Is this the exciting future of Live Rock? Must See!!!

sorry but I'm never putting anything into my tank unless I know whats on it. I had LR that I took from the reef in Hawaii and GHA broke out after a while. I left the tank with my wife and month old son to go to Iraq for a year and came home to a GHA paradise. I don't blame her for neglect at all. She was raising a new born not knowing if I'd come back home alive. I restarted from scratch. Took new rocks, killed them in sunlight, stripped them with a drill brush and reseeded them with just coraline scrapes. No GHA ever again. Just pure purple.
Lets do a basic marine reef keeping 101 review.

#1, If you have excessive algae, you have excessive nutrients. Period. I don't care what rock you used. Green hair algae is in your tank. The moment you neglect your tank, the algae will grow.
Yea, gonna say doesn't matter the rock used. Neglect will ruin any of it. Not like that's any blame or anything, just how it is.
Those live rocks directly from the ocean are great.. But once we put them into our tank, will the sponge and other creatures survive at all? and for how long?

I picked up the "part one" package 10 or twelve years ago. I did loose the barnacles in several months. - Probably because I didn't think of direct spot feeding. The pistol shrimp made his presence know for several years - I never did see him...
All the sponges and truncates are alive and well, after a decade. Bare in mind that this was also my first SALT tank, so the TBS rock covered for my lack of experience.
Wish we could get rock like that up in Canada, those photos are so much nicer then anything I have seen here, can't even find live rock from the ocean much anymore, all dry rock, or dry rock that sat in pools of saltwater, but no life in them.

I mean actually in Canada already lol.

I wouldn't think it would be viable or cost effective to bring in 15 pounds. I only have a 10 gallon nano, and the closest major airport is Seattle which is still 3 hours away.

Although for a large tank, I could certainly see it being worthwhile.

I am on the west coast and we lack salt stores these days, closest one I have now is an hour away, but all they carry is some colored purple rock that while under water is devoid of any life.

I'll keep that link in mind, if I ever start the large tank I want.

I will say your rock in the photos I have seen are the nicest I have seen in years.
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I'm a noob just thinking about getting back into the hobby after a 20+ year absence. After reading each and every post in this thread, and exploring the TBS web site and watching all the videos, I'm *totally* sold. When I do finally get my tank set up, you can bet it's going to be stocked with "The Package". That's months and months away yet, potentially a cross country move away, and a search for and purchase of a new house, but I'm already like a kid waiting for Christmas to get here! Lots of things to think about before we get there, but wow!! Just wow!! Super excited! I remember back in the 1990s feeling horribly guilty about using Florida Keys live rock (I lived in SoFl at the time) after hearing marine ecologists speak at the local wildlife club meeting. So glad to know that there's an ecologically and socially responsible way to obtain this amazing LR now. Come on Santa Claus!!!
My new 75 gal is just about ready!! There's ~50 lbs from my old 46 gal tank in there. Next week I'll order The Package to complete the set up!


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His rock is amazing. I just seeded my tank with his rock. All kinds of live stuff. Conchos, a turbo snail, little crabs. Some not so great lol heck even the live sand brought a starfish and a pistol shrimp.

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I can't help it, I have to have some of this rock, maybe even some of the sand. I'm actually hoping for some pistol shrimp so that I can add a couple of different goby species to my 75 and have them pair up.
I can't help it, I have to have some of this rock, maybe even some of the sand. I'm actually hoping for some pistol shrimp so that I can add a couple of different goby species to my 75 and have them pair up.

Sand is nice too. I mixed about 60 lbs of it with like 250-300 of Oolithic live sand. Full of life and tank cycled in a week.

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I'm half way to an order, but still a bit off. Tank is about two weeks off on shipping then needs plumbing work. Lighting and pumps. The good news is that I can place the order, drop it in the new tank while leaving old tank running :) Give me room to catch any of the hitch hikers I don't want without causing undo stress.

I may be making a channel diagonally with TBS sand on either side buffered by rock work with the finer CaribSea sand in the middle. Either way getting closer but still a bit off :(
If I ever make a Caribbean tank I will get this rock. Unfortunately it may be hard to keep everything alive long term.