JBNY's 270 Ver2.0

Unbelievable how fast those colonies grew! The tank looks fantastic Joe! Have you noticed another trace element drifts in your testing? Could you do a quick rundown of your current dosing and routine? Thanks in advance:)
Beautiful, loved the video. Just tiny sticks a few weeks ago it seems. :D I know I've said it before but the dimensions of that tank are fantastic, seems like just the right amount of space.
Sorry for the absence. September is always busy in real life.

Most certainly is!

Thanks you!

Just stunning!! Your p. tuka are just gorgeous!! I wish I had the confidence to give them a whirl!

I thought they were hard but now that I have had them a while I don't know why they worked out so well this time. I've tried before with limited success but this time they are all doing great.

Joe, That is fantastic video of your reef tank.
Thanks for sharing mate.

Thanks, the tank is really showing it's best right now. I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

That is totally crazy, Joe.
I think that granulosa down at the bottom is looking better.
I can NOT, for the life of me, keep granulosa.
Stunning colonies!!

Thanks Matt, That granulosa was just tossed down there and I never moved it because I wasn't happy with the coloration, now it's so big I don't know what to do with it!

Awesome Joe love how the frag rack has colonies growing off it now

Right, my indecision on where to put frags it shwoing, they are turning into colonies.

Wow. Just... wow. Your tank looks amazing.

Many thanks for the kind words.

Nice video! Tank is looking great, love the fish selection. Once again your growth rates on your corals is to be envied, well done all around.

Thank you very much! I went from little frags and being like "when are these corals going to start growing"? to "please slow down"!


Look fantastic, really starting to explode with growth, and great colors.

Thanks, the tank is alot more colorful in real life.

It's so impressive how fast your tank has turned into a mature and colorful reef. Loved the video!

I'm glad you liked it!

The colonies have growth out beautifully. Very nice!

Mnay thanks Rich!

Holy Jesus! I followed this tank from when it was bare rocks and vendor frags. Ive been off these forums for several months and come back to this! Holy Jesus! Looks fantastic. My tank has been up twice as long and my corals are half as big which is still pretty big. Looks like I have to go back and find out when you started adding the secret sauce! Congratulations man truly inspiring!

Haha, my threads might be long but they eventually have a pay off. First page of this thread is a practically bare tank!

Spectacular Joe!

Thnaks Bill!

Unbelievable how fast those colonies grew! The tank looks fantastic Joe! Have you noticed another trace element drifts in your testing? Could you do a quick rundown of your current dosing and routine? Thanks in advance:)

I really haven't noticed any drifting with the colors. Everything has been pretty consistent. The only noticeable changes in color occur with a rise and fall of Nitrates, and then it is really just going from lighter colors to darker. 15-20ppm the colors get too dark and you start to lose color, and 0 ppm and everything is too light. 5-10ppm is the sweat spot for me. But This is what I am dosing.

Triton Base Elements for basic Alk/Ca/mag and trace elements.
Vanadium and Strontium every two weeks
Zinc, Manganese, and Iodine weekly
Nitrates every 3 days (used to be everyday but with the amount of fish and feeding I only do every 3 now)
Microbe-Lift Special Blend every 2 weeks

That is indeed a beautiful tank, testament to a dedicated reefer

Thanks you! Never give up the fight!

Beautiful, loved the video. Just tiny sticks a few weeks ago it seems. :D I know I've said it before but the dimensions of that tank are fantastic, seems like just the right amount of space.

Thanks Mark, I agree this is my favorite tank size before you start getting into some truly large tanks.
Oh my, how are you keeping that large school of purple queen anthias going? Mine always waste away 1 by 1 and mess up nutrient levels
Thanks guys, the tank is really looking great. But I am going to have to get in there and start doing some serious fragging soon.

Excellent growth....miss the stags though....

I don't miss the stags, they grow to fast fast and too big. For me they are one of those corals like montipora that grow so big so fast that they take over the tank very quickly. I think they are both beautiful corals but I don't want them in my tank.

Oh my, how are you keeping that large school of purple queen anthias going? Mine always waste away 1 by 1 and mess up nutrient levels

Once they are eating they are fine, but if you can't get them to eat they will slowly waste away. :(
How many months in the making for the current FTS?

Just under 2 years about 20 months

Looks amazing!

Thank you

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Wowza - looking fantastic Joe!

Thanks Matt!

Absolutely stunning reef! Love the fish collection too. Very nice work.

Thanks, I'm not really a fish guy but I really do love the fish I currently have in this tank.

Such a beautiful tank, great job Joe!

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Thanks James!

Colors are really popping now!

Thanks Rich, I couldn't be happier with the colors I have. Well we can always try for more, but I'm pretty satisfied right now. :)