Island Reef


New member
Hello everyone,

Well some friends of mine were saying I should put my tank over here ReefCentral :spin1: so here it goes the setup and some pictures.

Volume: around 273L
Display tank: (100cm x 58cm x 45cm) = (39"x23"x18")
Sump: (50cm x 50cm x 35cm) = (20"x20"x14")
Skimmer: Royal Exclusiv Bubble King Double Cone 200
Return Pump: Eheim Compact+3000 ( 3000 L/hr)
Water circulation: 2x Ecotech Vortech MP10w ES with EcoTech Vortech battery backup
Lighting: ATI Sunpower dimmable 8x 39w T5
Ca, Mg and KH dosing: GHL 3-way independent dosing pump, using the Balling Light method

Latest FTS taken 20th of April :)




Earlier FTS :)




Nicely done man! That tanks is absolutely beautiful! How long has it been up and running? Did you start from frags or colonies?
Nicely done man! That tanks is absolutely beautiful! How long has it been up and running? Did you start from frags or colonies?

Thanks :)

This tank has been running for 1year and 8months, all the corals I started them from frags some added as big..ish frags from my old nano.

Pedro, you grow a stunning reef! The pics are gorgeous! I just showed them off to my girlfriend and she says " can you make your tank look like that?". My reply was " yes honey, but I'm gonna need a bigger budget"..... LOL

Keep up the good work man!
Pedro, you grow a stunning reef! The pics are gorgeous! I just showed them off to my girlfriend and she says " can you make your tank look like that?". My reply was " yes honey, but I'm gonna need a bigger budget"..... LOL

Keep up the good work man!

LOLOL this is a good persuasion thread then ahah

yeah it doesnt make it into the large 180+ thread so i think this is where it belongs. i do think that there should be another section added for a 40-180 gallon tank. either way you have an amazing tank. what is your maintenance schedule like? what about dosing or reactors?
yeah it doesnt make it into the large 180+ thread so i think this is where it belongs. i do think that there should be another section added for a 40-180 gallon tank. either way you have an amazing tank. what is your maintenance schedule like? what about dosing or reactors?

Indeed it needs!

Well for the maintenance I do:

40L water change every 15days with NSW
Skimmer cup cleaning every week or every 4days
Glass cleaning every day
Water testing Ca, Mg and KH every week
General equipment cleaning every 3months

I use the balling light method to control Ca, Mg and KH
Bacteria and elements dosing with KZ products

  • KZ ZeoBAK
  • KZ BioMate
  • KZ ZeoStart3
  • KZ ZeoLife
  • KZ Amino Acid HC
  • KZ Coral Vitalizer
  • KZ Sponge Power
  • KZ Coral Snow
  • KZ Pohls Xtra
  • KZ B-Balance
  • KZ K-Balance
  • KZ Stylo-Pocci glow
  • KZ Iron
  • KZ Potassium Iodide Fluoride
  • KZ Coral Booster
  • KZ Flatwormstop

And recently I started dosing live phytoplankton during the night 96ml per day at the moment.


thanks :)

thanks Charley,

I was afraid of putting it on the larget tank section 180gallons+ LOL, I think I'm right there are 2 sections... 180+ and the nano section.


Yeah it wouldn't do well in 180+ either. Either Reef Discusion or the SPS forum. Tons of people from the SPS section I'm sure would love to see your tank! Its really breathtaking.
Absolutely gorgeous. Glad it was accidentally posted in the nano section. I don't go to the large section as much as i would like lol