankes i have 5 for now. Im an aquadic specialist at petco. My latest edition is the monstoruse 220 custum salt figuring out how to keep fish was easy now im wanting to turn my big boy into a big reef. My ultumit goal is to oneday have an indor pool with a full reff in it so i can dive evry day of my life. Im hear to learn evrything i. Can and questioin evrything to get as much knowlege as i can. Sorry if my spelling isent up to parr i strugel with it realy bad and i do apologize for it. Site looks amazing cant wait to dig in
Hi all,
I'm Patricia from, Connecticut. I'm not new to the hobby, but I'm stepping it up and changing a lot of what I've been doing to improve my water quality. Since Jan. 2011 I've dabbled in salt aquariums with a few fish, mushrooms, and zoas. I've recently invested in a RO unit (was using my well water), a reef salt mix and new test kits. Once I have my water stable I plan to try different corals and few new fish.
I've been reading all the great threads and have learned a lot, Thank you all for the great information, and for keeping it simple to understand.
Hey y'all,

Since moving to the south in 09' I have been out of the hobby. I have pretty much avoided it until now and I caught the bug again. So, I was told by the better half she misses my tank, so that is the signal to jump in. Going to try a nano tank soon. This was my hangout in 09' and I know it will be now.
Brand new to hobby and to this forum.

Brand new to hobby and to this forum.

Hello all!

I am new to the hobby and have started with a 40gal breeder tank. I have some live rock, two clowns and some zoas from what I understand. The tank has been up for just shy of three weeks. I went away for 48 hours and my algae has taken over. My Ph went up but all the other levels are good. Any advice on the algae control.