Isla Escondido - invincible569's Rimless 300g

Still in shock hearing the news. So tragic that I really don't have many words to express. I will say that I purchased Edwards tank off him years back and got to know him a bit. He was a genuine good guy and I really enjoyed our conversations. We kept in touch for a long time even after he was out of the hobby. Sometimes you don't appreciate how much someone impacts your life until they are gone. My thoughts will be with his family.

never met him but he was great at giving advice in a tactful way and just had that "touch" with his systems. my heart goes out to his wife and family...God bless them all.
Very saddened to hear this. My condolences and prayers go out to his family, friends, and those who Edward touched throughout his life.

So sad, he was a good friend and amazing at everything he did in life.

My condolences and prayers goes out to his family.
Oh man I'm so sorry to hear this, I will miss him, he was so inspirational and his way of reefing really changed my whole perspective outlook on the hobby.
RIP, Ed! He will be missed but not forgotten. He helped me so much in this hobby and truly fortunate to know him. I will rebuild my tank and dedicate it to his honor...someday.