oh man so close. the past month has been a lot of different thoughts, feelings and even emotions between "maybe It's time to hang it up" to "lets go bigger than ever". There has also been the period of .... damnit, i really hate building stuff, as I contemplated the assembly of the new cabinet, plumbing, mixing 150 gallons of water, replumbing my auxillary equipment etc but we recently had a brand new deck built on the back of the house and now that it's finished, and my new tank is arriving any day I feel some excitement renewed.
I have a lot of crap on order right now, lol. Dr Tims, ATO, Marco, etc etc. I'm brainstorming aquascape, considering the polylabs genesis rock. already filling shopping carts on live aquaria for when the tank is ready.
I had also set up another 10g hospital tank with some sand and rock and it's completed it's cycle. I will likely break it down when the new 130g system is ready to go, but I like the idea of having my own very clean sand, water, and rock to throw into the new system to help seed things along a bit.