Well, it's been boring in some ways. I've been waiting for the tank to fill but it is now full. I have been doing a few other things:
Return Pump: Iredid the return plumbing so it's very neat and out the way of the way. I just had a temporary line up until now to get the water up there while it was filling. Now goes up the tank frame to the bottom of the tank, splits into a tee and then goes up next to the overflow boxes. I'm definitely not happy with the PanWorld pump. It's noisier thanmy Sequence 1000.

Going to replace that with a Velocity pump as a few members suggested in another thread.
PVC Rack Closed Loop: This was quite a shocker. I did my sand test and with 3 nozzles pointed down on each rack it was not clearing out the sand enough. I'm getting less flow that an MJ 400 on those nozzles. Do I decided that if I was going to keep that idea I needed to point all 6 nozzles down. So I redid that and did another sand test it was just perfect. All the sand was blown out and most of it to the back. I have a 5" space there to siphon detritus and I'm very happy with this method.
Skimmer: Plumbed in my Deltec 902 and having a bit of a problem getting it dialled in. I posted a
thread in the Deltec forum and received some most excellent detailed advice and setting it up. Some people say it took a few hours and some people say it took a few days for their skimmer to break in so I'm just letting it run and hopefully will see some skimmate today or tomorrow as it's been two days now.
The transformers still haven't arrived so I'm running the Sequence, the PanWorld return and the Iwaki (skimmer) and the skimmer's 2 Eheims at the moment. The 2 Finnex 500w heaters have brought the temperature up nicely and salinity is at 1.025.
I hope to plumb in one of the Dart closed loops today or tomorrow and do the Phosban/Carbon reactors plus the Tunze Osmolator.
Now a few questions.
1) So I have a running 450g system now. I have a 50g with about 50lbs of LR and I have 4 sponges in the fuge that should have collected alot of bacteria by now (2-3 months). If I transfer all that, will it contain enough bacteria to avoid a cycle? Would it help if I put the rock in and waited a while for the bacteria to spread about a bit? Should I split the rock between tank and sump?
Or should I just toss in a few frozen shrimp and do it the long way?
2) The noisiest thing in the tank room is not the pumps or skimmer but the resonating from skimmer portion of the sump. It seems the vibration from the Iwaki is travelling down the pipe and causing a hum to emanate from that portion of the sump. If I fill the sump up to the top the noise has no chamber so it's quiet so my options are raise up the baffle to the next section so the water level is higher or use some kind of soft pipe (tubing/spaflex etc). Any other options?