Is this the exciting future of Live Rock? Must See!!!



Decide for your self.
Decide for your self.
Haha! I showed a picture to my brother with out telling him what it was, I asked him what it looks like, he somebody crapped in their hand. I have to agree, it looks like fossilized whale poo. However, in those photos at the beginning of the post caught my eye with the amount of color it has.
Obvious ~

Obvious ~

Its obvious the rock you have in the tank is really nice................. What are you trying to say ???

Are you trying to compare it to the " TURD " rock ????
Haha! I showed a picture to my brother with out telling him what it was, I asked him what it looks like, he somebody crapped in their hand. I have to agree, it looks like fossilized whale poo. However, in those photos at the beginning of the post caught my eye with the amount of color it has.

The rock is UGLIER in person. It IS brown with nothing on it what so ever. To be fair there was only about 20-30 small rocks. I don't know if that was the whole order or the stuff that hasn't yet sold. Even so there SHOULD be something on the rock and not be FULL of Aiptasia.
Its obvious the rock you have in the tank is really nice................. What are you trying to say ???

Are you trying to compare it to the " TURD " rock ????

His rock is that "turd" rock. It's as if you are trolling or cant seem to comprehend this thread.

This thread is that the ugly brown walt smith rock was given to TBS to use in place of the other rock he was using and when he lets it in the gulf it is picking up life faster then the other rock while being eco friendly.

The rock in your LFS is just the walt smith rock thrown into whatever tub they have and if full of aipstasia then that is on your LFS for having a crappy system to allow that to spread.

To recap.... Yes the walt smith rock in and of itself is a brown color but when TBS gets it into the water for a few months it comes out beautiful and full of awesome colors for your tank...
Just have to read the very first post and page of this thread. It explains that recap. Ugly brown is the before.
Come on be nice guys it is very clear that his reading comprehension skills aren't that great so we have to simplify it for him.

Walt Smith makes rock.

The rocks Walt Smith makes when completely are brownish and ugly.

Walt Smith sells his man-made rocks to LFS and several other rock suppliers like TBS.

TBS gets Walt Smith rock and places it in the Gulf of Mexico where it becomes this amazing rock everyone is ecstatic about.

The rock at your LFS is rock they got from Walt Smith and tossed into their aptasia filled rock tanks.
Its obvious the rock you have in the tank is really nice................. What are you trying to say ???

Are you trying to compare it to the " TURD " rock ????

I am simply trying to say, as many others have, that it is not very ethical for you to hijack this thread with your rant about some rock you found that is nothing like the rock being spoken of in this thread. It is not only annoying, but it's irrelevant to the thread and rude to TBS who provides an exemplary product. If you want to complain about Walt smith rock start your own thread on it.
Videsilva is either trolling or incompetent. This entire thread is about how man made rock is transformed into incredible real ocean rock (The final product). And given that the rock attracts life ten times faster than aragonite based rock suggests that it's perfect for Gulf of Mexico aquaculture rock. After the aquaculture process the rock looks nothing like it did before being submerged. As I've mentioned before in this thread, there is no comparison to the aforementioned process and your LFS who simply put it in their saltwater vat, so stop trying to make one. We all know this rock does not look as nice as dead coral "before" the aquaculture process, but it completely transforms once all of the barnacles, tunicates, feather dusters and sponges begin to grow.

What I wonder is why your sole "friend" on here is Richard, your contributions to RC have been minimal and then you come on this thread bashing his product. Even after it's been explained to you (which you could have read the thread), you either still don't get it or are trying to sabotage this thread/his product. Either way, I suggest moving on and don't buy the product.

Edit: And just to clarify, the rock is purple prior to being submerged. Not brown.
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Artificial Rock

Artificial Rock


BROWN and that was all. No life. Or the rock is being sold as IS before going into the ocean ? As for the Aquarium store I would imagine some people here have ordered online from them :)

As per post uno.

Fast forward to today and the answer to my question above... why this awesome live rock I just received is so special?
I'm sure many of you know or have heard of Walt Smith. Mr Smith has been working for years on developing his own eco-friendly live rock. Check it out here...
Well apparently, these two pioneers in our hobby have joined forces. Walt began shipping his man-made rock to TBS. Richard has been busting his butt, hauling all this rock out on his boat and dumping it into his lease. I'm about to post some pics below and what you are about to see is truly AMAZING. But what's so amazing about what is essentially fake rock? Even Walt Smith has been letting his rock cook in the ocean in Fiji. What make this so special? Well... let's let the pics answer those questions
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Its obvious the rock you have in the tank is really nice................. What are you trying to say ???

Are you trying to compare it to the " TURD " rock ????

Don't be an idiot. Listen to what people are telling you.
Although the texture is similar, the rock you saw at your lfs in no way compares to the rock you would get from TBS.
Unfortunately for you, you shot yourself in the foot when coming on here and talking trash about a product you have zero experience with.
There are well over 400 posts in this thread with countless photos showing the life on this rock.
I'd say you are either a troll, or a few rocks short of a reef tank if you know what I mean. :lol:
Seriously man you are just trolling now. If you cant see all the pics in this thread about the speed life attaches to this rock compared to the traditional rock Richard has been using you are blind or just trying to be dense.

BROWN and that was all. No life. Or the rock is being sold as IS before going into the ocean ? As for the Aquarium store I would imagine some people here have ordered online from them :)

Yes like has been mentioned several times, Walt Smith dies sell this rock before it goes into the ocean to suppliers who want dry rock like you LFS.
Lol, we are like a pack of wolves! The guy is obviously half baked but man! We are all petty defensive over our rock [emoji3]! TBS 4 Life lol
I have a few pounds of this rock. christmas tree worm, hidden cup corals and red coraline... Makes me wish I never introduced the purple stuff :). But I dont QT my frags, well I didn't used to.
I will be honest and say that I hated the rock when I first got it.. It looked really fake to me.. Richard was willing to refund my money (top notch guy in that regard). I thought the rock looked overly painted. I threw it into the tank anyways and told myself that if I didn't like it, that I would pull it out and find alternate rock.

I started the tank with 50% dry and 50% TBS Reef Rock. I wasn't fortunate to receive and abundance of marine life hiding in my rocks (2 gorilla crabs, 4 or so porcelain crabs and a super cute baby long spine urchin) but what I did receive was rock which sped my tanks cycling process to almost zero and beneficial bacteria which I don't think they have figured out how to bottle yet.

Is it expensive when you consider freight (I am not a cheap person by any stretch) - yes.. Is it worth it - yes.. Was I angry at the amount I spent for what I got - at first yes but then no..

just my two cents...