Isla Escondido - invincible569's Rimless 300g

Yeah Edward. Measuring my floor and seeing that pic got me thinking of maxing the space out even more. I was thinking maybe going 34". :confused: The wife would have my head. :lol:

BTW, I contacted Biomatix yesterday for a price on the controller and they never got back to me. Should I try them again or send an e-mail?
Edward, I never really wanted the iPhone til I saw your earlier post with that and your Biomatrix! I'm waiting to see how the next one looks (June) :)
Too fly, you are better off calling Biomatix.

tbone, are you sure they are releasing it in June?

marc, you can have it all!!

miwood, I will see what I can do with the pics. I've been so busy lately.
iphone 2.0 software will be available for previous version ipods regardless of new features on the new phone :)
Hey Ed, that is how my iphone looks except I have an icon for my thread instead of my controller. :p
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12050284#post12050284 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by quiksilver
Yes but the next release will have built in gps :D

i hope so and a nice ichat client. If it does i will join the revolution. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12050335#post12050335 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GSMguy
If it does i will join the revolution. :)

I am not a techie, but I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't check the net when I am driving, in the grocery store, at a game, you get the point.
Edward, my coworker's friend works for Apple, and she said another iPhone is coming out in June, with 3G. I didn't ask what other enhancements there were. I hope it comes in a smaller footprint. That was a reason I didn't get the original iPhone.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12050359#post12050359 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marko9
I am not a techie, but I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't check the net when I am driving, in the grocery store, at a game, you get the point.

its only a matter of time, i could buy a pretty nice car with all the money ive given apple.
I need to get my BII's sms up so I can add a icon to my phone...dang, I did'nt even know I could do that.

E, I'm having James start me a new tank tomorrow. I'm going 72x36x24. I can go 2"s taller or a couple inches longer what would you do? Maybe longer to try and keep some more light in from the 6' fixture?

GSM, like the ocupation..that's funny

Thanks Edward.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12051396#post12051396 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by clownnrnd
GSM, like the ocupation..that's funny


T is a very charismatic guy. If a stalker is going to stalk someone, he may as well have charisma. And why not share the same interests to boot? Otherwise these stalking episodes go nowhere fast.

clownnrnd, I would go longer over taller. Tall tanks are a pain to work on and I even have long arms.

If your buying a tank from James at Envision Acrylics, your gonna love it.