I'm going CRAZY! Which skimmer is best?


New member
I'm setting up a 400 gallon SPS reef with 300 gallon sump. What skimmer should I use. Money matters of course but I could Sneek the diamond out of my wifes wedding ring, sell it and replace it with a fake diamond in order to afford one of the better ones. I just don't know.....Deltec, H&S, Bubble King, Bubble Master, Percision Marine, ETS Etc...... HELP ME PLEASE!
I've owned a MRC-6, Deltec 902, and now just moved to this big guy a couple of days ago... I just cleaned the collection cup out an hour ago and it's already lookin nasty. this skimmer is still only a coupld days old so it needs to break in a little. Talk with SPAZZ...

<img src="http://www.shallowreef.com/display_image.php?id=220">
<img src="http://www.shallowreef.com/display_image.php?id=221">
Those are absolutely the best skimmers made. They are called "Volcano" and produced by a reefcentral member named Spazz. I have his phone number if you want it. I own the original prototype and it's great. Example: My original skimmer(different brand) used 360 watts to power 4 pumps. It produced 1 cup of skimmate per hour. My VOLCANO used 180 watts and produced 8 cups of skimmate per hour. I couldn't believe the results so I measured it several times the first few days I owned it. Basically it made 8 times the skimmate at half the wattage. I have owned several large skimmers and this is by far the best. Any one that has a large tank needs to investigate this new skimmer. I have never been so impressed with a piece of equipment! My current tank is 1700 gallons, but prior to this I had a 700 gallon system for many years. This gave me plenty of opportunity to try out quite a few skimmers. Again- VOLCANO is the best! I don't easily brag about equipment but this is well worth it.
I would like his number or email, I would like to discuss with him about this possibility for my tank. Thanks!
I think the ATI bubblemaster 250 will handle a 400gallon tank. Uses a very low wattage pump, and suppose to be the latest thing going not in skimmers. But there might be a waiting list. Reefgeek and KM associates.
RK2 has skimmers bigger than most small houses
seriously, if it was'nt for the huge hole in the top, it would be cheaper to live in it than these other so cal houses
For your 700 gallons + of system water, I would get a AP1003 should you go with Deltec.

1) cost - sure some of the better ones cost more, but think about all you spent/will spend on livestock. Best to have a good skimmer to support them
2) customer service - will the company stand behind their product and can they get you replacement parts if needed asap?
3) ease of use - depending on your skill level/ desire to tinker, it may be best to get one that does not need much daily or weekly adjustment.
4) easy to clean - is it easy to clean the collection cup other areas.
5) installation space

I'm sure there are other factors to think about. I don't know much about the volcanos. I focused on customer service and easy to use factors & went with Deltec. For me Deltec USA rep is a few hour drive or 1 day shipping if I need anything.
I would really check into a Volcano. Scott has the best customer service I've witnessed. I've owned a lot of skimmers and Scotts skimmers are the best made skimmer I've seen so far. These skimmers really deliver.:D

By the way it's truely an american made product.:thumbsup:
Wow that skimmer looks awesome. Spazz rocks.

Another skimmer you should consider is the H&S A300 3x1260. Its a grand less than the 1003, and uses the exact same pumps. More durable IMO and many others. There are a few here in the LT forum, I can post pix of mine if you want (when I had it). Replacement pumps are only $299 if you need them (unlikely). If you want to go to $3K I'd recommend the BK400. I had the 300 and I doubt it could keep up with such a large system - but the 400 probably could. Despite what the haters say, BK is the best skimmer made IME, period.

I have no idea what Spazz is charging but I would consider his skimmers. With certainty though the A300 3x1260 would be enough and is around $2,200 or so?

Edit - I'm only speaking of NW skimmers. A friend of mine is on this forum, sidewinder770, check out his Barr beckett. It is an absolute monster and very well priced. His tank/system is about your size and it keeps up great. If you have a fish room and electricity is no issue, you should consider Barr.
THANKS! you guys for the advise.

THANKS! you guys for the advise.

Thanks alot for the advise! I'll check into the: H&S A300, BK 400, Barr Beckett, Spazz Volcano, Geo & RK2.
My original skimmer(different brand) used 360 watts to power 4 pumps. It produced 1 cup of skimmate per hour. My VOLCANO used 180 watts and produced 8 cups of skimmate per hour.

Holy crap. That's 12 gallons per day. You must have one big waste collector to handle that amount of crap. I'm guessing you skim pretty wet too. Is it tough to maintain the salinity with that much removal? I understand it's relative to your tank size but even with a 1700g tank that's equivalent to about 2g of skimmate on my 300g system.
Just wanted to add my new Volcanoe skimmer in the mix. Yours looks taller but I think I'm a little fatter!

I just got more confused here with all the different models, but

I would like to know about the "Volcano " and his warrante on the Product.

The BK , DeL are proven as many others .It seems to be matter of preference. Its prolly hard to get a good skimmer these days as technology has advanced
To each their own