Even with the setback you had recently it looks great Rich! Still can't believe you went to all T5.
I agree with everyone on here. Tank looks really good! I love the look all t5 gives. Won't do it myself for other reasons, but many of my favorite tanks are all t5.
Hey buddy. Its been a few weeks with the T5's. How are things? Colours still good?![]()
What are your current thoughts?
Richard, I read about those blocks leaching Aluminium (Aluminum for you Americans...). I am not sure of any overall adverse effects. But just something to note I guess.
Good to hear overall success with the T5's. Hopefully long term will be the same or dare I say better?
Glad you're already seeing great progress with the T5s. It'll be interesting to see if you can control the pastel/lightening of the corals with more nutrients (KNO3) since you're promoting lighter colors through the marinepure and the T5s at the same time.
Either way I'm sure the end result will look stunning. So many ways to do reefing right.
Wow, I love the marine pure block and spheres! That's a ton of surface area!I've talked to several stores about the leaching aluminum and they have had no issues. I think the benefits far outweigh the alum leaching.
It's one of those things that look good on paper but I have yet to see the effect in person. I'm really curious to see what changes, if any, when this media becomes more established.
Anyway, I learned something new today. Never hold cup of coffee in one hand and a cup of defrosted mysis in the other. I accidentally took a sip of the wrong one:headwallblue::headwallblue:Nasty!!!!
Yes, I am very interested to see how the MP works in your tank. It could take several months before you see any results.
That's nasty about the mysis lol Hopefully it was PE mysis and not something else, I hear PE tastes much better :lol2:
Richard, if you know of guys using those blocks in SPS tanks and all is well then cool. I looked into those blocks a while back; particularly the blocks, but bought Sipora instead after reading the Aluminium issue.
Anyway, with regards to T5 and pastel colours...I have seen with my own eyes amazing colours on a full blown SPS tank at my LFS with an ATI Sunpower. Colours were deep and amazing. The tank prior to that had MH. But I'm not saying the MH was worse, maybe the tank wasnt in top condition when the MH were over the tank, but whoever was looking after the tank once the T5's went up, done a job so well, that the colours were POPPING!
That tank under T5's had the BEST colours I've ever seen. I think it is possible to get deep strong colours under T5. I am not so sure that ones PO4 or NO3 has to be higher than the usual paramters, but rather good, copipous amounts of food, together with lots of export.
Look forward to photos/videos in the future.
How do you like the 4 MP40 in there? Currently bulding a 36x36x24 cube and will be using 6x MP40 + 1000GPH return.
My current 60G cube with 100x turnover is laking flow...
Ive never had pastel colors with T5, always rich, deep color.
Looking forward to new pics with the t5.. Considering going to t5 myself.. They are more efficient than mh in terms of useable light production vs electricity.. And still better (imo) than led..
If you had a sip of the fish food slurry, maybe you should have given the reef some coffee.. Could be the next big secret to amazing colour and growth!![]()
Cool- still love that cabinet beside your tank..
Do you still have that crazy coloured tenuis piece that was up high in your reef? The one that was so multicolored it made you want to cry?? (If it wasn't in your tank, of course)
I think frags of it made it into a couple other reefer's tanks.. Was it reeflover? I may have the name wrong..
Wow, it certainly got big!
Acros.... Such finicky, prima donnas... They are never quite satisfied.... Kind of like the reefers who keep them...
Good luck with the re color up..
Looking good things have grown really well. What light are u using now