Isn't that a lot more work?

I wouldn't let the tank experience sour your thoughts on other Red Sea equipment. I've heard nothing but good things about their other equipment. It's a shame so many people have experienced these seam failures. You'd think with this being a known issue for so long, it would have been resolved.
whelp, I ordered the e marco 400 after reading some reviews and watching a few videos. Ordered a new ATO as well. as much as I want to ban redsea from my house, the truth of the matter is it sure is convenient having all your devices on one app.......... so admittedly I ordered the redseas ATO. The LFS who sold me the Mariner is throwing in a reservoir which retails for $250 but fits the cabinet perfectly. $250 is a crazy price to me for an acrylic box, but at free, and custom fit for my stand.... I'll take it.

been researching floating reefs a bit, acrylic etc. I'm not sure if I'll be able to incorporate it, but might give it the ol' college try-
Well, I am sorry I didn't see this until you ordered the cement, but I love the Marco 400 cement. I still have about 1/3 a bucket left from back when I scaped my old tank. My current tank I used epoxy putty, as I was sculpting wet, but for dry scaping, nothing is better. The big rock ledge on the left (that everyone says looks like a crocodile's head) is a re-used piece, and is held together with Marco 400.
I wouldn't let the tank experience sour your thoughts on other Red Sea equipment. I've heard nothing but good things about their other equipment. It's a shame so many people have experienced these seam failures. You'd think with this being a known issue for so long, it would have been resolved.

I agree with @griss on the equipment. I can’t say I’ve seen many complaints about the equipment side of RedSea

Well for better or worse I did go ahead and order the RedSea ATO. I just really do like the idea of so many of my mechanical devices being under one app.... It should arrive this week with my cement.

Well, I am sorry I didn't see this until you ordered the cement, but I love the Marco 400 cement. I still have about 1/3 a bucket left from back when I scaped my old tank. My current tank I used epoxy putty, as I was sculpting wet, but for dry scaping, nothing is better. The big rock ledge on the left (that everyone says looks like a crocodile's head) is a re-used piece, and is held together with Marco 400.
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thanks for the feedback! I expect my marco to arrive this week so my wife and I can start the design work. we have some ideas, but lucky for me she's far more visual than I am so I'm certain she will be the chief designer.
oh man so close. the past month has been a lot of different thoughts, feelings and even emotions between "maybe It's time to hang it up" to "lets go bigger than ever". There has also been the period of .... damnit, i really hate building stuff, as I contemplated the assembly of the new cabinet, plumbing, mixing 150 gallons of water, replumbing my auxillary equipment etc but we recently had a brand new deck built on the back of the house and now that it's finished, and my new tank is arriving any day I feel some excitement renewed.

I have a lot of crap on order right now, lol. Dr Tims, ATO, Marco, etc etc. I'm brainstorming aquascape, considering the polylabs genesis rock. already filling shopping carts on live aquaria for when the tank is ready.

I had also set up another 10g hospital tank with some sand and rock and it's completed it's cycle. I will likely break it down when the new 130g system is ready to go, but I like the idea of having my own very clean sand, water, and rock to throw into the new system to help seed things along a bit.
Be careful with livestock from Live Aquaria, IMO they have really gone downhill.

ohhh that's good to hear. they're one of the only places I've found to stock biscuit starfish and that's basically one of the most important critters we lost that I wanted to replace for my wife. He survived, but ended up sold at the LFS while we were stuck out of country and uncertain if we would rebuild.... so I had hoped to maybe place a fairly large order there to justify the shipping on the one starfish.
My new redsea ATO and Marco Cement arrived yesterday. Tank hasn't arrived yet, but I have live rock mocked up a bit in a formation my wife seems to approve of (LOL). We may use the cement to attempt a zoa tree... I feel like we are pretty much 90% ready for the new tank.

I'm a little bit torn on how I'm going to water test it before I set it up. Still working out those logistics in my head...
I have my rock scape worked out basically, although nothing is cemented together. I ordered Dr Tims which I've never used before, but thought it would be an interesting way to speed things up. I've been told to expect the new tank around Mar 11th or 12th. 12th would be bad because I can't be home that day so maybe the 13th.

I'm still trying to figure out the logistics of setting it up to do a fresh water leak test, then tearing it down to set it up again.