Lots going on. I'll try to get some pics. All the corals are doing great. I'm down to 3 Chromis, and they are no longer agressive with each other. All the other fish are doing great. I added a second chamber to my Ca/Mg reactor. That significantly raised the pH of the reactor effluent. I had to replace the needle valve on my CO2 regulator. Not sure what went wrong, but the bubble count was either zero or a couple hundred. I added a gate valve to control the mixing circulation in my Kalk stirrer. (Thanks Joe for the idea.) I also put a PVC needle valve on my Kalk effluent and Ca/Mg reactor effluent. Finally, my pH is a consistant 8.05 to 8.25, and I'm not overdosing Kalk, and my Mg, Ca, Alk are all very steady. I increased the effluent tubing size from 1/4" to 3/8" on my PO4 reactor and C reactor to increase the flow. I have an Acanthurus Thompsoni in the QT. It's about 5 inches and eats everything I put in the tank. I have another Dart pump getting noisey. I contacted Chris at Reeflo, and am waiting on a reply. Chris at Reeflo is also sending me an Orca needlewheel pump and venturi. I'm going to remove the becketts from my skimmer along with the 2 Pan World 150 pumps, and try the Orca on their and see what happens. My lovely bride is getting irritated with the noise coming from the game room, so I'm on a noise reduction mission. I know that eventually the woodwork will help some, but not enough to cover up those 2 skimmer pumps. I have a minor algae issue that I'm dealing with. I have a couple of "patches" of some "feathery" looking hair algae that the Tangs won't eat. I need to figure out how to get rid of that. That's all I can think of for now.
Steeldeep, great work! I follow your build thread. I love your upgraded light rack/slides. Great idea on the adjustable height.