Jackson's 115 Gallon Custom Cube 32x32x26

Certainly can't argue with your results. Your colour and growth is obviously fantastic. Well done. :beer:

Thank you so much. I'm a little higher on the nutrient level that I would like to be, but I am cleaning things up a little.

Awesome deep acro colors Richard.


Here is a video that I took the other day. Happy Holidays!!!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xrAdpPDKt7I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So much going on in a small space not too many people can achieve this. Your coral placement is on the money.
Great job Rich!!
Awesome love the video!

Thank you. I just upgraded phones to an iPhone6. Looks like this one is capable of better quality videos :) I'll try again soon.

So much going on in a small space not too many people can achieve this. Your coral placement is on the money.
Great job Rich!!

Thanks Vic. I find myself moving things a lot lately. The space is becoming an issue. I have thinned things out a little, but the growth takes up that space quickly. I was letting things battle it out for a while but eventually I saw some tissue necrosis where corals were touching for a while, and i was forced to frag.

Tank of the month. Give it to him. Seriously.

That's funny I was just thinking that his tank is well worthy of the honor.
LOl thanks for the vote but this tank has much growing out to do. TOTM tanks always have big colonies :)

Great tank Richard!
Thank you very much. Glad you like it.

Since this thread was bumped up I'll post an updated shot of the pearlberry.
IMG_0096 by rich.colombo, on Flickr

And my new yellow flanked wrasse
IMG_0103 by rich.colombo, on Flickr

Current FTS
IMG_0083 by rich.colombo, on Flickr
Tank is looking great as usual! The color of that pearlberry is unreal.

Love the yellow flanked wrasse addition. Mine managed to find/create a small gap in the corner of my screen cover. Need to find another
Tank is looking great as usual! The color of that pearlberry is unreal.

Love the yellow flanked wrasse addition. Mine managed to find/create a small gap in the corner of my screen cover. Need to find another

Thanks Luke. Sorry to hear about your wrasse. AV had a few healthy ones for a good price.
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That pearlberry acro is just beautiful Richard, really shows just how well the tank is humming along mate. :thumbsup:
Went back a few pages and didn't see how you keep cal levels up for all these growing corals. Can you give a quick summery of the dosing methods? Any changes since you started?
This tank is absolutely TOTM worthy.
Ya I actually stopped in there this afternoon and brought one home haha

Awesome. They were all eating like pigs.

That pearlberry acro is just beautiful Richard, really shows just how well the tank is humming along mate. :thumbsup:

Thanks Biggles. I'm amazed how fast this one grows. It was a big booger size last year and now it's over 3". I think this is my favorite piece in the tank. :)

Went back a few pages and didn't see how you keep cal levels up for all these growing corals. Can you give a quick summery of the dosing methods? Any changes since you started?
This tank is absolutely TOTM worthy.

Thank you :) I am dosing B-ionic cal and alk via GHL doser. I think I'm about 110ml of each daily. I also dose 500ml of saturated kalkwasser with vinegar, which helps keep PH up and cuts down on the amount of 2 part a little bit :)
Richard, that Pearlberry looks amazing...truly one of the prettiest SPS corals around; up there with the Icefire from Aquascene...you got it looking its best. :beer:

Can you explain how you are dosing the Kalk? Ie how is the vinegar added? How are you preventing any overdose of Kalk? What equipment are you using etc?

My Fauna Marin doser is faulty so currently I am dosing kalk via my top off...but I am afraid one day I am going to forget to turn off the topup unit during a water change and overdose the kalk...so badly want an Apex...
Thanks Sahin. I have a 1.5L container that I fill with a saturated solution of Kalk, and add 6ml of vinegar. I dose it on a module as I do the 2 part. I am actually dosing 400ml daily, not 500ml. It's really a small amount of Kalkwasser to dose, but I was able to cut down on 2 part bout 30ml's per day……. so it's doing something :)