So here are results from the last ICP test I had done from Triton. This test is from December 6, 2017.
Thoughts and changes I have made because of this test. I let about 8 months go since the last time I had done a test so the results are some good some not so good. but over all I am pretty happy.
Titanium (W) is done a lot form the 320 reading I had last time. So I feel that the source of contaminate was in fact the Ecotech wet side assembly for my MD40. I'm not going to do anything about that as it seems to be going down on it's own.
Ca/Mg both high, I'll just lower the amount in the tank for a day or two and get them back in line. They had not been testing this high with my Salifert test, but maybe my tests are too old. I'll buy some new ones.
Potassium rose only slightly. I had dosed some potassium last year that rose the levels a little too much, it continues to stay at that level so I'll leave it be.
Strontium (Sr) and Boron (B), are about half of where I want them to be so I will raise the to Sr of 8-10 and B to 4-5.
Vandium, a little high, adjust the dosage.
Zinc, perfect, will keep dosing at the present levels.
Manganese, still zero. Will up the dosage a little bit again.
Iodine (I) is way too high, I had been dosing this and my numbers had been consistently good, between 30-40 but under 60ppm. I increased the dosage a little to try and get a little more I in the tank. I also mixed up a fresh batch of KI a few months ago, maybe I measured wrong and added too much. Whatever the reason, I immediately dumped out the trace elements mixture I was dosing (Zinc, Manganese and Iodine), and remixed a new batch using only Zinc and Manganese. So I will stop dosing and wait for those numbers to drop. Fortunately if remember correctly it gets removed from the tank pretty quickly so I so should be fine soon.
Phosphate (PO4) higher than I have ever had it. Corals look great though and little to no nuisance algae. I have not been dosing anything about this at all, I'll think about what if anything I need to do.