Is Ebay seller perfecttemperature a member here?

Good luck. Paypal does NOT care if he ships you an big box with a brick in it. Paypal sucks. Thank goodness Ebay cares and will stand behind you and pay for return shipping.

Same company, difference faces. They are both scammers IMO but I still use it because its convenient.

Larry - Be sure to keep track of how long the transaction has been. Check with your card company and see how much time you have before it's too late to file a claim. Sometimes eBay/PayPal delays and delays causing that window to file a claim to close. Don't sleep or wait on them to "help" you, take it into your own hands via your card company. It will get them on their feet real quick. Knowing eBay/PayPal, they will want you to first return the item before anything happens.
Paypal and eBay cover buyers, sellers get screwed all the time.
The buyer can claim that he received a brick and Paypal will hand the case to the buyer.
I got chargeback many times and I usually end up loosing the case even if i have all the tracking number/records etc. My point is, buyers are usually safe and covered, sellers usually get screwed.
Most sellers are asking for payment as a "gift" when using paypal then they are covered and they cant have a claim because it was a gift. So you better hope they are a good seller and pull thru on the transaction. Good luck on getting this resolved just sucks you have to waste so much time and effort on a garbage like this.
They wanted me to send Frankenstein's chiller back to them promising that they'd "take care of it"
Not having gotten the feeling that this was an honorable place to do business with, I didn't want him to have my thousand dollars AND Frankenchiller while I had nothing. The woman went as far as to try to tell me that "the titanium alone in that unit costs us over $500.00" (follow my link, the air conditioner is over $400, claiming that the titanium is over $500 means they take a loss on every unit. Dishonesty from a seller scares me, and since I could repair their mistakes at no cost to myself other than time and energy, that's what I opted to do.
I'm keeping Frankenchiller, like it or not, mostly because I don't feel like I can trust Perfecttemp to do the right thing if I send it back to them.
Long and short of it, I got something that does chill water for my $1,000.00. God help him if the heat exchanger rusts....
In one of your posts it says it doesn't even run so why are you keeping it?? It sounds like he is willing to work with you. If you ship it back and he tries to screw you file a police report. Better to get back most of your money that have something that does not run.
I would have shipped it back Larry, regardless to get your refund you would have to ship it. You have plenty of support here to put enough pressure on him to do everything to resolve the problem.

Plus don't you have a CC that was used for this transaction? As long as you have a tracking number that it was shipped back and delivered, our good to go. You shouldn't have to settle for less.
Just my opinion but here is what I recommend you do if you still need any further assistance with it or it ever needs serviced....ship it here I will even volunteer...... and I would take it to him in person and wait on him to fix or service it and then make sure it got shipped back out. That way he cant just keep it or cause any further issues in the situation and your done with the guy. Let me know.....
Just my opinion but here is what I recommend you do if you still need any further assistance with it or it ever needs serviced....ship it here I will even volunteer...... and I would take it to him in person and wait on him to fix or service it and then make sure it got shipped back out. That way he cant just keep it or cause any further issues in the situation and your done with the guy. Let me know.....

I was going to suggest that but a few other things came to mind with particular situation. Although its a small case, PayPal/eBay want Larry to ship it back directly to them, not a middleman/mediator. If the seller is really a dishonest person, he would be able to still deny the chargeback because he never "officially" received the item back unless he gives the cash ip front when the chiller is delivered via Matt or even one of us.

Matt is a very reputable guy but is PayPal/eBay and the seller going to see it the same way? I'm willing to step in and help with arrangements as well. If you would like, I can make the calls to them and arrange something that would work out without too much hassle. It's your call Larry, like I've said you have plenty of support in the community.
In one of your posts it says it doesn't even run so why are you keeping it?? It sounds like he is willing to work with you. If you ship it back and he tries to screw you file a police report. Better to get back most of your money that have something that does not run.

It didn't run when I posted that it didn't run. The internal fan was obstructed by a wire. It was a simple fix (once the unit was uninstalled and opened up) that should have been noticed by the "builder" when he did the bench test he promised, but obviously skipped. There were also 4 water leaks that were easily fixed, again, once the unit was uninstalled and opened up. These also would have no doubt been found during a bench test.
The problems with it's functionality were obviously due to lack of attention when putting Frankenchiller together.
I agree with you, it does sound as if the seller was willing to work with me, but he broke my trust, and I was not willing to be left holding my own hand while he had my thousand dollars and Frankenchiller. Beat me once, shame on you.......
Thank ou all for your offers to help me deal with this problem, but I hope that my situation and posts about this matter ONLY SPARK CAUTION if you ever decide that you want to deal with this guy. I would not want anyone to take violent actions in any way on my behalf. I was in Orland 2 weeks ago, if I felt there was a need for personal interaction, I would have made that happen myself.
Thank ou all for your offers to help me deal with this problem, but I hope that my situation and posts about this matter ONLY SPARK CAUTION if you ever decide that you want to deal with this guy. I would not want anyone to take violent actions in any way on my behalf. I was in Orland 2 weeks ago, if I felt there was a need for personal interaction, I would have made that happen myself.

Glad but sad to see that you were able to fix it on your own.
For anyone that was wondering.....
It was 90* outside yesterday and my tank was up to 85* today, tank went as high as 88* and is dropping now with all my window A/Cs installed.
Frankenchiller seems to have hemorrhaged. There's oil all over the inside, and in puddles in the base of the unit. It worked for one season :( Long story short, if you weren't already convinced, this post should seal it. Don't do business with this guy.