Ultimate Reefer
Can you tell me more about this system? Was it carbon dosed? Was there a heavy bioload? High/low nutrient? etc.
I wish I wrote it all down.

Can you tell me more about this system? Was it carbon dosed? Was there a heavy bioload? High/low nutrient? etc.
jackson6745 said:I actually have 3 MP40 and 1 Tunze 6055 in there. Flow is very good. No dead spots in the tank, everything getting good flow even with all the SPS growth slowing it down somewhat. What do you plan on lighting the new cube with?
I wish I wrote it all down.It was a couple of years ago. I tried to ask my LFS guy, but he talks rubbish most of the time. I know the system had lots of fish and a large chaeoto bed alongwith a calcium reactor. They did dose some KZ Zeo items as I used to see the bottles inside the sump area. But it was not a zeo system. That tank now has Radions over it and looks crap. Not that its the LED fault.
T5s will give you plenty of rich color as long as there is some measurable nitrate, in my experience. The pastel tanks seem to be those that maintain zero Nitrates.
I see you got rid of the halides. Ya i am working on getting a powermodule hopefully. So hard to find bulbs for my DE.
Currently got 2x Hydra52 on my 60g cube, I'm planning between 4-6x 120w Hydra52/Radion G2-3. It should give me a good mix of color, I already got one radion G2 now. How much alk/Ca consumption / day?
Here is a quick cell phone pic for now. I'll get the SLR out later today hopefully and take more accurate shots .
IMG_4773 by rich colombo, on Flickr
Love your tank. Period.
Great fts. Great sps, fish and nice collection of acans and zoas!
Such a cool scape.
TyLove it !!
Beautiful mix of corals and fish