Isla Escondido - invincible569's Rimless 300g

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12132324#post12132324 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tbone28
Guys, please DON'T do this to Edwards' beautiful tank thread! Take it over to mine! :)

LOL! I just want to say three letters. GTR!! (Edward is a car buff btw)
ccondo, I keep the back wall clean with a long scraper. Its very easy. In the first few months its time consuming because algae grows quickly. Now its very easy. I jsut get on the sides and scrape away. The hardest part is the back middle, but I just take it slow and it works out ok.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12136208#post12136208 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
ccondo, I keep the back wall clean with a long scraper. Its very easy. In the first few months its time consuming because algae grows quickly. Now its very easy. I jsut get on the sides and scrape away. The hardest part is the back middle, but I just take it slow and it works out ok.

See? No fear of getting T-boned. Edward is a consumate professional.
I however, am not. :D

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12131704#post12131704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Maximus
Not mine!:D

Not to your face she don't. :lol: I'm kidding braw! ;) :mixed:

Sorry Edward. :D
Wow I just finished the whole thread, I wanted to wait until the end before I posted.

A couple of things that I have been wondering as I read a couple of pages everyday at lunch.

1. Cleaning the sand with a Vacuum, how and can anyone point me in teh direction of some direction to do this. I would assume the siphon would suck up the sand as well and you would be outa sand after a couple of months cleaning?

2. When are we going to get a picture of the equipment side of thnigs, under the stand, in the garage and anything else you have been hiding from us.

I will be setting up a tank much smaller than yours in a few months and I will incorporate some ideas of yours along the way. Keep sharing your insight and knowledge I am sure it has helped more people than you could imagine.

Great looking tank.

My only gripe is all the fish you have lost. I know you seem to be a very great reefkeeper but you kept adding things that continued to just jump out. I think you should have done something to prevent this.
The species we add to our tanks are just as alive as a dog or cat. We should take the proper steps to keep them safe or not take them from their world in the first place.

Love the tank, I'll go back to following along again.
Hi Edward,

I wanted to say that I too have just finished reading your entire thread, all 83 pages!!

I'm a friend of Josh (Majesticangelfish) in Adelaide, South Australia.

I didn't want to post a reply until I'd read it all.

I love your tank, but I guess you get a lot of that.

I'm in the planning stages of my tank upgrade from my current 4'7"x18"x20" which has been going for 5 years, to 6'x28"x28" natural light, SPS dominated reef.

If I may, could I ask about the vinyl that you put on the back of your tank as I'm seriously thinking of doing the same? My tank will be hard up against the wall at the back, as yours is. How is it holding out? Do you get salt between the glass and the vinyl? (As I've been told that I will)

Also, with your closed loop outlets, are they under your rock work or simply hidden behind your rock work?


Rod. :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12343041#post12343041 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by levon15

1. Cleaning the sand with a Vacuum, how and can anyone point me in teh direction of some direction to do this. I would assume the siphon would suck up the sand as well and you would be outa sand after a couple of months cleaning?

I will try to answer this one for you.

I use a gravel vac, the end that goes in the tank has a wider section, that the sand bubbles up in, but not so much that it gets pulled out. If the sand starts to get too high, just place your finger over the other end -- to stop the water, the sand will fall back down. Sure you will get some sand in the bucket, but not a whole lot.

This is what the tank end looks like in action.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12032117#post12032117 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
Terry, let me see if I took any pics yesterday of it.

Paul, it's very large! Not many people have seen this tank in person, but when they do, they are amazed at how deep/wide it is. I am already used to the depth of it, but just looking at it now still amazes me how large it is. I wanted to show how deep it was with the pic above. It's a look you dotn see much around.

flyin, you're welcome.

Marc, Thanks my friend!!

By the way, I was in San Antonio and loved how I could put my mind at ease with these 2 icon favorites on my iPhone. ;) One for entertainment and one for seeing how my tank is doing.


Whoa, since when can you customize the icons for those like that?!
Sorry guys, I have been extremely busy with work. The tank is doing great, but wish I had the time I used to have so I can enjoy it like i once did.

I never did complete the equipment side of things and I would be too embarrassed to post a pic of it since its a mess right now. I love my Schuran 2 reactor. I havent touched it in months and have not had any alk problems.

As for the vynil, it was placed by Jaime at Aquarium Environments when they installed the tank in its place. Im not sure where they got it from but if you look back on the first pages, I think someone posted a link. It's made by Avery.

The closed loop is no more because my 6201's were better except the Chiller closed loop which is hidden under the rock work.

As for the iPhone, you can customize it with the new software version release.

Sorry guys for not having much time.
Thanks for the update Edward!

I'm considering the Schuran but folks warned me that it needs to be fed by a peri pump... This doesn't worry me since I run several peri-pumps now... but I'd be interested to know what pump you use and how often you replace the media.
Thanks for the reply Edward.

If I may, could I ask one more question about the vinyl, how is it holding out?

Do you get salt between the glass and the vinyl? (As I've been told that I will)

Sorry that was two questions.

Rod. :thumbsup:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12501771#post12501771 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Oldtimer
I'm also planning to use a Schuran. I plan to use a pump from my Profilux dosing module.

I have a Schuran as well, but am Tee-ing off the return with a gate valve for the feed.

I'd like to see what Edward is going to do..
From my experience, I did not need a peri pump for the Schuran 2. I dont know if having the 2 makes a difference in using a peri pump. I am using the same Aquaclear 800 pump to force feed the reactor but only regulated on the output and not the feed. I was actually surprised it worked especially since I have been hearing so much about needing a peri pump.. but most of that talk was for the Schuran 1.

As for the Vynil, I have had no issues. It's stuck like glue. When they put it on, they tightened it with some heat just like they do the tint on a car. Maybe its the way someone puts it on just like when someone is inexperienced with putting on tint?