Island Reef

Hello everyone :)

Here it is the latest FTS :D

cheers guys :)

Well I come with news ;) after attending Interzoo 2014, and seeing some amazing equipment and new methods :D :D I am know using Triton Lab to keep my parameters even more in CHECK, Triton can measure many crucial trace elements and advice on dosage with his products in order to bring those levels up... or down ;) after receiving my first results I was amazed with what I was missing out... now just waiting on some Triton trace elements to start "leveling" my water.




More updates soon ;)

Hello everyone :) I come bearing news finally I received my first TRITON elements and started dosing them yesterday according to my TRITON test results

Well first thing I noticed was the concentration of the potassium, looks like extremely concentrated so I was thinking... I had the K at 300ppm and needed to be at 400ppm if I were trying to bring this up with only water changes that would take ages also I dont now how the K concetration of my NSW, will send out a test soon to TRITON lab just to analyse it.
Also still need to bring 6 more elements up, but the most important ones I'm already dosing K and Sr

Bare in mind that I'm not using the complete TRITON method that consists on NOT doing water changes and use the A B C1 and C2 components, I'm using TRITON just to get my trace elements at the recommend levels. I'm still using KZ for nutrient reduction and coral feeding

Ok so... a few pics before dosing TRITON... for the record.









I love seeing updates of this tank.. The before pictures are beautiful looking forward to the after.. I think its going to be hard to beat though due to it seems like your already doing everything right =)..
Great looking tank! The dimensions are awesome and I like the coast to coast overflow a lot. I plan on using a similar overflow on my next tank and was curious if you built that overflow yourself or was it a custom built tank? If you in fact you made and installed that overflow I would love a small write up on your process if possible.
Hello everyone ;)

First of all a picture of Mr Crab


And now some news... using Kore 5th and PacificSun bulbs ;) will post more pictures soon ;)


So why don't you provide some details on you picture taking? What equipment are you using and some hints for those of us that would like to take amazing pics like you.

Very nice clean tank!