That's good to know. I was considering purchasing a Hanna just for ease of use so that I might check my Alk more frequently (I borderline on obsessive as it is). Guess I'll stick with my Salifert Test Kit.
Right, Salifert has always been my go to as well.
Hey JB, I tossed my Hanna meters a long time ago. I lost some corals because of false readings. I only trust the salient and use a back up f Red Sea for a positive number in case I see something just not sitting well with me. As far as po4 meters I went with a Milwaukee photometer, yes expensive but it's the best and doesn't shut off on you when it takes you longer than three minutes to dissolve the reagent.
On another note those Reefbrite LEDs are powerful as with most LEDs. I was the guinea pig for LEDs because of massive heat issues even with chillers on. I was an led aholic and couldn't pull away from them even when my acros were bleaching, browning, rtning and stning. I had a lot of money invested in to them and wanted to force my tank to make them work. Well a lot of time and money burnt literally in those long led years of my tank are coming to an end, I'll be using them for supplement dawn dusk and coral viewing fluorescence at night. I'm going back to my tried and trust never fail me 400 watt MH radiiums 20k with either Galaxy or coralvue ballasts or a mix of both. So glad I never sold them. So to end this hijack of mine on your thread JB lol I'll just say this. You made a thread of " LED's Suck Prove Me Wrong " somewhere and all I have to say is I can't prove you wrong. Your right!
Side question, why don't you have a natural gas generator, it's basically insurance for your tank and you can power certain other things in your house as well depending on the size of the generator. I'll never get caught without one of those again, the losses were greater than the generator and install.
Need to update my signature now, it should read 8 400watt MH's and 5 radion pros
Thanks for the info, that is exactly what problems I was having. I think that in many ways I didn't really believe that it was the problem. I mean, I measured the light PAR coming from the RB and it was slightly higher than my T5 lights, so I thought that there was no way it was the cause of my woes. I think that I really underestimated how much the blue LED could damage things.
While I do jump on many threads about LED The " LED's Suck Prove Me Wrong " thread author is jackson6745.
Awesome set up. I really like your aquascape.
Regarding your test kit problem, I have found that if I use a Salifert KH test kit over a long period (say over 6 months), towards the end, titration accuracy drops. I always use a separate reference solution (in addition to Salifert's own) to double check if a test reading looks unusual.
I would like to ask you a question. I would like to know how much light (if you have ever measured it with a quantum sensor) the coral shown in
this link receives in your tank.
I believe that I have exactly the same coral (see attachment). I bought it from
this shop. I hope that mine will look exactly like yours soon.
Thanks, I am much more aware of how I use my test kits now.
That coral was a Hawkin Echinata, it was under about 300 PAR, on the left side of the tank slightly lower than midway down from the top.
Sorry about the tank issues Joe. Hopefully all is well.
I tossed my Hanna stuff in the useless tank stuff cupboard a few years ago. My Hanna ULR Phosphorus meter was only as good as the reagents...some reagent batches were useless.
I use Salifert for most of my tank parameters. They are very cheap too.
I dont trust Redsea test kits either...plenty of bad reviews over the years on UK forums on some of the kits.
Salifert, Elos and API are my chosen brands.
Thanks Sahin, no worries mate it's all part of the journey. The set backs are what make you appreciate the success.
Salifert are my go to kits as well. I had bad luck with the Red Sea kits too.
Bummer on the Alk issues and coral losses

Very good info on the lights, i had played with the idea of setting up an LED bar with royal blue only between the T5 fixtures. Now if i do, i will go with no lenses and with dimming capabilities. I'm with you on the Hanna test- i thought they were awesone til i tested the salifert reference solution and was over 1DKH off. No hanna testers for me ever again. I'm near the end of a salifert Alk test kit and i tested the reference and was spot on, you just need to carefully clean the syringes between tests to ensure no drift.
I use the Milwauke(Martini) phosphate colorimeter and its very good and repeatable.
Thanks Matt. Yeah I was bumbed about both the hanna and the Reefbrites, both of those I bought when restarting the tank to give myself some fun things play and get excited about the tank a little more, Both ended up not being nearly as good for my tank as I had hoped.
I clean out my test kits each time I am finished using them. I have had good luck with the Hanna PO4 HI 93713, tested it a few times against a hach spectrophotometer that a buddy of mine has and it's been pretty spot on so far.
Salifert kits with the cute red sea bottle holders for the shakin (titration).
Sorry about the Alk issue, I don't think I trust any of the kits. I swirl the salifert fluid every test to hopefully prevent any inaccuracy creeping in as I get to the bottom of the bottle.
Mark, I get the same feeling sometimes, it's easy to get frustrated with some of the readings we get once in a while.
Joe, sorry to hear about the storm and alk issues.. It's always one step forward then two step back!
I have always found that when a new tank is in the process of reaching its stability stage, LEDs really mess with the corals, but once a system is rock solid, the corals can thrive under them... I am seeing so many phenomenal sps tanks under Radions, these days..
Don't want to really use you as a guinea pig... Well maybe a little... But I'd be curious to see if you had the same problem with the reef brites in 6 months or so..
Having said this, I did read recently that Jo Peck had a similar issue as you... I think he had used hydra 26s
Now.... You said something about new frags!!!!!gotta see'em.
Thanks, Matt as I told Sahin, The setbacks are what make you appreciate the success.
I am sure when the tank has some more mature colonies I will play with the LED some more, for now, just some nighttime viewing with them at low levels.
Frag pictures are coming up!
Good luck with V2. I remember your tank from back in the day and always thought it was one of the best. Nice to see a bunch of RC vets chiming in too.
Many thanks, that was such a good tank sometimes I wish I had it back.