Any difference in that Hoek sahin?
Thanks Fail, glad you like it
echopiece, I never needed a chiller on any of my tanks before. I keep the room temp around 70F and I have a fan blowing across light fixture and water surface. Previous tanks rarely got above 82, this was also with multiple 400w halides.
NJKayakAngler, thanks. Where do you fish your kayak from? If you fish raritan bay, we probably crossed paths out there before. I cheat though and use an engine for my propulsion
Here is a FTS from the other day. There were some changes made. I moved and changed a few corals for better placement and color. Growth has been fast and I'm happy with the colors for now. I made the mistake of dosing aminos into this young tank and that's just what the cyano needed to take off. After a few weeks of siphoning and keeping the tank extra clean, it's growth has slowed. Cyanp is my least favorite thing about this hobby
IMG_7814 by
rich.colombo, on Flickr
Here is that red polyp acro 20 days later from the previous photo it. It seems to be growing at a good clip. The angle is slightly different though.
IMG_7661 by
rich.colombo, on Flickr
A SSC that I picked up 6 weeks ago. This is probably the faster grower in the tank.
IMG_7657 by
rich.colombo, on Flickr
A chunk of an aussie pink milli. Color is intense on this one. A lfs cut me a chunk from a big colony. Parts of this colony had purple growth tips. Hard to explain but it looked different than a snow cone type milli (frag of snow cone is next to it). The purple color was only on the tips and not on the pink body. Curious to see how this one will develop.
IMG_7656 by
rich.colombo, on Flickr