JapanReef - 450 gallon In-Wall system

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...rdmpe, wow that's a lot of heat output from one pump! I've got 2 Darts, a Sequence 1000, a PanWorld and 2 Iwakis on my system. But I'm not hooking up the 2 Darts for a while. I think I'll be streamlining this setup alot over the next year especially if those IceCaps pumps live up to the hype. :)... [/B]
Well, I've received some feedback from a few other dart owners, and I am pretty sure my dart is running hotter than normal for some reason. I spoke to sequence about it and I think I'll be getting a warranty replacement sent out. I have to call them monday about it. Here's a thread about the dart if you're interested. Other than the heat issue, I absolutely love the pump. It is super quiet and strong. If my next one runs cooler, I may buy a second dart for a sump return / skimmer / fuge feed which will replace a Tarpon and a mag 9. The dart thread: http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=6308602#post6308602
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6308431#post6308431 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog
I'm just afraid if I add the LR and my fish it will be too much load right away. I have:

2 Clarkii clowns
1 Coral Beauty
1 Yellow Tang
2 Chromis
1 6-Spot Goby
1 Yellow Watchman Goby

Shouldnt be an issue in that large a tank IME. As long as you have good skimming and that much water to buffer

I have done big switchovers with a lot more livestock including coral and had zero losses (except three weeks later when a heater stuck on...ouch!).

Sorry I have been following this thread and wondered one thing (apologies if you already addressed it). How are you preventing back siphoning in case of pump failure?
Meisen, but with bigger switchovers you have more Live Rock so more bacteria....

As for siphoning, I don't have anything to back siphon at the moment. I have 3 closed loops and the 2 two returns are via the two bulkheads at the top. At the moment they have adapters screwed in that just penetrate the surface so if I turn off the return it siphons a few millimetres. In the future I'll be putting in larger locline fittings from OceanMotions and I guess they will have to be drilled just below the surface.
I'm speechless... it looks wicked.. i'm just taggin along! I wanna see how it all turns out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6308022#post6308022 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NexDog

2) The noisiest thing in the tank room is not the pumps or skimmer but the resonating from skimmer portion of the sump. It seems the vibration from the Iwaki is travelling down the pipe and causing a hum to emanate from that portion of the sump. If I fill the sump up to the top the noise has no chamber so it's quiet so my options are raise up the baffle to the next section so the water level is higher or use some kind of soft pipe (tubing/spaflex etc). Any other options?

I had the same problem and it's documented and solved right here:

Thanks Psyire. I remember reading that thread when it was 2 pages long and good to see you found a solution. I'm going to ask Savko if they carry these rubber couplings because I haven't seen any before.
if you have no Joy with Savko Laurence, let me know by PM and ill send you a couple. They are approx $3-4 here.

Thanks Paul, appreciate it. Even with my soundproofing I could still hear the hum of the sump in the room above the tank room at night. My overflows are pretty quiet and the big Sequence is quiet but the Iawki and that PanWorld make up 80% of the noise. I think fine tuning a system to run quiet is a very big thing so just requires some fiddling (and yet more pumps).

My mum, brother and sister flew over to stay for Xmas so I haven't had much time to work on the tank. Also I just plain ran out of cash, lol.

If you like, PM me your address I'll mail you a hunk of this great padding my wife bought for the dog's crate. It's an exercise mat that she never used but is a great pump/vibration silencer pad. I think it was like $7 at Kmart or somwhere like that. I have it under all my pumps and where ever plumbing leans on somthing solid. Works great!

Between a good pad and flex hose you should see a big redux in noise.
Thanks Bax, really appreciate the offer. But I don't think that will solve it. The noise from the vibration comes from the sump as the motor frequency produces a mini vibration that can't even be heard from the pump itself but it travels up the pipe into the sump chamber which acts like an auditorium to produce this hum. Need to break the vibration's path to the bulkhead.
wow 17 pages and you dont even have it close to bein done yet

My take is the opposite. I can't believe how much he's gotten done so fast considering a whole new house is also in the works. I expect there are lots of things getting left unattended to work on the aquarium.
Oh yea! I can see my wife's face now when I tell her I can't hang that new dinning room light fixture because I have to wire up my new T-5 retros. HahahaHA!!

That'd go over real big!!!
Well, I think we moved in about 3 weeks ago and I have the stand in, tank on, PVC racks in, one CL hooked up, return plumbed, skimmer hooked up, light rack done and now thye access doors were put in. Plus the house had to be built, tank room was specially made and we had to move in. It's been an incredibly busy 6 months.

I'm actually very close to finishing but the main problem is cash now. With all the bills from building the house (furniture, appliances etc), I find myself a bit overextended. So I've decided to slow it down from now and get the system running smooth with nothing in it for a while to test it. And get it running quietly.

Transformers should be installed on the 24th so that will be another thing done.

But I have a problem. This morning I woke up to a sickening pump grinding sound in the tank room. My skimmer had finally broken in and dumped about 50 gallons on the floor, maybe more. So the return was running dry. If that pump runs dry for hours is it screwed? And how can I prevent this from happening?
Awesome. Think I'll get a few of those. Many thanks for this tip! Hate that pump anyway but I do need it until I get the Velocity.
Some pumps can handle running for hours or overnight without water, while others cannot.

With the same float switch system, you can set up a waste collector (a fancy one, or a simple bucket) that when full, the switch rises and kills power to the skimmer to stop the outflow of skimmate.
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