JCole's big ol empty box(at the moment)

Sump has to fill too...

That's already filled. Hopefully I will have it all flowing by end of this weekend.

It's alive! Tank is up and running and connected to the existing system. I had to throw up two metal halides just for fun. I am in love so far! It's been a long time since I had halides. My kids came in and said "WOW, it looks like the ocean" The reflection on the floor and ceiling is amazing!




Next thing to do is run two new dedicated circuits for the lights and then order the canopy. Hopefully, I will have livestock in it by November.
I am going a different route with flow. The locline was way to intrusive and took away from the tank. I will just use locline in the back.
I was thinking of putting two large pumps at the bottom corners in the back to push flow and detritus down the length of the tank. If needed, and against my better judgement, I will out a gyre on the front top middle if needed.

Has anyone used the Tunze Stream 3+ pumps before on a long tank? They look like they can do the work and rated to push over 9'.

I haven’t used Tunze pumps but I’ve always heard you can never go wrong with Tunze. Is your hood going to meet the tank edge? If so, could run a closed loop coming from above and hide the piping in the hood? Idk. Just really spitballing ideas
I haven’t used Tunze pumps but I’ve always heard you can never go wrong with Tunze. Is your hood going to meet the tank edge? If so, could run a closed loop coming from above and hide the piping in the hood? Idk. Just really spitballing ideas

That was the original plan. I was going to pipe and install eight loclines but it was just to obstructive. Really took away from the tank.


I am currently looking at three options. I know things on the front glass will be obstructive, but I am looking at a lot of limited flow upfront.

Flow option #1 - Return Loclines at the top of the back left and right corners(yellow) and MP60s(red) in the bottom back left corner and bottom front right corner. This should create a circular flow, which I think would work. I'm just concerned about the MP60 on the front because I don't know if it will be easy to hit and knock off.

FLOW #1.jpg

Flow option #2 - I think this will be the best for flow, but again, I am still concerned about the front MP60. Loclines returns(yellow) in both top back corners, MP60s(red) on the back and front bottom corners, and GYREs(green) on the back left middle and front right middle.

FLOW #2.jpg

Flow option #3 - This will be the cheapest option as I already have the gyres and I will not have to worry about hitting the MP60. However, this might not be enough flow around the entire tank, maybe? Loclines return in the back top corners(yellow), and Gyres in the back left and front right middle.

FLOW #3.jpg

What do you think about this?
What do you think about this?
I think you should have thought about this already


All kidding aside.. I’d drain the tank, drill some holes in bottom and put 4 Vectras on closed loops. pulling n pushing from bottom

No return lines to look at
No gyres

Maybe some mp 60 down the road on back
Wall if need be
I think you should have thought about this already


All kidding aside.. I’d drain the tank, drill some holes in bottom and put 4 Vectras on closed loops. pulling n pushing from bottom

No return lines to look at
No gyres

Maybe some mp 60 down the road on back
Wall if need be

I did, and unfortunately, I won't do closed loops. I know they are amazing and the best thing since sliced bread for flow, but I have a huge paranoia about a bulkhead leaking and 500 gallons going all over my floor. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too.
If it makes you feel any better I’ve installed a lot of Hayward schedule 80 bulkheads and have never had one fail

Plumbing yes
Pumps yes
Weird unexplainable stuff, yes

But never a Hayward schedule 80 BH
Well I don’t know much about lockline, but is it trimmable? I honestly don’t think it will look as bad as you think it does once coralline grows on it and you have a tank full of corals and fish for people to focus on.

That said, going through your three options, I have never used MP anything so no clue how easy or not it is to knock off the end. The few that I’ve seen seem to be huge though and may be more detractor than the locline. I think the gyres will be the cleanest but definitely understand the possible flow issue.

I think if you have your returns set in place, I’d put your scape in and then do flow around that as that would tell you where any dead spots may be and where adjustments may need to occur
Well I don’t know much about lockline, but is it trimmable? I honestly don’t think it will look as bad as you think it does once coralline grows on it and you have a tank full of corals and fish for people to focus on.

That said, going through your three options, I have never used MP anything so no clue how easy or not it is to knock off the end. The few that I’ve seen seem to be huge though and may be more detractor than the locline. I think the gyres will be the cleanest but definitely understand the possible flow issue.

I think if you have your returns set in place, I’d put your scape in and then do flow around that as that would tell you where any dead spots may be and where adjustments may need to occur

It is, but even then it would still stick out like a sore thumb in my opinion. Not to mention a pipe going across both sides of the tank will get in the way especially when trying to reach the middle of a 48" tank.

I still think it was a good idea and I am glad I had them drill the holes. I just will use that as my last resort if needed.
Not sure if you saw this thread…something to consider perhaps?

Yeah I seen those. In my opinion they are just way too much $$$$ and I really don't like the look of them. They push a TON of flow though.
I ended up going with two MP60s. I will either put both at the bottom front corners to push along the bottoms or one in the back corner and front opposite corner. I will also more than likely put a gyre in the top front and back middles if needed.
Both return pumps are up and running and plumbing is finally 100% complete. I had to redo both of my return lines coming into the tank because they were in the way of the MP60s. Cut and moved return lines and mounted MP60s. I now have FLOW!!! Flow is blasting to the front of the tank now. I will end up putting one or two Gyre's on the front up top to help with flow returning to the back.

Little man helping me with the T-slot canopy today. Hopefully if all goes to plan then canopy will be built and halides will be up and running by tonight.
