Yeah Yeah
I think your on the right path with your lighting schedule. I used to run all 8 bulbs for 8 hours per day and things didnt grow well. Dropped it to 6 full bulbs and 10 hours 2 bulbs now much greater color and things are growing again with better PE.
Good to know. I substituted the old metal halide photoperiod with the peak t5 photoperiod (which is 6 hrs). Seems to be a good place to start. I'm seeing corals react positively already. Better PE on some pieces and I see some increased growth in just 2 days.
Looks great Rich, shipping that thing had me crazy stressed!
Thank you Tyler. I can't believe someone didn't pick this up sooner. I would get from time to time for a 10 bulb ATI but pretty much gave up looking.... well, almost

Tank is looking great Richard. This will most certainly be a VERY good test; seeing how the ATI T5 stacks up against the mighty 400w 20K Radium.
I've been having crazy thoughts of going 400W Radium with T5 and LED over my 47G...:hmm4:
But deep down I dont think the results will be all that much different. And I will have to deal with crazy heat.
Can you take down top shots, as well as a long video (pausing a second or two above the corals) to get an idea of the state of corals now. And do a similar video in a couple of months. You have a similar video or two somewhere on your thread so it would be great to compare. :thumbsup:
You would definitely have to deal with more heat from a 400w, but not to bad from a single halide. I still love the 400w radium, and have no plans on selling my giesemann fixture. I just think the t5 will grow the SPS quicker and more densely than the halide. I've had this experience with halide vs t5 before on smaller tanks, and I have always admired good t5 tanks since (even though I ran halide). I may use the radium over a frag tank to bake crazy colors from some pieces.
You are getting primo colors on your SPS right now, and your pieces are getting larger. I wouldn't switch if I were you :clown: I'll get a video up soon

Good to see things coming back around Rich
You're going to love the T5's..............the only thing I miss about my halides is the shimmer lines. As mentioned be careful, they are more potent than 400w halides.
Thanks Ed. The tank is so evenly lit now. It's not as bright as the directly under the 400w obviously, but it's bright everywhere. I see SPS on the outskirts of the tank already waking up with more PE and growth.