Island Reef

Pedro my friend,everything looks awesome.I am excited to see one of my Pink Lemonade frags made it all the way to your island .Your level of skill in reef keeping is evident in the health of your animals.Bravo brother !!! TOTM material for sure !!!

Thanks a lot mate, really appreciate it :thumbsup: glad I found a Pink Lemonade :D :D :D it's amazing !
The new frags placements :)

ORA Oregon Tortuosa
DR Tyree Pink Lemonade Acropora
Blueberry Lime Millepora


Looks like you did some serious fragging to that Red Monti Cap! Tank is looking great man. Looking forward to seeing the new frags grow out. :beer:
How long have you been using the Zeo system? Do you think it makes a noticable difference in your colors and growth? I am seriously considering going ZEO with my nano.
How long have you been using the Zeo system? Do you think it makes a noticable difference in your colors and growth? I am seriously considering going ZEO with my nano.

Hi there Ross,

Well I've been using KZ products since I started this tank and starting using it on my previous tank. And I dont need to say that I'm loving the results.
Hello everyone,

So I'm back with new pictures of the tanks current state :)

A few weeks back had a little problem with a KH drop .... my mistake err so the tank is still recovering from that, but it's almost 100% :D

So here it is some pictures.



A recent addition: Ice Fire Echinata :D



Some fresh macros :)


DR Tyree Pink Lemonade Acropora



"Ice Blue" Echinata



RF Ice Fire Echinata



ORA Oregon Tortuosa



Beautiful tank! WOW!!

The over flow you have is exactly what I've been wanting to do for my new tank, would love to see more pictures of your over flow on the back panel going all the way across the back. Also if you dont mind sharing the specs as to where the over flow and return are located.

I actually just posted a thread and would appreciate it if you can chime in and help me out :)

here it is:
Thank you everyone for the wonderful replies. :D :D

Beautiful tank...what type of sand do you have in the tank?

thanks :)
Im using TMC sand 2-3mm I think. I figure it's the same size as the KZ sand.

Beautiful tank! WOW!!

The over flow you have is exactly what I've been wanting to do for my new tank, would love to see more pictures of your over flow on the back panel going all the way across the back. Also if you dont mind sharing the specs as to where the over flow and return are located.

I actually just posted a thread and would appreciate it if you can chime in and help me out :)

here it is:

Thank you, It's quite simple... 2x 32mm durso pipes one on each side, and in the center the return pipe that goes to the upper left side of the tank it's right behind the Montipora confusa ahah

Do you happen to have any pictures of the plumping behind that overflow? Also how much of a gap do you have between the back glass panel and the overflow panel? It would really help me out with my build, your tank is exactly what I would like to achieve.

Thanks again!